Post legitimately good reasons why still to using Microsoft Windows, I'll wait
Post legitimately good reasons why still to using Microsoft Windows, I'll wait
it just werks
I'm computer illiterate
MUH originlab
It's not a smoldering pile of shit that requires hacking skills to get basic functionality.
Autodesk and Adobe. Games.
Basically work.
linux is trash
bsd is unsupported
too poor for mac
Photoshop is the only reason.
everything i need works on it
also just works in general
tried linux it didnt just work
Microsoft Office Excel
I have a Windows installation for gaming.
Normies are retarded and the half-retarded MSPs and sysadmins that cater to them can't handle supporting Linux.
t.someone who deals with MSPs
It helps me decide on what to buy with the built-in desktop ads.
It (and by extension, Microsoft) loves me because it/they know everything about me. They're a silent friend, always watching over me.
They give good recommendations on how my computer should be configured, so I don't have to.
Everyone else uses it, so I can socialise with them, and we can all relate to eachother.
Your move, OP.
dont use much linux, but cant you just run photoshop through wine?
>legitimately good reasons
It's just an OS, not my life.
It does basic shit fine, so I don't need to sink time in it just to have a functional system,
I thought the performance was somehow compromised when using Wine, but I suppose that was because of the virtual machine.
Commercial support
i dont base my life around a computer operating system
sudo pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies
conscious choice decided by my own free will
i'm used to it
muh games
Forza Horizon 3
cygwin, Linux virtualization, easy interface with other Windows and Linux machines, and gaymen. Best of all worlds.
>ableton live
>Adobe software
That's about it, I can't run those on wine, etc.
Stable MS Office, Wine runs like shit.
Adobe software, creative software in general, games, microsoft office. Wish this shit was on linux
Because I support tens of thousands of developers and other users using Microsoft Windows
Anime millennial faggot drink bleach faggot
Grand Theft Auto V doesn't work in linux.
Tripfags proving their retardation once again.