What's your favorite IDE, Sup Forums?

What's your favorite IDE, Sup Forums?

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packagecontrol.io/packages/Boxy Theme


Eclipse with purple theme and 435 extensions and visual studio with every module installed

Install Gentoo

No thanks, i'm already using Red Hat on my laptop.

It's pretty good with IdeaVim

im using sublime text editor for now, why is it so hard to simply change the background to whatever color you want? i HAVE to pick one of these shitty themes? are you serious?

I use Vim on Gentoo.

Sublime has a god-tier default theme.


Ed, gcc, make, gdb, etc...

He said IDE, not OS


Open the default theme, edit it and save under User/ package


Microsoft Word

I like all of jetbrain's stuff

R Studio

Micro is the patrician choice.

Have any of you used QT Creator? How does it compare to VS for C++?

>wasting precious KBs on Vim


no thanks I'm not gay

>wasting precious GBs on VS


Visual Studio

>Lizard editor
Admit it you are a reptile fucker.

All the Jetbrains stuff.

RubyMine for Ruby
WebStorm for JS
PHPStorm for PHP

I use Sublime 2 for basic stuff though.


Sublime is great for simple shit like Python. I love the default dark theme.


Eclipse is my favorite IDE.

vim is my favorite text editor.

Not an IDE but I use vscode for development and vim if I want to quickly change something in a file via terminal.


Gnome builder.

Atom/Visual Code
I don't use vim or Emacs because im not autistic and live a very nice social life.

>choice in software
>having anything to do with your social life
epik meme

My development experience is certainly limited but I have made multiple attempts at picking up programming starting back in 2005 when I was just a kid and iti never went anywhere. This time I used a book on Visual Studio and VB as well as a book on general logic and 4 months later I can make desktop applications and websites with a ton of features.
I would say that it is my definitely my favorite. I enjoy being able to just drag and drop together a UI and double click the elements to code event handlers. Database backends are easy to do on the scale I've tried. Really simple to add modules and shit.
I fell flat on my face with C, Python, Bash, etc but now I feel like I can actually make things.

there's a lesser chance you are mentally capable and healthy if you use Vim or Emacs, its made for autistic people to feel like snowflakes.

Just to add the book I read on logic also went into detail about good practices regarding naming conventions, comments, use of constants. It also covered pseudocode, flowcharting, and deskchecking all of which I actually use now. It's much easier to sit down with a pen and paper and draw up the UI and important bits of logic and then implement and debug it in VS. I know this goes totally against what most people will tell you but all I'm saying is it worked for me.
How much is to be credited to VS as an IDE I cannot say but it is very easy to work with.



>wasting precious office space on programmers

[citation needed]

my man. ed is the true editor and the solution to all editor wars. the ultimate wysiwyg editor and on nearly every unix system. anything else is pure bloat.
>using vim
>3MB of bloat
>using ed
>42KB of pure functionality

Microsoft word

What do you guys use for C++?
I'm going to start a large non-windows cpp-centric project soon and have only ever worked with small python files in vscode

Android Studio

i like PyCharm a lot especially since upgrading to a newer memepad. python is easy to write without an IDE, but with autocomplete and the jetbrains tools it's crazy fast to write. feels much more natural and less clunky, like the pace is right.

though i suppose i'm most attached to Visual Studio because it helps my employer deposit $90k a year in my bank

Do you have brain damage?

Visual Studio Code

Oh hey I know exactly where you work. It's in Texas, isn't it?

I used to exclusively use Vim in college just because it was already there in the terminal and we all used Linux for assignments, but at work it's all Windows so I've been using Sublime Text 3, and someone pinch me, I almost like it more now.

When I started, I used qtcreator. It is a good IDE, it automatically pauses terminal applications so you can read the output and has the qtdesigner built in if you want to make at applications.
It is light on memory, but uses more CPU than other IDE's.
Unless you are the kind of person who starts by including every possible namespace, it is not a problem.

But if you do work with large codebases, I would recommend kdevelop.
It is the Kate editor with a few tools around it to make it a good IDE.
It will spend a lot of time indexing everything and then you get the analysis. But since it is just Kate, it will start instantly and you can work while that is happening and at most you loose the context based syntax highlighting in that time.
There is loads of things I dislike about kdevelop, the syntax coloring and the indentation scheme is not exactly how I want it, but it uses Kate, so I use it for now.

The editor in qtcreator is decent, but not as good.

How does sublime compare to Kate?
I have heard a lot more people use it, but don't know why.

Kdevelop 5 for c++
Intellij IDEA for everything else

I use VSCode on windows for powershell & F#
On linux I'll use VSCode, geany, spacemacs or vim depending on what mood im in.

Try VSCode. It's surprisingly great. Fast with clean (not cluttered) user interface. I've switched all my development to this editor.


The nonfree atom clone?
If I would ever move away from Kate, I would get something better than Kate.

VS for the money I've made using it

Delphi 7 for the comfy "last of the 90s as fuck" feels

never even heard of Kate, sorry m8.

>ITT: idiots who think text editors are IDEs


Many text editors are becoming so sophisticated that they are blurring the lines between IDE and simple editor, smug anime girl.

Sublime has become such a full-featured editor that with plug-ins, project management support and a full-blown dev console, it wouldn't be a stretch to call it an IDE for web development.

Install Boxy theme.
packagecontrol.io/packages/Boxy Theme

>The nonfree atom clone
it's opensource and much better than atom

Reninder that Notepad++ dev is an SJW cuck and xis editor has built in CIA backdoor ;^)


Captcha: EXIT -tard

But better than shit is not a good argument.
Do you shills not get a list of features to read or something?

Here is an example.
Vim is better than Kate because you can type :r and insert text from a file or the output of command, where in Kate you have to put it into xclip.

Emacs is far more than a text editor. I'd certainly count it as an IDE.

what is it with programmers lacking critical thinking and being manbabies in general?

waaaa my political views don't match with yours waaaaah uninstall my software waaaaaaah


Visual Studio Code

Mah nigga

Cevelop anyone?


>visual studio
>visual studio code
>android studio

wow it sure is getting summer

Visual Studio > JetBrains > other > dogshit > Eclipse

>he rents his software

o im laffin

Sublime text 3

>the ultimate wysiwyg editor
More like wygiwyg

Your OS is an IDE. Mine is Devuan Jessie.

CodeLite for C++, Atom for everything else

it's pretty good, much lighter than VS ofcourse, has a nice designer and the autocomplete works well
I only used it once for a QT project, but everyone keeps praising it and saying it works just as well for regular C++

>implying vscode isn't superior in every way
if you want an easy to use editor, use vscode.
if you want a lightweight editor, use vim.
everything else should be discarded and thrown into the trash

>My computer is from 1986

>Not a server


intellij for java, kotlin and scala
vscode for everything else

I use both Atom and VS.
There is nothing better than atom on the market right now, VS is not even close.

Visual Studio

Favorite IDE = Visual Studio 2015
Favorite Text Editor = Sublime Text

I want proper a java debugger

I run Red Had on both my laptop and my server, it's a nice distro and i don't say no to free licenses at work.

vscode + red hat java debugger or any other java debugger plug-in
