How do I get motivated enough to organize my desktop Sup Forums? Everytime I try to start...

how do I get motivated enough to organize my desktop Sup Forums? Everytime I try to start, I get hung up on each item and dont know where to put it.

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Great now I have cancer.

sorry. i just tried to organize 1 item but it was my college transcript and i dont want to delete that and I dont remember where my college folder is. I think its on the desktop.


i wish but everytime i look at each individual file its too important and i dont want to delete it. for example this folder has plugins i might want to use in a music program. cant delete that


When you will use it - you will download it again, delete now

Install TempleOS

mkdir txt
mv *.txt txt/
mkdir png
mv *.png png/
etc. that's how I do it.
may not be the best advice since my desktop still looks a lot like yours.

True. Also I never even use VST files, I use Audio Unit Files. As seen in pic related.

Ok, I will delete this. Thank you Sup Forums

>Create a new folder
>Move all image files into this folder
>Create another new folder
>move all documents into this folder
>Repeat process as often as needed, for however many types of files you have
>Once your desktop is clean go into your new folders, and figure out how you want to sort shit from there

>New folder
>Move to
>Proceed with treatment for severe autism

After about a year of doing this, it only made my problem worse, cuz then my storage would get full from the fake cleanliness.

Thanks for the help guys. Now lets move onto this folder, what even is it? It has weird files in it, I dont even know what they are

There are pictures from unofficial transcript.htm saved page, delete both

don't fucking save shit there to begin with

I think that looks pretty neat and that you should fill your entire desktop with stuff.

Thanks user, I deleted both!
What should I do with this great thread story I saw on Sup Forums a month ago. I dont want to delete it, but I don't know where to put it? I was probably trying to pick between my videogames folder and my porn folder and i think i just forgot about doing that.

I've never seen a virtual hoarder. This is really amazing and I'm laughing really hard. Post more OP. Show us your collection

Why care? Does the mess make it hard for you to sleep at night?

Together we are going to clean this desktop!

I think I just deleted 20 items with your guys' help. I made the icons bigger to make them easier for me to see.

Is this some kind of weird RP thread?

hey user, welcome! Where do I put this meme?

Protip: make a folder called "Pictures" and put it at the corner of your screen, then go through and mass-select every single image file on your desktop, then drag-and-drop them all into the folder. It'll make you feel better and won't take much time at all.

I already do this, its the straglers that I dont know where to put that bother me and end up making a home on the desktop

Kekkeroni pls post.

what should I do with this meme

Create a meme folder mane

In the trash

where do i put this audacity file for me live reacting to the presidential election, I have no plans on doing anything with it but I want to keep it.

Upload it to YouTube and share it with us for keks

but its an hour and 34 minutes long

That goes in greenshots.
True, it's not greentext but it's close enough.

I think I am going to leave it here for tonight Sup Forums Thank you for helping me organize my desktop! Maybe tomorrow night you guys can help me more and we can get it all cleaned up together!

even better

I def should make a greenshots folder. I mostly just put greentext stories in the folder that its about like a politics or a games folder.


also you could just make a desktop backup folder in documents and dump everything there. No rush to sort, and sort it a bit at a time, staying sorted with new downloads. Pic related, my sorting

I think I will include it in this 18 hour long collection of audio recordings I am going to release one day.

show me your drawings user :)

You need to set your background to a picture of an office - desk and shelves both. Then just set your icons on the shelves. Boom. Organized

is that what you do? Pretty good idea

>he doesn't know he can just buy more storage

p-please do not bully me


>I do. I dont let them get disorganized though.

cute horse user :)

i wish i was u right now. also nice monitor size

Format and start over.

you are kind, thank you friend

I did on a windows machine. Now I have a brand new computer with a super clean desktop. But I still care about these things on this computer and I want to clean it all up

no problem friend. i make art too but i can never draw, im too bad at it! so I just use tools in pixelmator to make cool stuff like this

How much capacity is all that in total?

and why don't you just get an external hdd enclosure?
they're a lot cheaper to buy as opposed to those single ones you got

the one in the link holds 4 HDDs

Make a bunch of folders, and start archiving it. Try not to let it come to this cluster fuck again.

I didnt even know this was a thing, thanks user! I bought them slowly over time, over the course of many years.

what do u think all the blue folder icons on there are. thats what I tried to do

could have had a little more fun with this

Just as long as you're not saving it to your desktop

Looks great user :)

Nope. To my phone (those don't need organizing.

It takes practice, desu. I'm sure you could learn



>create directory called 'Everything'
>put everything in it
Now your desktop will be clean and you'll have the option of sorting everything alphabetically, making it easier to find what you're looking for.

What an interesting thread

>Saving to desktop
Your OS Provides you with folders in your home folder, just use them when saving shit.

create new folder
open new folder
you're welcome

yeah. I have like 10 layers of these.

Every time I fill up i just it in another folder on the desktop called old desktop.

Works great imo and you simply travese the directories like a time machine

For starters create a folder for all the archieved websites (the Chrome logo'd ones).

You can't organize until you have a collection. You have a collection. So
>make a folder
>put all stuff in it.
>Make two folders in that folder
>put all stuff in either of those.

When done, go back and rename the folders.

actually with the terminal and a simple command you can move every images in a folder, all mp3 in an other one etc.
What you should start to do though is left click and sort it by type, helps a lot

put image files in a folder called images
put audio files in a folder called audio
put video files in a folder called video

use hydrus for images and small video clips, and beets for the audio

create new folder on the desktop, throw all the crap
in that folder, done

Ctrl+a shift+del

Get all that shit off your desktop, only software shortcuts allowed. Put all your documents in their included "Documents" folder, pictures in their included "Pictures" folder, etc. making new sub-folders as necessary.

Don't do this shit OP, it will pile up. I have like 6000 unsorted pics etc in such a folder on my desktop now...

lel, whenever i need to organize my desktop i just make a new folder named "Desktop" and drag everything into it.

There is a magical file directory called MY DOCUMENTS where you can continue a file structure

Outside of that there is no need for shortcuts, you can use search to get to any application necessary. Pin what ever you use daily. Easy.

Im about 60% of the way done now. its coming along.


Dude, I've had that amazon page open for a week. My plan is to use two of the drives as backups of the other two but I am half worried about something causing all of the drives in the enclosure to fail which would defeat the purpose of the backup.