Want a 4K IPS monitor

>want a 4K IPS monitor
>can't remotely afford the CPU+GPU to fully utilize it for gayms

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kys consumerist worm

I have a job but I'm in a poorshit european country where everything is more expensive on top of that.

I need like $2k at least for a decent rig

>4k monitor
>for gayms
get a 144Hz monitor instead you moron

no, I'm not interested in that. 60fps is perfect for me and I don't want poorfag 1080 or 1440 visuals

guess you'll have to save up 2k then won't you smart guy? if you want it enough you'll make it happen

I suppose you've never seen a game being played at 144hz, let me tell you, it's preferable to a higher resolution

I agree neckbeard. it is euphoric beyond measure

>calling someone else a neckbeard when you're talking about buying an IPS panel for gaming