QBittorrent is simply the best torrent client currently available

qBittorrent is simply the best torrent client currently available.

Not only is it Free Software, it works very well under sane conditions (ie. a Unix-like environment as opposed to the horrors of Window$) and is extremely stable.

>inb4 STALLED memers
pic related

Other urls found in this thread:


rtorrent is superior

Transmission is better for a normal user.


nigger, please...

How do I get my interface to look like this?



11 torrents connected to 97 peers and it can't seed.

I use uTorrent (:

Also interested in

I updated to the latest version!

utorrent some time ago came with a bitcoin miner and now it comes bundled with flash to show adverts and some jewtorrent advertisers have used flash exploit to install ransomware.

as much as i like the interface and features, it made me switch to deluge.

What? Whare? I don't see any.


I don't have them:

just because you hide adverts doesn't mean they don't get loaded. i don't feel like risking getting my neghole pozzed.

I didn't hide anything. uTorrent does no traffic in that state here.

libtorrent is really difficult to compile with clang for some weird raison
so much so that it's been removed from the Brew ports on OS X entirely

I've used rtorrent for the past 10 years. Surely in the meantime somebody else has made another commandline/curses torrent client, right?

I've just been using Tixati. Pretty alright

Whole UI

no one cares brownie

Play with the settings, hide the top toolbar and sidebar, enable execution log, and search engine

>Not using Deluge

i wouldn't put trust in any BitTorrent Inc. future shenanigans at this point. it's just not worth the risk.

btw besides stalling meme i don't use qbittorrent because it seems that freetards can't into good looking interface icons

UI is fine, but qBittorrent is bloatware.

Picotorrent for lightweight rep

This is how it looks on KDE.





Transmission has trash UI that can't fit anything on the screen and only makes it difficult to work with, if you're on private trackers and want to keep your torrent lists organized it's a fucking nightmare using Transmission. qBittorrent is clean and easy to work with.

this is the real problem i have with qbittorrent. it isnt that a tranfer stalls, but that it refuses to seed.

>no blocklist s autoupdate
>inb4 muh placebo
It works, atleast with french autorities.

i tried all clients, qbittorrent is best one


>pirating nekopara
hope you donated money to Sayori

I just moved from utorrent, is there a way to increase the leading for the torrents?

You're right.

Nekopara is a garbage VN that weebs play "ironically"

name a better torrent client
explain why it's called Deluge

> I/O errors

Transmission Daemon+ Transmission Remote GUI > Everthing else.

Only on NTF$.

Japscat porno?

Plump mature women JAV

if they didnt use shitty wrappers on the macOS version, id use it

Stop pretending to be me! I use bitcomet!

I use Tranmission and I have the big 3: PTP, BTN and RED. Up to 1000 torrents with no problem.

I'm not saying it's perfect, it doesn't have many features but it's just enough for a normal user.