British people at its best

British people at its best.
I love how their news try to play the "omgg they're just lads having fun, surely the police provoked them" card
Look at the pictures and tell me how can someone consider "normal" to act like that in the middle of the street, what the heck is wrong with you ffs

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Kek based brits.

Britbongs are the niggers of Europe

>the smilling black man in the background


never trust the BEADY EYED ANGLOS!

another victim of banter

it's their culture and values, and we have to respect it :) we are all human

Top kek, that's why we hate them.

But that's why we love them.

>you will never look like that

why live?

hardcore soccer fan are retarded
more news at 11

Soccer fans anywhere in any country are literal scum of earth who should be hanged.

I just hate them tbqh

Based Brits are there to remove muslim, you should be grateful France.

actually I like the hooligans from my country.

>removing anything muslim

Can't wait for the us and the ruskies to fight, then we can team up and beat down the mussie shits after too
Gonna do shit in the euros tho



Pig of Marseille is a good lad who will remove them

So far they only managed to get beaten with one English supporter having his throat cut and the other one found drowning in his blood after having been beaten with a wooden chair.

The rest of them have been beaten by the riot police, and you can see them pissing themsleves on the ground in front of a barking police dog.

Nothing to be proud of, really.

>mussie defense force showing up just like they did irl
What is it with the french and loving islamic cock?

>Try to brag about their inbreed degenerate going abroad tu fuck with people and waste a nice event
>Realise they go beaten like faggots
B-but you're all just mussie supporters

How young are you, is this the first international tournement you've seen properly pierre?
This shit always happens, between lots of nations, hooliganism always happens, and it's funny
Sorry you're asshurt because riled up fans are having fun, which the inhabitants of the city seem to get so butthurt about they start shit
Maybe your entire nation should stop being full of such pretentious cunts that start shit and then judge others

>It's normal that a group of people go abroad and act like savages and bother locals.

This is why everyone hates britbong tourists.

They're not tourists going to soak up the local country and go sight seeing you dumb fucktard, they're football fanatics, of courser they're going to be drunk and loud, stop being so high and mighty

Funny that there isn't never any problems with Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Dutch, Belgium etc... football fans.

>kebab protection force show up and arrest only england fans
>y-you got b-beaten

Daily reminder the French are angry at white people being in their beloved African city.

>no problem with italian, spanish and dutch fans

First time watching football is it?

You're free to stop us

Continentals are just sissy

Shut the fuck up retard, you have no idea what you're on about
First time experiencing football outside the television?

We need these kinds of people, they're the ones that are stopping this nation from becoming complete spineless cunts desu

>there isn't never any problems with Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Dutch, Belgium etc... football fans.
if your local clubs played in the UCL you'd know every cunt has it hoolingans britts are just a bit more subhuman for being britts

in english stadiums are filled with richfags and tourists. the poor english trourist who can't handle acohol can only go abroad to see football games in stadiums.

but they have jobs

It says that the fans were attacked in a local bar by "French Youths" sounds like locals started it. These may have been the Kebab removers the French needed but not deserved.

dutch pigs are niggers too

Didn't they fuck up some city center in Italy?

"Youths" is code for "niggers"

yeah no. arabs don't attack groups.

this Euro is going to be terrible, france is IS 2.0 and there will be terrorist attacks, french frogs are lazy surrender monkeys on strike, and English chavs are going to destroy monuments and shit

Hahahaha based britbongs

They litterally behave as Nig'/kebab thugs. Then I seen them I turned around to avoid these baboons tbqh.

Anyone triggering mudslimes is good in my eyes achmed.
People need to handle the bantz


Anyone who behave as they do should be exterminate. Redneck, muslim, niggers, kebab, snownigger no matter.



British vs sandniggers

That's funny

>'their news'

Fuck of Muhammad. You're clearly a pig fucking nonce worshipper. You should rejoice that anyone would come to France and be openly anti Muslim. Real frenchbros would laugh about this.

Fucking smelly paki shit.

Stop disappointing me Italy.



Trips confirm


Only a dumb leftist would think this vid gives the dutch a bad image.

>Destroys Marseilles
>Frogs get angry

Can't handle the bants, lads?

every country apart from spain and portugal, has such fans, and hooligan culture,
but brits are far worse

Just ladz on tour m8

>leftist are the only ones who dont mock poor people

>Muslim destroys Marseille
>Nigger destroys Marseille
>Brit destroys Marseille

That make sense, same community spirit

>beg for money all day
>finally get it
I genuinely don't see the problem here