BSOD any Windows 7 or 8 machine

Just open C:\$MFT\123 from notepad or any other application that uses a file browser. Doesn't work on Win10, unfortunately.


Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't BSOD necessarily, but it does make the HDD freak out and have you left with only operating whatever got saved in RAM

Windows confirmed spaghetti code

It's time we put Windows users on permanent suicide watch. How does Microsoft keep getting away with it?

A random bluesecreen is still better than the spying garbage on Windows 10.

>hang any linux machine
>just type :(){ :|: & };: into the shell
>just a few characters causes linux to hang. linux users on suicide watch

It's called having a properly configured ulimits or a cgroup pleb.

i will use pantsu if the search does not take 5 seconds

is this like the con/con bug? does it work from any NTFS fs directory?

if so, this could be a funny way to DoS corporate networks.

Learn the differnece between a bug and something that works the way it was intended to.

>still trying to get 7/8 users to switch to 10
Sorry, not gonna happen.

>tfw XP user
>tfw they never offered me an upgrade or I'd have gladly taken it

>tfw Linux user
>tfw they never offered me an upgrade or I'd have gladly taken it

No offense, but what did you expect from a company employing hundreds of coders of all different skill levels over the past 3 decades?

Especially when 90% of them left or are no longer working on the code.

I remember looking at the $MFT years ago and my eyes kinda went blurry, next thing I know I was face down on the floor with a boner and a keyboard under my face.

Until the OS tries to load a crucial file and fails.

Open this HTML on IE and it will crash your computer. Kek.

good thing I'm on 10...???????

Huh nothing happened.

>internet explorer allows websites on the Internet to reference local content
It really is garbage.

no it's heavily sandboxed

Why does that work then pajeet? Stop shitting here and go back outside on your street.

But it doesn't work. I ran it and it didn't work.

Uhhh pretty sure it doesn't actually work if you're properly updated, my friend :)

Can someone explain?

It causes a recursive loop that keeps eating memory.

basically just obfuscated code, that's valid bash syntax to span sessions infinitely or something like that

Creates a function called :
The function calls itself piped into itself again, ran in the background. (this will stop ctrl+c killing it)
Then call the function to get it started.

It is in no way a bug. It's working exactly as its supposed to.

It works like that - when you call any file operation, windows creates a temporary log in $MFT and locks that directory. However if the file operation targets that directory it canot be locked by the log creator and it crashes. I tried it on a couple of computers, most of the time it just freezes

It doesn't work on winshit 10 you fucknugget



It's called a fork bomb.

Thank you anons

don't know that the fuss is about, doesn't affect me

i do not have this file

LOL it actually works.

Can corfim it works with firefox (currently 47) too on W7 and probably with Chrome too. W7 is completely unpatched.
This shit in forums could crash many users just by opening. Firefox freezes and you can not open anything at all.

Confirmed working on 8.1 with ungoogled-chromium 55.0.2883.87

Oh okay. Two years ago? Good fucking job, M$.

Why is Sup Forums so tsundere for Windows?

Seems kind of ridiculous to constantly talk about something you hate or don't use.

I suppose it's no different than manlets on redpill constantly talking about how much they hate women.

Because the normalfags use it and guess who has to fix them when excrement hits the rotational gaseous matter relocator device?

cmd can do it better


gg no re

Actually, you only need a single byte text file to bsod windows. Sure, it needs to be named whatever.exe, but still.

echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Does that produce an instant kernel panic or something?

>doesn't work on windows 10
>what else is new

Not you, because you're NEET.

So I guess the answer is mental illness, isn't it?

>Perform a system crash. A crashdump will be taken if it is configured.

I like how nobody is discussing this crash being demonstrated fucking two years ago, in a fucking youtube video.



Got a 0x24 stopcode, top kek Microsoft, well done.

Doesn't work.

Did you try all 256 permutations?


Someone made a website:

But of course. One of many, in fact.

But I thought that recursive things are good? Here's my recursive wisdom.


AIDS IS not caused by Drunk Sex.

Literally a feature

It's C:\$MFT\123, not text.txt.

>hahaha lel windows crashes when u open a file!!!111!!!11eleven
sudo cat /dev/port

>This only works in Internet Explorer
well, it's nothing

fucking TSUKI did this?