/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General

Previous This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa.se replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.


>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.

>Added api searching
>Theme fix up is still ongoing but making progress
>Scrapers in progress
>Added untested reset api button
>Now use svgs for icons
>Mods have more mass edit tools
>Filelist tree views properly work
>Elastic search done but needs testing

Dev live server:

Database dumps:

Local Client:
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.

Development roadmap:

NyaaPantsu Status:
>Copyrighters wall of shame

Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread:


First for linked categories.

Why did the last thread 404?

last thread got nuked lol
restrain the shitposting this time

Geez! Did you guys really have to post all those lewds!

Someone spammed loli porn.

Remember, Nyaa.si is the official replacement!

>not using nyaa.si

Latest shitposting tactic is now apparently 2D loli porn. Add it to the list!

It was too lewd for the mods.

thread motto

See you when your ban is over user, enjoy Heartcatch.

>using nyaazi

And what committee sanctioned this officiation?

Reminder that nyaa.si is better than pantsu.

It's amazing how the trackers Sup Forums backs are failures. Apollo, and now pantsu.

Shitposting University

I'm watching you, nyaa-dev.

Because I really need to know how this happens.

For some reason NewDragon's torrents on sukebei.pantsu.cat don't work for me

the trackers have seeds but they show up as 0.0% on the peers view, and DHT finds no seeds at all

I've also tested the manget links in Deluge and its the same thing, other links work fine, it's just NewDragon's magnets that just don't work for me.

How is this even possible?
is my IP range banned from his magnet link or something?

>mfw SJW behind cartel make site that Sup Forums most likely would use because how it sounds, but scream about pantsu being Sup Forums

Only 3 days, he deserved more.

Mods banned cartel from Sup Forums and they are aware the cartel is shitposting and samefagging on Sup Forums.

Remember they have banned Cartel Tripfags in the past.

I suggest Cartel to stop shitposting unless they want their Trips set to Autoban.

>Not adding nyaa.si on the main thread body as a valid nyaa.se replacement

Guess who the real nazis are?

go back to 2015 please

pantsu is better

fake news

how about you use not piece of shit client

The site you posted

Your face when cartel's best friends on twitter are the racists they scream about.

No it isn't. Daiz was actually banned for Fakku shilling once.

I was thinking of trying Go to learn how backend stuff works.

Why would anyone make pantsu their first source when all it's doing is scrapping? I can get all that and much more by just doing it myself.

And HS once fucked with Daiz too by replacing the charsets in their HS releases and also replacing the fonts so they looked the same but weren't easy to rip. The "cartel" you speak of fucks each other over as much as they fuck over random other fags

Because it's cute.

Quality Sup Forums developers: github.com/NyaaPantsu/nyaa/issues/799

Pantsu's devs are too retarded to deliver torrents, and somehow their shit site corrupts infohashes.

Hello SJW.

Jews backstab their own sometimes.

He stopped after 4 pictures though!r

Only /nrg/ cares about pantsu.

I think it's only his torrents, and only magnets.

I used uTorrent 2.2.1, Deluge 1.3.15, and qbittorrent v3.3.12

all have the same result

it's only affecting NewDragon's releases every other torrent/magnet works fine

>b-but the mascots

[troubling things intensifies]


mister PantsuDev, are you there?

Yeah I saw that others took the lead. The thread already hit the bump limit so I guess it's okay.

Pantsu's priorities should be sanitizing queries and fixing/improving the scraper. The UI will work just fine as it is now.


Literally nothing can be more important than mascots.

I guess

Hi user
I think this is because they use bitcomet or some shit which doesn't follow the bittorrent specification

Are you guys focused on that horriblesubs things right now?
Having two mascots at once on the 404 page is very redundant and it PISSES ME OFF!

nyaa.si doesn't have this problem

B-b-but how can you choose which one to remove? It's literally a blasphemy!

the bottom right renge obviously, because the big one fits the page well

fix the comment system before someone tries to spam it, it's quite easy to bypass the current captcha

It's a feature.
The problem was I assumed that they wouldn't break their rss feed which just grabs the title and the magnet link and uses the api to upload.
The nyaazi and anidex scrapers are nearly done I believe.

Yeah, that void in the left really pisses me off. Need more mascots.

but what about the 404 page ;_;

dude you can fit like an entire mascot in that space to the left
what are you doing with your life rn


In a few days it will be one month since nyaa death and it's already the 80th thread of this shit, people never get tired.

Autism never sleeps.

Gets my neurons firing

someone add this as an issue


Agreed, trusted uploads should not show up as yellow while doing a trusted only search

hey everyone, good progress on the themes being made. im going to be working on making sukebei more distinguishable now, no worries

Nice. Keep up the good job kipukun.
Here have an Eriri.

>good progress on the themes being made
great priorities you have fags

Why you don't remove the excess triangles? It's fucking eye cancer.

i dont work on backend code, user. i may as well be working on what im supposed to be doing, regardless of backend bugs

Use nyaa.si.

This, Megumin is disgusting and should be removed.

what triangles?

>being this gay

What thread are you even talking about? this is about Nyaapantsu. Read the op, Daiz.

Isn't nyaa.si the official replacement?

you're the one into boy chests

This. Darkness should replace her.

Good idea. Thanks!

>t. herkz

Please put an /h/ waifu as the sukebei mascot. Mafuyuu from KxKxK is a pretty good option. Someone posted a good vector for her in a past thread.

That indicates the current sort order in the header. It should be a single one only in the column that the content is sorted by, and rotating to indicate ascending/descending order.


Who cares if the site is functional as long as it's cute.

Hi. We need more mascots. The header and triangles are also ugly like said. Look at this :

No screw you. I like having two triangles.

is there anything that needs to be done and isn't that hard that i could work on?

more mascots


gtfo biforce faggot

No worries. The mascots are much more important anyway, please keep doing the good work.

>Open Pantsu for the first time in days
>See big ass Mascot bot right
>Click on her by accident and she actually says her like
THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING, praise be Pantsu-Dev!

I literally only came into the thread to say this bullshit, thanks again for the happyness.

>Catalan translation
People still speak that language?

The host yes.

Translations, css fixes, documentation, bug reporting.
Everything helps.
Requirement for the tld.

What tracker should I add to get correct seeders/leechers numbers? I added tracker.doko.moe:6969 but it show either 0 or 1 at best however much time pass.
Also, udp://explodie.org:6969 is banned on TT for some reason and won't allow to upload torrent with it, so I think it's better to remove it from FAQ.

We scrape the stats from coppersurf to get the most accurate numbers.