Why do you guys still use Winshit10?
Why do you guys still use Winshit10?
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to make you mad
Who says I'm mad?
It just werks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>using a mail manager
>not just using Firefox at gmail.com
I don't. Fucking hate Windows.
Haven't used it since XP and tried Windows 10 a month ago, can't say I remember XP having even half as many popups or intrusive annoying interfaces.
So I don't use it. Are you happy OP?
I don't
I'm not using winshit 10, still use 7
>winshit 10
Nice memed friend :^)
People should seriously consider start learning other operative systems just in case microsoft goes apeshit. I started to check linux and osx just in case because everything rumored about microsoft trying to create a walled garden has actually fulfilled despite a lot of people on Sup Forums negating it. I think i'll go full linux if this happens and if linux is not an option i'll try to go for a mac because at least they're honest about milking and jailing their users (and it actually looks and works much nicer as far i have tested).
Because windows 10 isn't so bad, and my favorite OS windows 7 will be discontinued sooner or later.
Just getting ahead of the curve and cozying up to my new OS that I've been using for about 2 years.
Tried out various Linux distros. Debian was my favorite, but still garbage.
I'll address the issue of permanently switching OS when the time comes.
>Still garbage
Maybe so, but still better than Windows.
at least doesn't infected with wannacry
switched a few days ago from xubuntu to win10 ltsb. so far ive noticed that win10 is faster, more reliable, and there are more programs. still debating on whether to switch back to another distro of linux, but win10 ltsb is pretty comfy, desu
>Windows 10
I do believe you just made that up.
>Still garbage
Ya was what he said
>I'm mad
you just did user
I don't and I never have. It's complete garbage. Literally anything is better than Winturd 10. I see the shill posts every fucking day and I'll still never install or purchase it.
but the logo looks so aesthetic!
I don't
Win10 LTSB with 3rd party apps to placebo blocking telemetry just werks for me.
It's an ugly, flat, generic piece of shit. Literally four slanted squares put together to form one large slanted square. I could urinate on a paper towel roll, snap a picture of it, and have a better looking logo.
'cause there isn't a winshit 11.
i couldn't believe it myself. it doesn't boot faster, but opening applications is faster. the start menu is just as fast as any menu in xubuntu.
>using obsolete software
Nobody is this mad
> mom, look I'm h4x0r and trolling g
Because there aren't any good alternatives for work.what the fuck am I going to use to replace Photoshop and illustrator.
Gimp? Give me a fucking break.
thats because of x11 shit
try fedora 25 and see if it's faster
the default is wayland
I would simply like to correct you for one short while. What you're alluding to as Linux, is in actuality, GNU/Linux, or as I simply the other day began to call it, GNU + Linux. Linux isn't an operating setup on its own, but actually another free part of a completely operational GNU setup fashioned into something proper by the GNU core libraries, terminal tools and required setup components completing a full OS as described by POSIX.
There are numerous holders operate a flavor of the original setup daily, without knowing it. Because of a strange series of situations, the edition of GNU installed now is often called Linux, and a substantial number of the holders do not know that it is practically the GNU setup, produced by GNU.
There is in fact a Linux, and the population are indeed using it, but it is but a part of the setup they use. Linux is a core: the part of the setup that distributes the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The core is a necessary part of an operating setup, but cannot work on its own; it will work only in the shadow of a whole operating setup. Linux is often installed in combination with the GNU operating setup: the whole setup is practically GNU with the addition of Linux, or GNU/Linux. All of the alleged Linux distros are really distros of GNU/Linux.
I fucking despise Windows 10. It's made for people who have literally zero idea how a computer works and thus gets annoying for someone who doesn't need their information spoonfed to them.
>using gmail botnet
>never used it
>most pots about win10 literally telling you to pirate it
Have you ever considered that Linux is so bad people prefer to shill Windows for free?
win 7 comfy desu
>installed windows 10 yesterday
>after installing drivers and basic programs start menu fucks up and cant pin anything to it or change anything in start settings
>pajeet at Microsoft gives me some shit advice which doesn't work and then fucks off
>reinstall windows 10 again
>same problem like before occurs
>maybe something with my usb image doesn't work
>re download the image with their creaton tool
>at 99% says it cannot be installed for unexpected reason
>format usb, try again
>same problem
I can't even believe how buggy everything about windows is
Most flexible OS
Because it doesn't bother me that other people find turning off options difficult.
Also, not in a Cortana region.
I use it because it just works for me.
Everything just works OOTB.
I tried different Linux distros over the past 10 years.
I got everything to work but man... this took hell lot of time.
I always switch back to Windows because it's way more comfy.
Just install Windows from USB (20 min)
Install drivers (20 min)
One big Update (20 min)
Windows 10 is awesome
Tier 1: W10 with tweaks and customizing.
Tier 2: MacOS.
Tier 3: Linux.
Tier 4: W10 as a normie.
Tier 5: W7
Tier 6: W8, XP
I use Windows 10 and it sucks.
Even the simplest tasks like removing the Cortana shortcut from the startmenu are practically impossible.
>Why do you guys still use Winshit10?
because nu-blizzard is not interested in gahnoo+loonix
It's very difficult to reach that tier 1 with windows. Windows lack so many things by default. You need many third-party-tools to achieve it, passion and hard work. So most people using Windows 10 falls down to Tier 4, maybe as many as 95-97 %. Windows doesn't even have customizable shortcuts. so I use AHK.
MacOS and Linux are very close, and it could easily be switched. They are positioned over windows 10 normies by quite much. It just gives you so much more than Windows very easily, as an advanced user or/and programmer.
MacOS score high on eyecandy, Linux score high on open-source and potential.
Windows score high on flexible, which is why you can achieve tier 1. This might be hard to understand for many, but it's fully possible. I recommend most people to stick to either MacOS or Linux though.
Because I needed a job that pays money
Have you ever considered using logic? How does shilling for something free and libre make sense?
>literally ever wanting to play games
>derrr gaymer
Yeah, I know it's just so meme but I like playing video games and 99% of them aren't on linux.
Did you misread my post? Read it again.
Because I like to play games.
Well, Linux is good enough for supercomputers, Google, Android, majority of embedded devices, majority of servers and desktop users who aren't gamers or audio engineers.
Is there any part 2 for this pic?
I'm interested on the workings of the new control panel
>can't say I remember XP having even half as many popups
>I don't use Windows
>There are popups
Well, we know you are retarded, you didn't have to prove it.
Yo dawg, I heard you like your botnet inside of a botnet
And Assembler is enough to land on Moon, doesn't mean that everything written in Java/C#/C++ is now bad.
I've stripped out all of the Telemetry and shit out of mine with GPEdit and Regedit. I've cleared out as much of the botnet shit as I can find. Windows 10 Home isn't bad but until Linux can get actual game support or a better windows emulator, shit isn't going to change.
Im on 7 and i stay on 7. I trief using win10 for a couple of daxs and the popups and slowdowns almost made me rage. Its the worst os ive used since vista. Add to that the telemetry shit that you cannot turn off no matter what you do, the shit being rooted in critical system files.
There is a reason why this piece of shit was free for a while. You think microdick is going to give you free stuff without calculating how to male the most money oit of you? Idiots
Nah, I've disabled and removed the telemetry. I'd tell you to try harder but you've made it clear your mind is made up.
>There is a reason why this piece of shit was free for a while.
Windows 7 was free as well, but at the time you just entered kindergarten, so you wouldn't know.
>There are 34 machines running Debian (woody). Students, using these machines, are granted a 50 Mb harddisk space, and can use ordinary office software (OpenOffice, Lyx and so on
I don't use it yet, but in a few years I won't have a choice.
Sadly, Linux is missing a lot of software.
>Even the simplest tasks like removing the Cortana shortcut from the startmenu are practically impossible.
Yeah, because right-clicking the taskbar and going to "Cortana" and selecting "hidden" really is quite the difficult task.
Have you ever considered that Windows isn't bad, it's just you that is stupid and your ego wont let you face the reality that you just aren't good with them?
I my whole life I never used anything but OSX (and MacOS).
That only hides the Cortana search bar. The shortcut in the startmenu will still be visible.
>CAD software
>audio over Display Port for AMD
My computer is just a tool and I use the OS that will give me the better usability of it.
Because I earn £133k as a C# developer
I have a Windows 10 Pro license and installed it on my 2600k PC yesterday to see if I could live with it.
>Claasic Shell helps
>3d movie maker works
>Adobe CS6 MC installed and works
>It is faster than Win7
Design language is obtuse af and I don't like the ads/notifications. I've got a Windows 7 Enterprise license I'm gonna put on today.
Because I haven't had the time to reinstall windows 8 on it at work. Windows 10 is never used at home
Because I chose to buy a fairly new laptop and I'm going to be stuck with windows 10 for a while till I get better gnu+linux support. Going back to windows 7 or 8 isn't also an option.
more like Tier 0: W7
Video games, the only reason to use a computer.
I enjoy playing video games and actually getting things done with an OS that works.
I have to use some programs for school (business major) that are only available on Windows and don't work well on Wine. If it weren't for that and a couple video games I'd go Linux and never come back.
because linux is garbage
Last time I switched completely to Linux I:
>had a terrible experience with audio and input latency on VFIO
>unable to use MS Office
>kernel panic
>no audio over display port, like another user mentioned
Linux is just not ready yet.
I use win10 on a desktop purely for gaming. All my servers and notebooks run Linux.
>people on this board actually fell the Linux meme
Its off there isnt audio over dp yet, it has audio over hdmi.
I think Ubuntu is ready as a laptop OS but not for desktops (since most people use their desktops for gaming)
Because its better then linux
Not for AMD cards. I tried on Linux 4.10 and couldn't get audio on either HDMI or DP.
Is it though?
Damn thats a shame
>looking to reboot from a search field.
I see why you linux fags cant get your shit together for years now.
$ find reboot
find: ‘reboot’: No such file or directory
$ search reboot
-bash: search: command not found
doesn't work on shitnux either
>tried Windows 10 a month ago
means to you
>I don't use Windows
Current state of wintoddlers.
This idle box is using an i7-6700 with 20GB of ram and a 500MB/s read speed SSD.
Windows ladies and gentlemen.
It does everything and then some plus has the largest software base of commercial and freeware.
This sounds a lot like java development for enterprise management / e-commerce plaftoms. Java beans and such. Has this cancer infected OS development?
>modifies win 10
>tells us its just w10 lagging
Please stop
Its Windows 10 becoming completely unresponsive at idle and was patched but its a good example of why Windows is garbage.
Also I can only think of one reason why this happens, the spyware shit needs to kick in again after its been turned off due to inactivity.