Previous: This thread is for the discussion of nyaa replacements and active web development
>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.
Currently, they're migrating DNS which is taking longer than expected, so all we can do is wait.
>Nyaa works!
>Sukebei is in the process of being fixed
>Categories and searching works on master
>Filelists are implemented but need to be made hideable and tree view
>People are working on improving search and making it faster.
>Sukebei and nyaa accounts will be the same.
>New theme will be added.
>Daily db dumps possibly later today/tomorrow.
>Gravatar will be removed and replaced.
>Mascots will be customizable.
Links --
Nyaa clones:
* (Sup Forums+Sup Forums project; db is up to date)
* (porn version of the above; db is up to date, but close to 1 year of JAV was lost)
* (redirects to
* (uses old nyaa DB, unknown owner)
* (same as above)
Nyaa alternatives:
Local Client:
>An user made a local client: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.
Development roadmap:
Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon