Thoughts on curved monitors?
Thoughts on curved monitors?
We should make our faces flat instead.
Let me tell you a story about a fool and his money...
An autobiography?
Gimmick. The curve offers no benefit as most people don't sit close enough for it to matter.
Do you ever sleep, or are you just perpetually on Sup Forums? It doesn't seem to matter when I visit, you're always posting in every thread I enter...
I can't sleep, but i'm user. No one cares when you are anonymous no one knows
I'm using one at work, its fucking fantastic. got used to it in under a day.
superior. would recommend. can emulate dual screens and park two full screen windows side by side.
ye but only for like 6 hours, my body aches like a motherfucker when I come home from being a mason all day long.
For anything larger than 24", it's fucking brilliant.
free or gratis?
are you a free mason, or a gratis mason?
Whoah, cool it there buddy. We don't talk about that, you know that.
Well it looks like the pain is subsiding a little. I'm gonna get some sleep, good night Sup Forums. See you losers tomorrow.
real men use convex monitors
Nobody loves you.
That's a really mean thing to say. Apologize.
Eat shit and die.
I can't get a beautiful ultrawide dell IPS because curved memepanels became a thing no one asked for.
Using this thing and it's fantastic.
Just because something's a meme doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Do you still use conventional hard drives instead of falling for the SSD meme?
Meme doesn't matter to me, but I want an non-curved ultrawide. What's the point of curving it when one of the reasons you buy an IPS panel is for the superior viewing angles?
if your monitor is at a distance where you can see the entire thing without turning your head then all having it curved is going to do is distort the image.
They're stupid.
i.. i-i'm not him... but I am sorry he said that to you, user~
I wish you happiness and good fortune.