Hey Sup Forums I need to create ransomware. How do? Any resource links?
Hey Sup Forums I need to create ransomware. How do? Any resource links?
Other urls found in this thread:
learn to program skid
I literally hope you go to jail and get shanked in prison.
install TempleOS
you can go fuck yourself.
A ransomware like Windows 10 or like wannacry?
Well, I don't think is that hard.
You can do it all with python, create a file-stream, encrypt the streams with pycrypto, send the key to some remote server in Ukraine. Create a little server to link the ransomware installs with different bitcoin addresses and automatic the process to check if somebody payed.
It would take you a long weekend, if you know what you are doing.
All the resources you need is available at gentoo.org
how about you actually earn your money instead of stealing it from ignorant old people. you're a leech on soceity
If you need to ask you shouldn't do it.
ask teh nsa to leak more wangblows exploits.
Found one
Get a job at the NSA then steal theirs.
open cmd
type ping until a menu opens
thankzzz! this worked for me
install windows10 on other people's computers
Wtf it works!