Windows 10 asks for update

>Windows 10 asks for update
>Disable it
>mfw PC turns itself on in the middle of the night and re-enables it

It's for your own good, faggot.

Well, in his defense it shouldn't be forced.

Imagine someone forcing you to wear a helmet as soon as you touch your bicycle.

You mean like seatbelt laws?
Or mandatory car insurance?
Or property tax?
All shit you're forced to deal with for shit you already own?

Is Sup Forums actually too stupid to configure windows or are you all pretending to be retarded?

>using an os that has to have a patch every day, restart your computer 12 times to apply the patch, and if you don't apply the patch you are vulnerable to 650 severe 0 day exploits

2 months later then you come to Sup Forums crying how a memeware encrypted your reddit frog images and now asks a small price of $300 to give them back.

>Imagine someone forcing you to wear a helmet as soon as you touch your bicycle.
You have described the European Union. You can get fined for transporting a bike without a helmet. The law was passed with the intent of removing the loophole where you could just get off the bike and say
>No officer I certainly was not riding it without a helmet.

Ay, at least they they don't force the seatbelt on when one is sleeping and the car is off.

Not a good comparison, nor a good argument for forced updates.


>windows asks for update
>disable it
>get hacked

Fucking wangblows and its shitty security

Yeah no

>Not a good comparison
It's a perfect comparison because the only time windows updates is a nuisance is when it's trying to interrupt you, which they've specifically designed it around to stop doing.
Set active hours. Set a restart time. Tell it "Update at 2am" and then turn your computer off when you got to bed.

REALLY don't like it? Install an educational license or enterprise license.
Microsoft is specifically trying to prevent what happened with WannaCry from happening with W10 by basically just saying "Fuck you, we're not letting you assholes run 50% of the marketshare with unsecured systems and infect everybody else" because it's a headache for everybody involved.
Is it MUH FREEDOMS? No. But if you were expecting that from a 25 year legacy codebase you need to readjust priorities.

>Set active hours. Set a restart time. Tell it "Update at 2am" and then turn your computer off when you got to bed.
that was very fun when it decided to run an update in the middle of a 32 hours batch job

And if it really chaps your ass there are scripts out there that rotate the active hours once an hour so it never actually exits that timeframe. There are countless solutions to this annoying problem but you clearly haven't tried looking for more than half a second.

Also stop running batch jobs on consumer versions of windows, ask your boss for a fucking enterprise key

>property tax
That violates the NAP

>you clearly haven't tried looking for more than half a second
i had no idea i had to. restarting without asking is just incredibly retarded.
>ask your boss for a fucking enterprise key
what boss? who would employ me to write computer vision applications for my chinese cartoons? where can i apply?

It's a pc not a state you live in.

The user is the "dictator" of the computer.

DESU that security hole was found out during the vault7 leaks. Them not patching it immediately means they simply do not care about security.

Pajeets out in full force today, huh?
How much did you get for that post?

>i had no idea i had to
It's windows. Annoying restarts have been a part of it for over a decade.

>what boss?
Well now you know, get an active hours rotation script.

They had patched it back in March you dingus

lol i just switched to gentoo after i realized it killed my script, i don't have anything windows only anyway

If it didn't update you would bitch about how insecure it is once u got a virus

Huh, doesn't do that to me when I disabled updates via group policy. Then again I'm not tech illiterate like Linux babies are.



You know what, they should make all those things optional so we would have less stupid people in this world. That's why we have funnel clouds.

>make tax optional
>nobody pays
>die because no government

Not in the Netherlands. Helmets are optional here on bicycles.

Maby we need to wipe the slate clean. The economy is a ticking time bomb, people are getting too fat, people are getting too damn triggered and offended by everything for everyone else. DESU

Until you realize that you are only licensing the software that you run and that you don't actually own the copy

Every Mac user

>I cannot live without the government dictating what I can and cannot do
statists lmao

>people getting too fat and offended by everything

Only in America

OP was hungry for (you)s, but fresh out of ideas for a thread. So he decided to post something retarded on Sup Forums. Since most of the users there are retarded too, he knew nobody would be able to discern his shitpost from a real discussion. They'll give replies to anything. And so OP found his favorite image and made up a story about windows 10 doing something he told it not to do, because he knew linux and windows 7 tinfoil fags would believe it. He hit post, and (you)s came pouring in.

That's what I meant, and people want to come to this country.

I'm sorry, I'll find my way out of Sup Forums to Sup Forums