Running cracked word on win 10, still possible?

Running cracked word on win 10, still possible?

Other urls found in this thread:

install gentoo and libreoffice

>install gentoo and libreoffice
What if OP wants to get work done?

microsoft toolkit

Then he'll install ubuntu and libreoffice

Link or packed filename I can search for. Flood of sites off those 2 keywords, some Malaysian and Indonesian sites :\

why wouldnt it be?


Still getting accustomed to win 10 and all the features where it removes power user functionality such as, continually turning windows defender on.

well it pretty much ends there besides updated which are easy to deal with

kmspico from mydigitallife

Get pro and you can permanently disable that shit.

The forums are locked against new registrations. Lock out page asking for login :( can someone mirror or post a magnet link then delete the post after 3 minutes would rock

EXE MD5: 16652c1f3744f03088bc34ffa6a19fd9
EXE SHA-1: 63a19d4e6a2a51b3ec965caa01216a240899d0e4


yes you can but in a world where office online, google docs and libreoffice exist why would you


Awesome. Can user point to a clean channel for office 2016 iso.

This lenovo miix510 has office trial pre installed without including a set up file so seemingly cannot convert it to vl version

Last hurdle. Weary of relying entirely in qtorrent search function

I've grabbed the ms iso dl tool so that I can grab iso from ms servers directly, crosscheck in win 10 which iso should I grab to activate with ms toolkit.

>clean channel for office 2016 iso
Just fucking buy it, Jamal

So much spoonfeeding....

>actually wanting Microsoft to win



>still possible?
Not for long, Windows is fast becoming the DRM-ridden botnet walled garden we all feared it would become.

Now is the time to start hoarding pirated stuff. Well that time is past, but now hoard as much as you still can because the days of pirating are almost gone.

is BillFates the satan?


no. he just has burning hemorrhoids.

OK agreed and office activated. To your knowledge have any win 10 updates disabled ms toolkit, should I disable updates in registery as last precautionary step. ( ransonware *special* win 10 update is already applied to target machine )
