If you use JavaScript, kill yourself.
Fuck JavaScript
I only use javascript for dynamicly updating a webpage
no libraries either
any website I make, if it can function without javascript enabled, it should
everything should be coded in assembly. specifically with the microsoft macro assembler.
all websites should be usable with javascript disabled
Fine, I'll use ECMAScript 6 instead.
a stopwatch without javascript
I'll wait
Pretty sure you can whip up something alon those lines using CSS3.
Don't worry, I use TypeScript
so why not use JS vs other client side scripting?
whats so bad about it? isnt it all the same thing basically
but node.js is comfy
no other back end language even comes close
99.9% of users aren't tinfoil fags from Sup Forums who disable Javascript. Why should developers cater to an autistic minority?
Why can't I use python instead of JavaScript?
How did you post on this site then?
Technically, if you rotate a thing.
JS can be super comfy.
Gotta invest time into ES6 features/build a toolchain and you can write elegant functional code.
The retarded hoisting is fixed with const/let and there are many options to have stricter typing.
Browsers are a hostile environment and the original language was created in 6 days, all things considered it could've gone worse
no, fuck off autist
super meme, super botnet and super CIA-N-word.
t. kode kamp grad who only knows javascript and php
*kysses myself*
name a better xplatoform gui application platform. I will wait.
get with the times grandpa
we need 3MB JS libraries on every webpage
JS itself is great because I can force everyone who visits my web site to execute totally arbitrary code on their machines without their authorisation.
let's see you do it then
and the only thing you can do is to shorten my battery life. wow use your power wise mr hax0r
Whats up with this trend of making everything in javascript nowadays?
portability and a 3rd party library rich ecosystem.
>paying for bootcamp
go write some fizzbuzz
it's the only language that runs in the web browser (sans webassembly which is not production ready)
that's on the execution engine that is vulnerable, not on the language
>javascript will be the One language in your lifetime
This, unless the website's main function is literally impossible without it
This is why I hate Javashit.
>hating things because they can be misused
because someone wrote shitty code in it and put it on an image?
Content driven sites, like news or blogs, shouldn't need a single piece of Javascript.
Service based sites, I feel should use a bit of ajax and bit of script to update when inputting your personal details.
Any site that runs quicker and simpler rather than complex and fancy wins in my book. It all renders like shit anyways.
>can literally botnet mine cryptos on your pc