Delet NSA
Delet NSA
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Saged, hidden, called the cops.
Reported to NSA
makes me happy when government employees get killed
Shaquille o'neal really changed bruh
>taxation is theft
When will this nonesense end?
>When will this nonesense end?
It will end when they stop taxing us and stealing our money.
You're welcome to ask people nicely to respect Contract law and they're welcome to stab you in the face and steal your shit as there'd be no cops to stop them.
Its not theft how else would the government pay to stay active?
people get away with murder every day
What's even cuter is how much of a pussy you are, and that you will do nothing. Can you redneck hashtagnorthernaggression walking accidents actually start coming onto the streets more so my brothers can keep beating the shit out of you faggot ;) kill yourself
Are ameriniggers Sup Forums now?
Regardless of how you feel about taxation, be it good or bad, it is undeniably theft. You are forced to pay money or go to prison, there is no other option.
fancy seeing you here comrade :))
>it is undeniably theft
it isn't. It's you giving money to the government for your continued stay in a place protected by rule of law.
Regardless of whether the taxes are being spent efficiently, that's why you vote for governments that align with how you think the tax should be spent.
Also, libertarians are fucking retards, if you don't like tax, move to fucking africa.
america was built with taxes
>It's you giving money to the government for your continued stay in a place protected by rule of law.
Fair enough, so remove taxes that create a conflict of interests between the government and those who benefit from the gibs. Remove all needless taxes and safety nets. I need a standing army, someone to create simple, broad legislation to protect against scams, theft and acts of violence, a police force and a branch that enforces the law. Nothing else.
Getting the benefits of government without payment in kind is undeniably theft.
>put me in charge!
The constitution gives the federal government the power to levy taxes you fucking loser
Yeah they are, so what are you going to do about it?
buy and island and gather those things then
Where can I get that shirt? It's pretty fucking funny, yet true.
Unfortunately, most libertarians tend to be
>temporarily embarrassed millionaires
they don't have that kind of money now, but one day man, one day, you just watch!
I don't think it should be illegal to exist. want to own land and live by your own means? nope you have to pay daddy government. they want steady inflation, better not save your money they want you unsettled, it's disgusting and people who think it's the way it should be are sick.
>state controlled army and police
just another dumb clueless statist
>live by your own means
There's no such thing.
they stole the pitchfork logo
>When will this nonesense end?
When moochers stop becoming government pets voting for government gibmedats.
Thymed. Get the fuck out.
an-cap trash
>show face outside of California
>get shot
Antifa only exists where the government allows it to exist.
Suicide is an option
Leaving the country is an option
>give me money or I throw you in prison
>implying I choose to gain those benefits, or for the government to build them at all.
If i went into your bank account, took all your money out, and bought a ton of toilet seats or something and gave them to you, would that not be mad that I stole your money?
Is his shirt printed backwards?
I'm loving that shirt
Violate the NAP pay the price
Who is this BASED black?
Wow he's so BASED.
I wish I was a BASED black man instead of some pathetic white person who colonized and destroyed this BASED black man's culture and heritage.
Fuck white people. Absolutely BASED black
fuck off back to the, stormcuck
>Taxation is theft
That's why we need an assault rifle, faggot.
Stop falling for muh objectivism meme