ITT: Cringiest Linux distros

ITT: Cringiest Linux distros.
I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

who the fuck says cringy

your present self to your past self


Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Arch, Solus

i think it looks cute


Kali. Nothing else needs to be said.

You did

actually ubuntu is a good distro and canonical is great at quality control, that's why they shipped 16.10 as "stable" using Linux 4.8.0

ubuntu is literally just debian with a few tweaks.

it is. Almost anything that's related to AI runs on Debian-based stuff. like Tensorflow.
not really anymore, they are too big.


but it is, all they add is unity, and i think theyre pushing towards mate and gnome now. They only make their money from tech support and contracts, not from really selling or developing software.

like a shitty kali meets tails?

Joke distros for inexperienced kids: Arch, Solus
Neutral distros: Ubuntu, Fedora
Reliable distros for professionals: Debian, RedHat, Gentoo

Fuck this can't be real.

>good distro

Yeah because it's the easiest Distro to set up on

That doesn't mean Ubuntu is better, because most of the times people who install these frameworks don't do anything else on that installation, probably because it would break it down

Nah. It's because Google prefers Ubuntu.

>Yeah because it's the easiest Distro to set up on
fedora is more compatible with certain networking hardware, or rather set up to work immediatly

seems like a pre-configured fedora with a different DE.
what's so cringy about it aside the snek branding?

Look bro, if we follow your line of thought we'll be asking, "What's so cringey about electricity?"

Underage retards. I've been seeing this more often recently.

Pre Kali, and tails. Iirc it was based of incognito.

it's a legitimate emotion. cringe is everywhere

Machine learning has very little to do with networking compatibility

nigga you high

didnt readd the full chain, just assumed you were talking about hardware compatability and ease of initial set up

yes but its clearly not being used as the feeling its being used as a "meme buzzword"



are you enjoying your past millenia UI and all of its 10 software that cant do anything?

>not AnonymOS
It's shit.

Ububtu Satanic

DELET this immediately. I did not give you permission to post my waifu Diana.

What's the difference between normal Ubuntu?


>Ubuntu is just Debian
>Gentoo is used in production settings
Shouldn't posters from Poland be sleeping right now?

>yes but its clearly not being used as the feeling its being used as a "meme buzzword"
OPs image probably reminds more than a few here of their edgy teen years, which is a common source of cringe.

Who is this semon demon

amount of cringe

Call me when plymouth stop segfault evey minute

>for professional
Back then, some university servers got owned. It was always Debian and never CentOS.


arch fedora ubuntu

Was a joke. The system was full of malwares.

Fucking Hannah Montana Linux

everything except for gentoo

Kali is the only distro for real men.

>No pic
Set up your game, sempai


Chakra Linux

newfags, Sup Forumstards and redditors

This was made for the show or something?

People that use everything as a way to project their insecurities. Their insecurities basically just being that they aren't "cool" enough.

It's an updated version of the term gay. An ambiguous insult putting down someone's social status and saying that whatever argument or opinion they had otherwise is nullified because of it.

Snakes are cringy. Because it's the kind of thing a 13 year old BMXer would like. Or something. The great thing about being ambiguous is that you're exempt from having any actual opinions that someone could deconstruct.

Emo music is cringy. Because it features men displaying emotions. Men except grizzled war veterans and emotions other than staring into the distance with a look of grim acceptance. See those emotions are okay but it's a bad thing that you don't take this thing as seriously as I do.

You also notice that most of these things seem to go back being in middle/high school, being the delimiter that all these people compare themselves to. The person that turns a conversation political is "that kid" in middleschool, the person wearing a punk-rock T-shirt needs to grow up and is just being "edgy" and just likes that band because they exploit their masculine insecurities. Somehow I think the best time of these peoples' lives were when they were 14 where the delimiter behind everything and why it was a good idea was either because it was "sick" or "gay" and none of the technicalities or complexities of life like paying your mortgage or showing compassion towards another human being because it's the right thing to do don't really matter.

You'd think Sup Forums - Technology would be exempt from this but I get the sense that this board is full of pedestrians that don't really understand or care to understand technology and just use it to make themselves feel cool. Like everything else.


Wasn't it just a parody of the super-duper-christian-ubuntu?

Pony OS

You care too much. Life is one big, meaningless game. Get paid and have fun. Fuck, eat, sleep.

It's a joke. Just like Bieber Linux. My friend was actually the guy who created it, but he used a fake email to link to sourceforge instead of his actual sourceforge account, which he uses for other releases of personal distros.

cringelord detected

hey, this is pretty good, not cringe at all

Apartheid Linux

I like teal :D

>Admin CP finder

>Nazi OS

holy sheeeit its real

The AWB was anti apartheid though
Aparthaid was 10% ruling over 90%
They wanted whites to all move to the cape to form a white majority state.
When the NP regime gave power to the anc they joined one of the black Bantustans in a war against the anc disbanding it

Hannah Montana Linux

Not the guy your replying too, but you care too little.

look up osfirsttimer on youtube, kid films his mum trying out various linux distrobutions