Windows Update

Why does it keep doing this?

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because you have Windows 10, and the Creator's Update is out? because you have Windows 10 and you have no choice between updating or not?

Bloatware gonna bloat.

because retards will chose to never upgrade and stay vulnerable?

>massive malware attack leverages an exploit that was patched over a month prior
>takes over a shit ton of computers because people decided not update
hmm really makes u think

why would they do this hmm

Because microsoft hates you with a burning passion, and you gladly take it up the ass in response.

>why would they do this hmm
I update all the time, I just don't understand why it has to tell me this time, instead of just do it like normal.

because you're a wincuck

It's a major revision.
Features change and program might break.

because it's an equivalent to an OS X point release. It's the "Creator's Update", not a normal security update.


Holy shit Windows is garbage

Can't wait until fake updates are force installed and you dumb redditors try and defend it.

If you take lock control away from the user like he's your little cuckboi slave because you think he's too dumb to think for himself, you're going to make yourself irrelevant real fast.

You're probably all shitskin pajeets though, an arrogant people. Mircoshaft's new curry CEO and his arrogance with Windows S prove it.

microsoft are in their full right to require you to upgrade
if you dislike it then stop supporting them by changing to a different OS

>I-It's their OS
No shit Redditor, the only one saying they don't have the "right" or that it's illegal is you. Quit reframing the argument.

Microsoft is fucking retarded and only a cuckold would put up with being put in time out like this by a machine. Microsoft owns you retards seeing as how they can interrupt your work as they please with these little malware popups.

>if you dislike it then stop supporting them by changing to a different OS
The sky is blue? Truly, Windows 10 is built for the lowest common denominator.

I do not get what you are saying, so you dislike using it too? And you have stopped using it?
Is there any point to this argument then?

>if you dislike it then stop supporting them
W10 forced an update that broke it's own boot record on me

Mounted the drive and recovered all the files and have never re-installed, W10 is literally spyware between the telemetry and forced patches

>set autoupdate reg key to false
>disable UwxNotification.exe from running to stop the shitty "you have updates to download" dialog from popping up

>I do not get what you are saying
Is English not your first language?

>you dislike using it too? And you have stopped using it?
How does this have anything to do with the criticisms of the OS?

Microsoft is fucking retarded and only a cuckold would put up with being put in time out like this by a machine. Microsoft owns you retards seeing as how they can interrupt your work as they please with these little malware popups. If you take lock control away from the user like he's your little cuckboi slave because you think he's too dumb to think for himself, you're going to make yourself irrelevant real fast.

Someone who's stupid enough to use Windows 10 is stupid enough to need upgrades forced down their throat. If they really cared they'd be using Linux by now.

They have clearly shown that they ignore criticism so why are you still using it if you are, all the while screaming cuck at anyone calling you out?

>They have clearly shown that they ignore criticism
So you want me to stop making fun of Windows and Microsoft? I don't give a shit if it's their "right" to make tailor their software for gay cumguzzler consumerists who need the "bigger version number" like you. It's made for idiots who can only understand how to use the tablet.

>why are you still using it
Who says I use it?

>all the while screaming cuck at anyone calling you out?
What are you calling me out for? I didn't call anyone but Windows 10 users cucks, so if you're offend by being called a cuck, you must use Windows 10, cuck.

Go back to your homesite, nigger.


so you are using a different version of windows, then?



Haven't updated my windows in months and haven't been infected. It's almost like if you don't click on shady shit 99% of the time you'll be fine.

you are the kind of person microsoft forces updates because of

>I didn't call anyone but Windows 10 users cucks, so if you're offend by being called a cuck, you must use Windows 10, cuck.
Not the guy you're replying to, but the only cucks here are the people too scared to upgrade. There's really nothing wrong with Win10 once you've set it up properly, I guess if you're a retard though you can just keep using an older OS instead since setting up an OS must be too hard for you.

Win10 users:
>know it's best to stay updated, always on the latest version
>can easily handle disabling the components they don't want (hell there's even powershell scripts that can handle 90% of it)
>don't feel the need to parade around the version of the OS they use

Win7 users:
>enjoy using an outdated OS, no access to the latest DirectX, OS isn't even a major platform anymore
>don't know how to use basic tools like regedit to disable things they don't like
>actually fall for memes like the microsoft boogeyman stealing all your data, despite MS even working toward stopping NSA/CIA from being able to hold onto exploits, being a major shareholder of apple (who if you remember, refused to give FBI access to peoples phones), etc.
>stay away from essential security updates like retards, dude wannacry lmao
>jump at the chance to try shitting on Win10 whenever possible despite being idiots themselves

And don't get me started about Lincucks, seeing as just changing a simple font needs you to trawl through 500 page tomes of text just to find the right file to change, compared to all that setting up Win10 is a breeze.

Fun fact: A lot of the security/reverse-engineer guys I know all use Win10, some of the smartest people I've met, the only ones I've seen that fell for the Win7 meme are always idiots, who use twitter to post shit like "Reinstalling Win7 today after my PC got fucked by WannaCry, #fuckwin10". Win7 really is the 2017 equivalent of that old "vista sucks!! my 256mb RAM machine can't handle it!" meme.

>disable updates
>get Wannacry'd
>enable updates
>Microsoft ransoms your computer to update it

Seems like the only correct choice is not to use windows.

>There's really nothing wrong with Win10 once you've set it up properly,
What does this entail? Just turning off all the Telemetry stuff I see within the settings or also the use of some external programs? I'm finally moving to 10 from 7 once I build my new PC so I'm not very familiar with all the proclaimed privacy-invading things 8 introduced.

Mostly just the telemetry settings + some hosts file entries + optionally setting updates to manual in the registry, this powershell script can do a lot of it for you (plus a bunch of other stuff that isn't really needed, it asks what you want done though):

Oh and setting the photo viewer to the old Windows Photo Viewer is a must too, IIRC that powershell script can handle that too.
And if you use it with Classic Shell to replace the start menu you'll pretty much never need to use the Metro/UWP tablet-UI crap (but it's still there in case something needs it)


Agreed with everything until

>actually fall for memes like the microsoft boogeyman stealing all your data, despite MS even working toward stopping NSA/CIA from being able to hold onto exploits, being a major shareholder of apple (who if you remember, refused to give FBI access to peoples phones), etc.

Apple refused that one time. What wasn't reported was the several times they've done just that for the FBI in the past. Of course it's covered by a bullshit one sentence paragraph about iOS 7 technically being able to pull information without unlocking it but it's just moving the goal posts.

If you are using an intel Skylake/Kabylake you can't install Windows 7 unless you use a DVD drive.
It's fucking retarded how desperate they are to suck you into their trap.

Yeah that was probably the weakest point there, to be fair to MS though they really have started to care about privacy/security now after the Snowden leaks, nothing like their old Win8 days.

e.g. see, they actually lay the blame on the NSA for the WannaCry attack, and talk about making a "Digital Geneva Convention" to govern 0days, didn't expect them to do that.

On Apple though, I thought that iPhone case was also them refusing any other unlocking requests in the future too? It's bad that they used to unlock them, but at least they put a stop to it. Maybe they still do unlock though, seeing as the FBI aren't complaining anymore...

You could always install with a virtual DVD drive via a wifi cable.

>install """"""creator"""""" update
>resets all my fucking sound settings and other preferences


Are are now in low resolution text, full screen mode.

Thanks a lot. This is very useful, especially the Classic Shell thing. I've used some of the Metro UI on my brother's machines (he's more keen on being on the latest everything) and their attempt at making Windows clean/flat seems very off-putting somehow. Even OS X does a better job.

I still have not received the Creator's Update.

All you need to update is Windows Defender, and you can do that while Windows Update is disabled.

Not true my friend, you inject usb3 drivers into the iso and then can install by usb. Pain in the ass but it makes it possible.

Also Windows 10 is dead, Windows 2018 is the future.

I have a feeling that as long as you buy their latest and greatest Fisher Price phones you have nothing to worry about. If you're like me and have a fully functioning 4S or below iPhone that you might still use (I use mine for media) then you're fucked. The older generation of phones doesn't support iOS firmware above 7.02 and that's where they've been using the loophole to comply with FBI.

Log in, still updates

And now all my icons are fucked up. Damn windows.

Just upgrade to Windows 8.1

Because we are trying to patch Wannacry on everything. We don't give a fuck if you don't wanna update, because then you blame viruses on us.

I just want it to update without telling me or bothering me. Can't it look and see if I turn the computer off every night vs someone who just hibernates it? Bug those people.

Set your active hours.

>LTSB doesn't have this problem

I had them set, but it still nagged.

Now in addition to my icons all messed up microsoft photos doesn't work. What is a good alternative?

I switched to imageglass from install gentoo wiki.

Because that's the only way they'll get the average retard to update their shit.
Look at wannacry and how that went down.

Just like Google maps talking when muted, we have 0 control

I want to update before I shut down my pc. I don't have a 12hr time window I'm using it. Sometimes I'm working at 8am, sometimes I'm still playing games at 2am.

Thanks for testing this.

Tough shit.

>And don't get me started about Lincucks, seeing as just changing a simple font needs you to trawl through 500 page tomes of text just to find the right file to change, compared to all that setting up Win10 is a breeze.

Some linux is like that sure and a lot aren't. It's like Sup Forums. It's not all the same. Some posters are billiant and others are arrogant winbags.