
Voting to LEAVE edition

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crayon pop

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how did your dad even find a gf

must have been a giganormoid

our nige

might take someone's willy in and out of my bum very fast



Poleaboo is righteous

girl here, voting remain :3

>people actually admire the Johnny come lately Farage for being a Brexiter
Corbyn was anti-EU in the 70s you mugs.

vote remain lads

what was poleaboo like in secondary school?

when he stopped working on ships

Corbyn is a senile cunt who doesn't know his arse from his foot

I wish I knew poleaboo in real life.

tfw no robot friend to play digimon with

would unironically rather have the bike than rachel

try cooking dinner in a kitchen next time then

wish niggers would have a jazz renaissance

Just got back from Dylan's bar mitzvah AMA

>check it out dudes i know information that you might not know
>you're all stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!! der!!!!!!!! derr!!!!

keep Britain great forever!

ye its called rap


Got my postal vote today

voted to leave lads

So did my family


>falling for an establishment shill because he has edgelord meme opinions

good lads

Corbyn wants to give Ireland NI and Argentina the Falklands

Don't give a shit what he wants, after that all of his opinions are meaningless to me

farts smell absolutely rancid whatever I had last night did not help

if someone walked into my room right now they'd be convined of a smell of death

corbyn is god tier. hes the british bernie sadners

ye but that's shit
jazz is good


What edge lord opinions?

>He's the British Bernie sanders
As in, he's a retard that will NEVER EVER win? Ahahaha

Shitposting from Freud's garden lads

Top man

potato famine

>votes remain
>emigrates to australia
>looks out of window while flying over the english channel
>entire english channel is filled with pakis from france floating over on rubber dinghies

get fucked all you normie cunts who bullied me in school, good luck ever buying a house when they all get given to ahmed.

>i want the elites to cuck me forever because of my love for the falklands and northern ireland

girl here ama

Poleaboo doesnt want a cunt like you as a friend

Reminder to vote leave so we get Pokemon at the same time as the rest of the world

got nothing to do lads, NOTHING to do. so I'm just gonna play video games all day lads. 23 years old and still playing video games, lads!

>what was poleaboo like in secondary school?
A little overweight
One of the top 3 students in the year but it was a shit school
Fortunately another lad befriended me and that led to more friends
Ended up losing all my friends
Got bullied occasionally
Cried a couple of times in class (ones when a boy was calling me "fat boy slim" and the second time when I didn't know the answer to a question in Urdu class (mum made me do it, I wanted to do French))

I was quite scruffy, I didn't groom

wish I had Swiss/US dual citizenship

Corbyn is the elite

Why does everyone on /brit/ have a postal vote? Aren't they for old biddies and disabled people who can't get down to the polling booth? You're all students or unemployed, you'll be free on the day.


what the fuck did he say that was wrong
seriously, what. it's a definite fucking possibility

qt and elegant

will the uk have an independence day when we vote leave

Poleaboo would love to hang out in real life with someone, it might awaken him from this daze

Are you anywhere near Manchester?

How do we achieve world peace?

what a loser!

Nah mate just don't want taxed 50% of my wages just to fund the useless parasitic existence of the NEETS present on this thread

I still played games at 23

I still play games today

wow ok

*notices you, a fine, slender, aryan woman*
*lights cigar, smirking*
And how might I help you, m'lady?

less hassle you knob

don't like it when people over-complicate things :3


You're an idiot

if brexit happens or corbyn doesn't get elected then I'll post my card details here

going to nip out to tesco to get a few things for din dins, what do you lads want?

uuuuhh, I'd lick that bike seat.

t. hyper enlightened NEET clinging to whatever petty pride he can scramble together


haha same except i wasnt overweight and didnt cry and also wasnt one of the top students

but i was shy and a bit scruffy, had friends but got bullied occasionally

implying the eu treats you as bad as you treated the rest of the world

how far the empire has fallen. now playing the victim

I am in Wigan

>literal paki defending sex attacks

Why am I not surprised

Rule Britannia, vote to leave.

>And how might I help you, m'lady?

been struggling to get fully erect last few days :/

Iced buns 4 pack

>New ficki ficki "Germans" get citizenship
>can now travel anywhere in the EU

What happens to EU students if the UK actually leaves?

in all fairness i think it'd be alright if we gave NI a vote on whether they wanna rejoin the rest of ireland
falklands should stay british though

He's a psychotic paki stalker sounds like a great catch

please take this mindnumbing political vomit to Sup Forums

i want my gimm gimms

>i'm voting to remain

lads, you gradually get more confident as you get older right?

you'll probably be allowed to finish your courses desu

Is that limmy show with the weird Scottish bloke worth a watch lads?

Half an hour on the train

Do you want to maybe do something together?

*dances into /brit/*


if they'd vote leave it would take forever to fully get out of the EU anyway

look at this fucking dog

If a vote took place it would be for the whole island

It's funny sometimes

Not all the time though


Hope you all get immediately booted

They fuck off hopefully

l-like 4 years?

oath it is hahhahah im laughing just thinking baout it


yeah but you literally have less testosterone so consider that

are lad andy is doing decent

murray's gonna lose
he just cannot beat this man

Immediately deported and any progress in your course is binned

Protestants still have a majority. Wait 20 years though, then the Catholics will be the majority and will vote for unification. When that happens, you'll get civil war because Northern Irish Protestants are animals.


Stay where you are you whale killing paki

mmm yes roast pork tonight

Already dreaming of the crackling
