What app do you use for phoneposting?

What app do you use for phoneposting?

Overchan here, recompiled to add tsukichan support

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text/Hi. Go to hell./page/1/

Piss off.

Bitch please. Use clover.


What makes Clover better than Overchan?
They're both open-source, they've both got themes, Sup Forums pass usage, thread watching, bookmarking, webm support and have gif support.
However, Clover (AFAIK) only supports Sup Forums, while Overchan supports many chans by default, and, if you know a tiny bit of Java, every chan you want it to.

[spoiler]clover is a meme[/spoiler]

basic android shitposter, using Mimi
it's basic, but it's all a guy needs

>not tabletposting

Wow, dude.

archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text/Hi. Go to hell./page/1/

The browser. It just works



>What app do you use for phoneposting?
Safari with ad blocker.

mobileposting of all kinds should be blocked. Laptops too if it was possible.

Clover 2.13

Don't upgrade Floens broke shit.

The forked overchan on fdroid

I thought I might be missing something so I just installed this. You can't seriously think this is better than Clover. Like, you're just using it ironically... right?

Of those I've used my ranking would be

1. Mimi
2. Clover
3. Chan Burauza

But desu I just use my browser now



Mimi, the best.

You do realize iOS has adblockers now.

I like supporting the web devs.

Is it bad if I want to set fire to that thing?
Also Clover.

Mimi master race reporting in.

mimi is way better than clover because everything is on a screen in a convenient way, plus you cant browse multiple threads on clover and it does not tell you if the thread's had new replies. If you still use clover you are missing out

Dumbfucks this retarded are browsing Sup Forums.


Then Sup Forums would die because all the autists who post here can't use their thinkpads to do it anymore.