Write Hello World in your favorite language and argue why yours is better

Write Hello World in your favorite language and argue why yours is better

function hello()
print("Hello World!")

the whole language is almost as simple


Hello World

Hello World


org 0x00010000

db 0x7F, "ELF" ; e_ident[EI_MAG0 -> EI_MAG3]
add bl, 0x01
mov ecx, msg1
mov al, 4
jmp _mid1

dw 0x0002 ; e_type (executable)
dw 0x003E ; e_machine (x86_64)
mov al, 4 ; e_version ;modif, 4b
jmp _mid3

dq _start ; e_entry
dq Elf64_Phdr - $$ ; e_phoff
db 0x99 ;0x04
mov dl, len1
int 0x80
add cl, msg2 - msg1
mov dl, len2
jmp _mid2
dw Elf64_Ehdrsz ; e_ehsize
dw Elf64_Phdrsz ; e_phentsize
dd 0x01 ; e_phnum, p_type
int 0x80 ; e_shentsize, p_flags ;; modifyable 4b
jmp _ex
dq 0x00 ; e_shnum, p_offset
dq $$ ; e_shstrndx, p_vaddr

Elf64_Ehdrsz equ $ - Elf64_Ehdr

msg1 equ $
db "Hello, W"
len1 equ $ - msg1
dq filesz ; p_filesz
dq filesz ; p_memsz
msg2 equ $
db "orld!", 0xA
len2 equ $ - msg2
mov al, 1

Elf64_Phdrsz equ $ - Elf64_Phdr
int 0x80

filesz equ $ - $$

assemble with nasm -f bin -o a.out file.s
assembled is 125 bytes long without any external dependencies
it mutilates the ELF header like crazy, but it's tiny as fuck

What the hell is that clusterfuck of a language

im impressed.

(display "Hello World")
I shouldn't have to explain why, just look at it

Let hello = ("hello world")

That's some next level autism


((((((? why)))))

hola mundo

Spanish is better bc of the great Spanish empire

program Hello;
writeln ('Hello, world.')

it's like c, but readable and without autists. plus most people don't know it anymore so i don't have to deal with retards who want me to include their changes.

echo 'Hello World'

.globl _start

movl $len, %edx
movl $msg, %ecx
movl $1, %ebx
movl $4, %eax
int $0x80

movl $0, %ebx
movl $1, %eax
int $0x80
.ascii "Hello, world!\n"
len = . - msg

roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel

heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel sit roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over stay roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over heel roll-over heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over heel heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over roll-over heel

Hello World

English is GOAT, faggots.


10 call clear
20 print Hello World
30 goto 20

Brainfuck - quality.

call @f
db "Hello World$"
@@: pop dx
mov ah, 9
int 0x21

main = putStrLn "Hello world!"

It describes exactly what the program does in one of the most succinct ways possible.

20 GOTO 10

>no linking necessary
my nigga

fuck you and your brain-damaging "syntax"

rac* vine a este hilo para escribir este chiste. Me ganaste

*: riendome a carcajadas

Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");

static void Main(string[] args)
List tasks = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
var ran = new Random();
var bytes = new byte[12];
while (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes) != "Hello World.")

It's pretty efficient

Lobsters with Fruit and Nuts.

This recipe prints "Hello, World!" in a most delicious way.

72 g hazelnuts
101 eggs
108 g lobsters
111 ml orange juice
44 g cashews
32 g sugar
87 ml water
114 g rice
100 g durian
33 passion fruit
10 ml lemon juice

Put lemon juice into the mixing bowl.
Put passion fruit into the mixing bowl.
Put durian into the mixing bowl.
Put lobsters into the mixing bowl.
Put rice into the mixing bowl.
Put orange juice into the mixing bowl.
Put water into the mixing bowl.
Put sugar into the mixing bowl.
Put cashews into the mixing bowl.
Put orange juice into the mixing bowl.
Put lobsters into the mixing bowl.
Put lobsters into the mixing bowl.
Put eggs into the mixing bowl.
Put hazelnuts into the mixing bowl.
Liquify contents of the mixing bowl.
Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish.

Serves 1.




int main(void) {
printf("Hello, world.\n");

return 0;

C is the only language that gives me a boner when writing it.

nice name drop, bud. now everyone knows you're cool.

Because it's the best language.

>hurr durr curly brackets are ugly

I'm cooler than that user - did you get my sit sit roll-over? It's a real implemented language

that's not hello world, kill yourself you failed weeb

Happy now? Avoiding Kanji because it's at least 50% chinese.

print "Hello World\n";


public static async Task Calculate()
int[] arr = new int[] { 50, 78, 84, 83, 85, 5, 59, 82, 84, 77, 68, 0 };
return Task.Run(() => new string(TaskEnumerable.Range(22, arr.Length).Select((x, i) => arr[i] + x).Cast()));

public static void main(string[] args)

I typed this in notepad so I won't be surprised if it doesn't compile, but it gets the idea across

why does this even exist?

What is this even?

>not 地球人さん

superior language of C#

I'm pretty sure I explained why I avoided kanji.

Didnt even recognize it
>mfw I dont even know a common language

trying-to-be-edgy C#, he's taking the ascii values and casting them as chars. Nice going, kiddo

LOL Shit, any purpose to this at all? Or just some advanced bullshittery ?

whats TaskEnumerable?

Remember this rule of thumb, if it's a language with many abstractions but still algol/C-style and it looks fine it's C#.
If everything is inconsistent as shit it's Java.
If it looks like ass

You've discovered my secret
It was an elaborate ruse the whole time
The LINQ statement wouldn't have been executed until being consumed by the Console.WriteLine call anyway, and it has to wait for the task to complete before printing the result, rendering the parallel execution pointless!

a typo that should say Enumerable, good catch my eagle-eyed friend

If it looks like ass it's also Java
2/2 Sent from my Android

language is hello world btw

implementations for the language hello world can be seen above

>Heyyyyy, thats pretty good

Most of my work is Networking so I use fast patching and deployable languages (Perl is my big one, PHP not so much but I still use it here and there)

just being a faggot, simple answer for non-neckbeard is this. Still verbose, because it's C#, but absolutely transparent. Also the system.console can be imported as header, and then you don't need to write it in there.

public class Hello1
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

Someone do lisp assembly to show this fag that lisp is better.

schemefag pls go
(write-line "Hello world!")


But Haskell has no IO...

puts {hello world!}

PERL master race

What the fuck have you done to c?

thats C#

The best revision of C in my book.


That's disgusting, if you start your curly brace inline, then you should end it inline, otherwise have them each on their own line. That's my opinion anyway.


int main()

public static async Task Calculate()
int[] arr = new int[] { 50, 78, 84, 83, 85, 5, 59, 82, 84, 77, 68, 0 };
return await Task.Run(() => new string(Enumerable.Range(22, arr.Length).Select((x, i) => Convert.ToChar((byte)(arr[i] + x))).ToArray()));

public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(await Program.Calculate());

your code didn't compile, here is the fixed version

program main
print *, "Hello, World!"
end program main

salve mundi
Latin is very efficient and made up of nice manageable parts. The alphabet is relatively small and easy to learn.

[BITS 16]
ORG 0x7C00


MOV AH, 0x0E
INT 0x10


TIMES 510 - ($-$$) DB 0
DW 0xAA55

You can boot it
Assemble with nasm -f bin code.asm
Execute with qemu code.bin

For me it was 114 bytes. Why?

print "Hello world"

Hello World

The most bizarre way you can write "hello world" in C#

'hello world

I don't see how this would compile. You can't use await outside of an async method.

That's just how Tcl rolls.

ops I literally copy pasted the wrong thing lmao, I was testing to see if await can be used inside main

hello world

also works dipshit


Hello world

>10 print "Hello World"

fastest, most compact and easy.

SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

assembler is probably the most useful language you can learn. You'll really understand how the computer works and you can decompile using a hex editor in theory.

All the good low level stuff like the kernel or device drivers are written in asm or at least asm sub routines.

>Codes in Times New Roman

static void Main(string[] args)
var ran = new Random();
var hw = "Don't Lose Your Way!";
List str = Enumerable.Range(32,hw.Length).Select(i=>Convert.ToChar(i)).ToList();
List tasks = new List();
Task.Run(() =>
while (new string(str.ToArray()) != hw)
Console.WriteLine(new string(str.ToArray()));
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
Console.WriteLine(new string(str.ToArray()));
foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, hw.Length))
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
while (str[i]!=hw[i])
var b = (byte)ran.Next(32, 122);
str[i] = Convert.ToChar(b);


>not Esperanto
It's like you enjoy exceptions
Saluton mondo

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")


It is an opinion, indeed.
Every project and/or organization has its own conventions. For C and C++ it's usually not the way you like, though.

>C++'s IO is better
Depends. Don't get into autistic discussions over which language is better. Makes you look like a retarded kid. You'll grow out of it. Trust me.

Hello, 世界

buenos dubs haha

this, plus I get permission denied and then command not found

ignore my non-chmoding ass

Englisch ist nur deutsch für Dummies

Hello, World!

-English language


fn main() {
printlin!("Hello world!")

class HW(object):
def __init__(self):
self.h = "hello"
self.w = "world"
def helloworld(self, h, w):
tlist = []
if (h == self.h):
if (w == self.w):
finstring = str(tlist)
return finstring
def splithw(self, s):
chekr = self.helloworld(self.h, self.w)
if (s == chekr):
checkr = "hello world"
return checkr

def main():
worldhello = HW()
print (worldhello.splithw(worldhello.helloworld(worldhello.h, worldhello.w)))