Try Arch for a month

>try Arch for a month
>easy to install
>nothing special
>AUR is absolute convoluted shit
>packages are OUTDATED compared to Debian or Ubuntu
>NOTHING worth all the hype it gets

Why is this piece of shit distro being shilled so hard by Linux newfags?

It's actually shilled by windows shills trying to get newfags to linux using more complicated distros than linux mint or ubuntu, which work out of the box barring edge cases.

microshit is legit worried about linux

wreks 4 me!

Because it's literally Gentoo for retards.

>>packages are OUTDATED compared to Debian or Ubuntu
You've never installed Arch. Get out.

Oh look it's this thread again

Is like install gentoo, but worse.

>>packages are OUTDATED compared to Debian or Ubuntu

>Is like install gentoo
fuck of windows nigger arch and gentoo are literally opposites

>packages are OUTDATED compared to Debian or Ubuntu
Name THREE (3)

Ubuntu is fuck all, but Debian Sid is generally on par with Arch.

But Gentoo are for retards as well

KAWAII desu. user introduce me to your wallpaper gf.

No, both of them are for autist users that want to spend an entire day to do a simple task just to look "cool"

So what you're saying is they're both linux distros
We know that though.

Microsoft is actively contributing to Linux and is also using it, and soon will share some distros in its own Store. So you are a retard.

t. toddler
the most similarity between arch and gentoo is the rolling release
otherwise there completely different

Nice trip.

The user-friendly distros aren't that autistic, or at least them try

>packages are OUTDATED compared to Debian or Ubuntu

>packages are outdated


OP just got to new level of faggotness

>shilled so hard
get meemed

t. pajeet from canonical

Amdgpu pro

>outdated software for ourdated hardware
what do you expect?

I moved to arch after Debian took forever to package VLC 2.0 but arch had it out the next day

>Amdgpu pro
>Last updated: 2017-04-08 22:36
>not flagged outdated
>complains about being outdated on Sup Forums instead of flagging it

>spend an entire day to do a simple task
How fucking slow do you type?

> amdgpu pro
> need manual installation on Ubuntu ("user friendly"
> one click install on AUR
> Last updated 04/2017