Dream-in-code kid is actually pretty based

So, you have probably all seen the few years old video about that spic "prodigy programmer", who dreams in code as I have seen it posted quite often as a meme. But today I checked his social media accounts and he seems to be doing pretty well, getting his PhD at age of 19 and being intern at Apple. What surprised me most, he is a Trump supporter and very pro-gun (that's not so surprising actually, considering he is living in Texas). Maybe he even posts here.

So, I must say, I was pretty skeptical when I first saw the video, but now I admit this guy is pretty admirable. He could be the next Linus Torvalds.

>programmed some shit
>definition of white trash

Shows us shit you programmed ;)

>His icon is a literal snowflake.


He could do much better than being an Apple intern considering he has a PhD.


+ he thinks women are "tremendous waste of time"

He's not only smart, but wise too

He seems to have fallen for the muh diversity and womyn in STEM meme.

Of course he is

internships are all about having a name on paper, and you put you worked/interned for apple or google on a resume, you are getting passed the hr departments bullshit without a second thought.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you closed source code monkey? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at MIT, and I’ve been involved in numerous free software projects, and I have contributed to over 300 core-utils for GNU. I am skilled in hacking and I’m St. IGNU-cius, saint of the Church of Emacs. You are nothing to me but just another unethical proprietary software advocate. I will distribute the fuck out of your source code with freedom the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me and the GPL on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my colleagues at FSF and your binaries are being reversed engineered right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your copyright. You're fucking dead, kid. Free software can be anywhere, anytime, and it can ensure your freedom in over four ways, and that’s just with the GPLv2. Not only am I extensively skilled at hacking, but I have access to the source of the entire GNU userland and core-utils and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable proprietary code off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what ethical retribution your little “clever” program was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have ensured your users' freedom. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit free as in freedom all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


using namespace std;

void main() {

>Maybe he even posts here.

Good afternoon, Santiago.

He seems like a fucking idiot

What is it with autists and supporting Trump now? The maga hat really is the new fedora.

Last I read in his twitter a year ago he was very liberal and white knight about women. What happened?

>dreams in code
that's codeword for a programmer that takes psychedelic drugs
he wasn't the first I've heard say that shit and he wont be the last

He failed to get laid and embraced the aut-right, just like every other loser suburbanite out there. It's pretty funny actually.

>left get laid

but they are degenerate ass faggots

>implying that I implied that
Young trump supporters (a fairly small portion of actual trump supporters by the way) are fueled by sexual impotence and frustration, much in the same way that the new atheist movement was back in the day. Basically the same guys who were tipping their fedoras to m'ladies are now frequenting r/T_D and (more recently) Sup Forums. They got tired of hating on the "assholes" that steal "their" women and instead now want to be those assholes. Too bad they are inherently lame so it won't work.

okay dad

Nice projecting. People who voted for Trump were mostly people in their 30+, both male and female, who are sick of the ongoing PC and SJW culture.

How can our mirrors be real if are 360's aren't?

oh shit, you mean there's another level-headed Mexican coder in Texas besides me?

What is this tingly new feeling?

You have to go back Paco.

Don;t worry son. You'll get laid once you stop acting like a child and expecting daddy Trump/the government to save you from life.

Proofs? No brietbart either.

>What is this tingly new feeling?

kill yourself, Sup Forums

Guess you can say he's a special snowflake.

too bad most fedoras voted bernie then hillary

>I hate how teenage Tumblr whores bitch about inequality nowadays
>let's get back at them by literally running America into the ground
Amerifats are truly retarded.

>Everything I disagree with is "muh dick"
Nothing to do with high rates of youth unemployment, no affordable housing, and the entry level jobs young people should have been filled with illegals and H1Bs.

Talk is cheap. Show me the code :^)

Prodigies are not relevant in this age.

I've never actually heard anyone say this.

If I am going to have to live my life as an incel I would rather support Trump and get killed in WWIII along with everyone else instead.

>void main
Borland cuck detected.

>caring about ``le SJW menace"
Choose one.

Oh wow, you walked right into that one. Nobody was expecting that ,at all.

That's why letting incels vote is dangerous. They don't care about consequences or the well-being of the country, they just want to see the world burn.

no, the drinking water turns your skin brown
I'll lose my honorary white status

Jokes on you, I sexually identify as pic related

>Main accepts no arguments
>oh my god, you made void main what a cuck
It's objectively right decision he made.


No, you have it wrong. I'm talking about the return type, not the type of the arguments. Both int main(int, **char); and int main(void) are valid function signatures for main, but the return type is ALWAYS int in any hosted implementation.

i hope he makes a bunch of weird features for iphones and tweets about how users "don't get it"