What the hell is this?
What the hell is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cheap AIO
Copper and burn in suggest a heatsink for a diy situation (scrws)
the reason why i never trusted and never will trust any kind of watercooling
Damnit. Bought a new cpu and find this when I pull it off. What a waste of money.
I hate myself now
>liquid near electronics
fucking retard
But it's highly rated on pcpartpicker!!
>liquid near electronics
fucking retard
Your CPU comes attached to an AIO?
Corsair will pay for it if they fucked up.
It's not by Corsair, I bought this off Aliexpress. Its kinda like a Corsair but a chinese knockoff.
rust you mongoloid
>using AIOs ever
>using a chink AIO
its like you don't care about your PC
>Its kinda like a Corsair but a chinese knockoff
and youre surprised?
>Its kinda like a Corsair but a chinese knockoff
You're fucked then, m8.
Well now you know what they left out to get the price down (corrosion inhibitor in the water, good O-rings, quality machining)
It came from the same factory as a Corsair, the only difference is this one doesn't have Corsair markings.
Doesn't matter, I wouldn't dare using a component that could potentially ruin an entire system unless it was from a brand that has somewhat of a track record of compensation if something fucks up.
when will you retarded people learn that watercooling is an oligophrenic meme?
Think if I called Corsair they might pay for the ruined Mobo, GPU and CPU? I can Salvage the Case, SSD, RAM and PSU.
>the only difference is this one doesn't have Corsair markings
If only the lack of Corsair markings didn't mean the lack of warranty...
A whole bunch of shit from Aliexpress says its from X-Factory.
>yea this fake iPhone is made in an Apple factory
Most of it is bullshit, they put that in to get you to trust them.
>he fell for the watercooling meme
HAHAHAHA not even once, why are gaymer kiddies so stupid?
Is that what it said on the Aliexpress listing?
You can't this this retarded, Corsair has no obligation from the get go to compensate for there own AIOs fucking up. What the hell makes you think that there going to compensate because you where too cheap to to get there own and instead get some unmarked third factory run shit.
>It came from the same factory as a Corsair
You do realise that this is a common claim on Ali Express pages, right? It's complete bullshit used to lull you into buying their trash. It's written on almost every iPhone knock off page, even on one that had a resistive touch screen like it's 2003.
>selling malfunctioning hardware on ebay
Maybe you should shove it up your ass instead.
reminder this is why you don't buy shit off ebay
>some company, probably a garbage company, rifling through the trash, pulling out what corsair throws away because it doesnt pass their tests, boxing it up and selling it off
>expecting it to be worth shit
I'm op. It's a corsair. It was a mistake 3 years ago when I got it just didn't find out why until now.
Hard lesson learned. That's what I get for taking advice from Sup Forums
Had mine for a few years...planning on dump it in the not too distant future for exactly this kind of thing.
Impulse purchase on a sale. Doesn't do any better than an equivalent priced, good air cooler.
Those are hippleglops from the iztop galaxy get rid of them by soaking it in rubbing alcohol
What the fuck happened to my post? Since when did Sup Forums start deleting posts that where joking around?
So how much damage do you guys think this did? It still booted up, but I was getting random bsods lately.
Oh and why is that shit blue? I thought copper turned green when it oxidizes
its called galvanic corrosion, it happens when you have copper and aluminum in the same loop, which happens with cheap watercooling shit. It also happens to be why the statue of liberty is green.
It happens when a hotpocket is on his period
r4k is a machine learning project to teach a moderation script to delete shit posts like yours.
depends, some copper compounds are a deep azure blue, actually pretty cool looking, pic related
thx anons!
Copper hydroxide m8.
I think I made this for my science fair project
I remember having a string and growing blue crystals on it
didn't even involve gassing myself with chlorine or anything
you should've made a bucketload of chlorine and gassed the whole school's AC system
Even if it is from the same factory, it's probably a factory second or something. That's why Corsair didn't sell it.
That's how it works, Chinese factory has to sell the ones that don't pass QC to make more profits.
If you are lucky, you'll get one with some cosmetic flaw, if not, you end up with some leaky shit like OP.
OP what model Corsair is it so we can avoid.
It's not necessarily bullshit, it could have come from the Corsair factory but failed the QC process for something like it leaks.
Just avoid all AIOs, you stupid fag.
>He fell for the chink knockoff
You mentioned my name. Did you know that Rust makes memory management 100% safe using only zero-cost abstractions! Have you migrated to Rust yet?
>speak of the devil and he shall appear
>t. some ancient moralfag, probably
It's only acceptable to use AIOs in SFF builds where there is no clearance for a decent tower cooler.