I've been using Linux ever since Windows 8 came out and I can't take it anymore. Nothing works. Ever since I first installed Linux Mint (I'm now using Arch) everything has felt like it's fighting against me. I have to search the smallest shit, and startpage doesn't even work for specific things so I have to use fucking Jewgle. I can't do it anymore. I'm putting Windows 10 LTSB on my computer and putting this shitty chapter of my life behind me.
I've been using Linux ever since Windows 8 came out and I can't take it anymore. Nothing works...
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Thanks Rahul!
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t. Archfag too stupid to read arch wiki
i am a white
have you tried gentoo though?
My computers are for getting shit done. I sit down at my computer because I want to do something. I don't want to have to complete 20 "in between" steps for the purpose of "configuring" or "setting up" shit. I just want it to work.
What would you have to "configure" or "set up" before using concretely?
Should have used ubuntu. It's retard proof.
I'm a popular Youtuber, the straw that broke my camel back was my 3DS streamer not working in Wine.
I've been using Linux since 2004. Everything works.
Post your channel, Mr. big shot.
Run Windows on a VM then? GPU passthrough if your hardware supports it.
Lol no I've seen what happens to people like yanderedev
>the straw that broke my camel back
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Well what am I supposed to say? I can't say the camel's back because I'm referring to myself
You can't just change idioms to fit your needs.
That's where ur wrong kiddo
enjoy being a data mine
Oh no, they know my favorite porn stars
Joke''s on them, thinking my life matters at all and is worth the storage space
>I'm now using Arch
>everything has felt like it's fighting against me
no shit
>My computers are for getting shit done.
>Installs Arch
>pass user since 2017
>Can't name a single thing that doesn't work
Great work pakshit.
get a mac if you just need system for getting shit done and you dont have any interest in tweaking or learning how something functions
Why are you using arch when you want to get things done?
>Uses Linux
>Has a Sup Forums pass
You need to take it easy on the memes buddy
Linux doesn't need viruses people fuck that shit up themselves
>If someone likes Windows he has to be a n indian working for Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>thinks windows ltsb will save his ass
No. AFAIK I was the first one who popularized the CEIP (customer experience improvement program) which many of you anons should've disabled by now but you won't (completely) as other CEIP services are super hidden process and can only be modified with an NT kernel account.
I used to use Ubuntu pretty heavily back when Microsoft switched from XP to Vista. Ubuntu has gotten much better since then, but I still can't use Ubuntu for my professional work since I require software that explicitly only runs on Windows or Mac, and I've dual booted Ubuntu with both operating systems before and that's just not an efficient workflow for me, to switch back and forth between two operating systems. If my job simply required typical office suite software and/or programming, I'd be using Ubuntu full time. Even then though, it requires more research than either of the major operating systems, and you better know your way around Terminal.
Then linux isn't for you. Go try FreeBSD or TrueOS. Have you tried debian unstable? If you plan on using windows (assuming you have older hardware) you should use windows vista. It is the last good edition of windows.
>inb4 vista is shit meme
No. Vista x64 shipped with 1GB RAM (back when memory is fucking expensive). Nothing about vista is bad and in fact many features were removed when windows 7 shipped.
>I'm now using Arch
>Nothing works
Maybe now, but Vista wasn't as viable for many when it first came out because so many drivers that worked for XP weren't compatible with Vista until like a year after it came out. That's where Linux was a saving grace for me at a time when my professional work didn't require Windows. By the time 7 came out enough drivers were fully compatible and 7's new features made it much more attractive than Vista in terms of workflow efficiency
>Windows 10 LTSB
You are going to hurt yourself even more. Go for W7.
I know what you mean. I loved Mint 17, but 18 threw me off, got annoyed googling basic stuff that should just be there.
Moved to Ubuntu Mate, it's so much better, I feel stupid for being pro Mint over M'buntu.
It's simple except USB data delete, its better on Windows.
You can't delete data on a USB using Linux to save space, you have to do disk writer or some annoying crap.
I have W10 on desktop for 3D/VFX.
It is simple and easy if you brace yourself for Windows updates and treating your own computer like a public computer due to Spyware10 being what it is.
That shouldn't be a problem after the first week or two of Arch if you're halfway competent. I know this is bate but I have to let people know I use Arch somehow.
Why didn't you just stick with Mint?
Try a Linux distro, I could never get Windows to work without any of that
Debian nigger, Debian.
>inb4 outdated
Its stable like how OP wants, so who gives a shit. I also use it myself.
Funny, little known fact: there are more Indians working for Apple or Google than for Microsoft.
The most popular OS in India is Android, not Windows.
And more than 65% of Microsoft's employees are whites/caucasian.
>Nothing works.
>(I'm now using Arch)
Every fucking time
my camel is at the vet right now because of a broken back and that shit is expensive. How am i supposed to talk about it?
Yanderedev is his own worst enemy. Literally all he had to do was not sperg out and yet he did that because he's EvaXephon and can't help himself.
le eben just meme
MacOS: it just works.
Winblows: the OS works for you
Linux: you work to make the OS work
TempleOS: GOD works for you
real men do everything from an emulated DSiWare shell
lel didnt even notice he said that, what a fucking retard. What more can you expect from youtubers
Linux literally serves no purpose except for being an e-peen contest between neckbeards to see who can't make the simplest task as complicated and as possible.
i somewhat agree with this, there are 2 reasons where linux would be useful. The first being if you need to use it as a Job, server bs. The second being if you have old hardware, then linux is a great choice. Linux is useless except for those 2 points.
>pass user since 2017
>"hurr durr I use Arsch leenux!"
>"muh long term stable shit!"
Do you know how I know you're a retarded shill?
Good on you op.
I know how you feel i used arch for a long time and i got sick of things the arch way so i threw in the towel and bought Red hat.
hahaha, that also why linux is used by nerd not someone like you rahul
why is that? is there any reason about this?
Linux being good for old hardware is a meme
BSD is the best for servers
Linux is now googles, red hat and MS bitch whom they three way rape any way they like.
Linux being good for old hardware is not a meme, it lets you have modern software with good performance, something you couldn't do with a recent windows version. All the BSDs have shit package managers and update systems. Google and Red Hat use Linux at the core of their businesses so they would be harmed if they hurt Linux and Microsoft alone can't override all the different contributors and the iron hand of Linus.
Any recent distros will struggle to run on old hardware you loon
Also google is making fuchsia to replace android
While MS is raping Ubuntu like it did Novell
Typical BSD retard with tunnel vision.
The legacy driver support on Linux is second to none.
Nigra please, loonix drops hardware support all the time
> I'm using arch
> cares about ltsb
Noice troll post
An example of a comment that would refute my claim would be "inser OS here has better support"
But there isn't one so you can't. That's what second to none means.
Yeah there is
The software that came with the hardware
What now chink?
Yeah, pop that CD with Windows 98 drivers into your Windows 10 drive and see how far that gets you moron.
Care to give an actual example of this happening?
I'm still kid, care to elaborate?
What the fuck are you even saying?
Google nigger
Newfag alert
Install fedora or some shit then
Ubuntu isn't the only distro in existence, and I bet a lot of the lightweight spins (xubuntu, ubuntu mate, etc) will still offer 32-bit builds.
And then the threads on how linux is so popular in india
Nice blog.
I installed Arch on my computer two years ago and update once a week after checking the news on the archlinux.org front page.
Everything just works, super comfy. Hope you figure out your Youtube gofundme shit, or whatever it is you fags do on Windows
In India it's often the case that people buy stuff with Linux preinstalled then just pirate Windows, at least that's what I've heard.
>make the simplest task as complicated and as possible.
That would be, hands down, a Windows attribute. Try changing something that doesn't have a GUI in Windows, it's certainly no easier than Linux.
Arch is a shit for amateurs. I'd been using Gentoo for 1.5 years and recently I migrated to Debian Jessie. Both of them just work.
You freetards are so stupid, you don't even know what's happening around you
Do more googling for "linux drops support"
it's like linux if it wasn't a headless operating system used as a desktop by goons
Linux shills are the most intentionally deceptive people on the internet.
>"If you switch to Linux, WINE will let you keep using your windows programs"
>Install Linux
>"lmao just kidding WINE doesn't work"
>"Also nothing else works as well"
I've wasted countless hours trying to make Linux work for me. Sorry retards, "le baby duck syndrome" doesn't account this level of fuckery.
heh, what did you expect?
Hey, but at least you've put some effort in.
It's the UNIX for normies and gays. So no, thanks, I'm a straight white techie and not a vegan.
>Arch is a shit for amateurs.
Just works on my machine :^)
Debian is a shit for amateurs. I'd been using Gentoo for 15 years and recently I migrated to Arch. Both of them just work.
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
I never told that. My point is that if you need Windows software then you're simple normie or normie gaymer and should get the fuck out. Linux isn't for retards.
Just stop giving him (You)s people.
Literally just a couple of distros dropping 32-bit builds.
Who the fuck cares? Honestly go back to redd!t you freshman faggot. Cause like what, your daddy complimented you on your computer skills when you knew how to torrent his favorite movie? You thought you were cool because you put together a computer when you were 14? Wow dude, I bet all your siblings came to you for help when it came to building lego. Oh and don't even get me started on how mature you must have felt as a kid when you posted on forums pandering to unhygienic men on welfare. Christ, I bet you even looked up some programming tutorials while in highschool; must have felt like a real champ with that pirated version of visual studio open along with your first hello world program typed up inside. I bet everyone thought you were real smart, so it's odd about how mediocre your grades were; must be the system that's broken and that grades aren't important in the real world. But hey, somehow you managed to get into college! What's this? You know how to use vim now? Wow you're so cool, knowing how to type stuff into that terminal thing like hackers do. Man I wish I were like you! I bet you even have some snarky comment stowed away in your artillery ready to be used whenever a prominent figure in tech is mentioned. Oh you heard the name Stallman? You say he hasn't done anything relevant since emacs and then quote that interjection you read on Sup Forums? Haha, you're so witty! What's this now? You even attended one of his seminars but don't remember anything he said but have an sd card filled with his pics you've taken? You're an absolute madman haha! It's okay, I bet he didn't say anything interesting anyway, it's not like you don't understand it. He's just an extremist lol! Oh man you're so good at tech! I wish I were so cool like you.
Go strangle yourself with a cat5 you faggot.
Debian is a stable system used by a lot of companies in production. Gentoo is a base for Chrome OS. Arch is a shit for amateurs, no one use it in production.
More like all of them, because linux kernel is moving on
If I was a faggot I'd use macOS. I use Linux, the system which is complicated for retards.
No it's not. One troll suggested the idea and got laughed away phoronix.com
could I use centos for desktop? because many company use them in production.
Gentoo hasn't been the base for Chrome OS for some years now
Linux is complicated BY retards
>Debian is a stable system used by a lot of companies in production.
Ubuntu rules the roost now, memer.Debian went to shit years ago.
>I first installed Linux Mint
>I'm now using Arch
>everything has felt like it's fighting against me
I found your problem, I think you should go back to Windows.