Do you feel like there's a chance (insert your government here) will ever see you as a threat, Sup Forums?
Do you feel like there's a chance (insert your government here) will ever see you as a threat, Sup Forums?
As long as you don't become politically active, usually no
I'm probably on a watch list already for using Tor (and the time I drunkenly phoned Scotland Yard and ranted)
I don't know but I have certain combination of 0s and 1s named cp
Nah they'll never see me coming.
If there is a large coordinated terrorist attack in my city, mosques will burn.
I'm already seen as a threat.
freedom fighter
self defense
Always in self-defense
I'm a member of a Marxist-Leninist organisation so if we grow, maybe
I think governments see their citizens as a threat by default, and you don't have to do some particular thing to make them feel the need to keep a thumb on you.
I'm in several watchlists, and I'm not even legally an adult yet.
yes, they should fear me
reported to the fbi
Enjoy your van
t. granny-lovers
Underag bait
I was part of a group which tore down barricades of some "revolutionary group" trying to block access to my university because the government killed some students 4 years ago so I think I have enough credit in the good citizen bank.
there is no reason for them to fear me and thanks to the nsa now they know
No, unless I am more corrupted than they are. And the market competition is hard.
My government or the reptilian Judeo-Slavists currently usurping my nation's federal government?
i literally only know how to install a FOSS firmware on a router. How the fuck am i ever going to end up as a threat ?
Seriously, what are you guys afraid about ?
It's not like i build and distribute Wi-fi jammers to my friends.
you can teach them to use aireplay-ng
the CIA and NSA niggers are everywhere.
>internet explorer
what is ML praxis? gulag memes?
my country is so shit and backwards, that doesn't have the network infrastructure to spy on his citizens , which ironically is pretty good
Fucking with you on that
Anyone who is not a bloodsucker is a potential threat to a bloodsucker, so yes.
You actually are a little shit
What's wrong with the copy command?
Clever. Subtle. I like you.
Losers have the greatest persecution complex.
Having an IQ over 130 automatically labels you as a threat actor
I swear CIA niggers started stalking me on Sup Forums once. I advocate national socialism on the internet a lot and have used tor before so I'm sure I'm on some sort of list.
Nope. I go out of my way to be a good little goy so I can enjoy what little time i have on this planet without worrying about dying for some cause I will have no effect on.
Nope. I just wake up and go to work and come home and eat dinner and play video games and fuck my girlfriend and then go to bed and do it all again tomorrow. I also occasionally buy consumerist shit and engage in social media and typical normie activities.
I know they know more about me than I want them to, might as well make it boring.
Plus none of that edgy shit appeals to me. Hacking is for russians, rioting is for niggers. Calling your representative is for old people. Being an edgelord against the government is for middle schoolers.
Nope, don't need none of that shit.
Yes, but it's Russia/Ukraine, if you live here you are threat by default.
You better go out to hit some fascists with a bikelock, republicans are literally nazis.
Already did... I went on holiday to China in the late 90's and when I came back I got some guy ringing me up and asking me what I was doing out there - under a thin pretence of being into tourism and culture. I just know that MI5 has a file with my name on it somewhere.
Citation required
the national security wing of the US is falling apart into the hands of schizophrenic private interests who will eventually tear each other apart during this nanotech arms race
Lots of people in this thread are seriously underestimating what does their government considers a threat
These got it right
i try to stay secure and my need for privacy is even interpreted by my peers negatively as if i am trying to hide something
the government certainly would be of a similar opinion and probably does consider me a possible threat
I don't care. If they want to stick it to the man, they can go stick it to the man and I won't care but if they mess with the place where I get the education they don't have; we have a problem. I don't bust my ass in school from 8 to 16 and at work from 17 to 23 just to have some liberal arts drop-outs closing my school whenever they don't get their way (because they ALWAYS have a agenda).