/pcbg/ - PC Building Genera

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>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 - budget builds (R5 1500x - generally all you need for 60fps with power to spare. No i5
>R5 1600 - best value for higher fps gaming & mixed usage; 1600x if you too lazy to OC
>i7-7700k - bad value but good; may have heat issues even at stock clocks
>R7/Xeon - compute/Multitask/mixed use
>Threadripper/i9 soon

>G4560 iGPU is fine for desktop stuff and very light game
>1050Ti at ~$105. Drop settings if not Freesync/Gsync on newer games; RX560 if discounted
>RX570 4GB - 1080p@60+hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60+hz, inject SMAA & drop settings for some games
>1060 - Generally outperformed by the RX 580 and GSync costs more; consider only if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA)
>1070 - 1080p@144hz/1440p@100+hz
>1080 - 1080p@90-144+hz maxed; 1440p at lower hz.
>1080Ti - 1440p@90-144+hz; 4k@60hz in SOME games, more at lower settings
>Freesync2 & Vega soon

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity as a scratch disk
>Stop fucking confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>Go mATX form factor for cheaper board+case
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs
>Computex in a few days, wait for it

Other urls found in this thread:


Assuming i wanna do some decent overclocking of my R7 1700, say to 3.7 or 3.8GHz here, what cooler would be great for this at the lowest price possible? Also it needs to be non-noisy, and it'd be great if i could slap one of my 140mm fans on it
The stock cooler isn't good for achieving those overclocks at a constant full load.

>Threadripper/i9 soon

tfw no release date announced yet for threadripper ;_;
computex in two days though

gsync or freesync?

ryzen with apu ``nuc'' when

If you're gonna go for a $250~ or lower priced GPU, then Freesync all the way because the AMD cards in that price range are competitive & freesync doesn't cost any premium
If you're gonna spend more than that for your GPU, considering AMD isn't even competing above this price point, you have no choice but to go GSync at the current time.

Vega soon & AMD computex even in 2 - 5 days though, so maybe you'll want to fetch a Vega card once it release

neither. save yourself money and potential blindness from a shit image quality by buying a high quality IPS panel.

freesync and gsync are arguably only really worth it at the high end, which offers good IPS panels with good sizes and resolutions.

whats a good monitor in the 32" 1440p range, i don't need higher refresh as nothing i play would benefit from it

>AMD on release
I made that mistake once with the 5850.
Never again.

What happened with it?
I haven't gotten any AMD GPU on release but i'm very pleased with my release R7 1700 purchase though

AMD reference coolers means free heater during winter

They've ditched the reference coolers for the 5xx series and their high end cards always have pretty good cooler (R9 295x2, Fury line, etc)
Granted, they're pretty much forced to put a great cooler in there considering how much heat these cards released

i think the 5850 was just shit in general. one of my friends had one and he used to tell me about how it would constantly throttle because of it's stupidly high temps. i think it only had 1gb vram as well.

You are fucking retarded. Please get off Sup Forums

A reference cooler doesn't mean that the chip puts out less heat, just that the chip isn't cooled as effectively.

5850 and 5870 was so value for money that they were sold out for months iirc. But yeah, if you don't have a good cooling system in place, it would constantly throttle because of how hot it got. So never again.

That is good to know. I know my current card (290) is another space heater with it reference coolers.

1GB of VRAM was fine back then.
If it was throttling it was probably due to a poor cooler, Terrascale was more efficient than fermi so it's shouldn't have been -producing- more heat, just not dissipating it.

It is a meme retard. Here is the real reason . Not that it didn't stop everyone from calling the 5800 series heaters.

What's a good RAM kit to go with a Ryzen 1600? Looking for 16gb, speed doesn't matter too much, it's mostly for gaming.

G.Skill FlareX

>speed doesn't matter too much
with ryzen it does. check your motherboard's QVL list and pick a model from there. look for at least 3000mhz

Cheapest you can find from a known brand, really. I'm rocking some 2600MHz CAS 16 (pretty bad) Corsair Ballistyx with my R7 1700, and everything works well and fast.

Going for a $600 to $700 build US (will probably get different peripherals or cheaper)

Rate, hate, and discriminate kudasai


I've been out of the building scene for a while, didn't ryzen have problems on launch when paired with certain ram solutions? Or has that been fixed?

i wouldn't recommend doing that. especially when ryzen has problems hitting higher frequencies i'd just pick something from qvl.
faster ram is usually marginally more expensive but performs better.
of course in your build everything works well but compared to let's say 3200mhz you'd be losing performance in exchange for not a lot more money

>It is a meme retard
Get off my Sup Forums you meming shitheadd. You can't even meme properly

It's dependent on motherboard and kits, and the problem are overclocking problems, aka difficulties for the motherboard to POST forcing you to run at lower speed

> Or has that been fixed?
Past bioses updates had improved upon it a lot, but those were workarounds and had to be thrown out of the window with the previous Agesa update for compatibility reasons. AMD made an update to fix all of this and gave motherboard manufacturers the update around two weeks ago, we're now waiting for them to complete their bioses that will include this update.

You seem upset

Well the motherboard I've got my sights on right now is the Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3 Motherboard, I'm not looking to spend too much on mobo + ram beyond what is necessary, since I'll be moving to Vega once it comes out and money is a little tight. I don't really plan on overclocking, rather I'll probably upgrade when AMD releases their last line of AM4 CPUs, to get the most mileage out of the motherboard, and potentially also the ram, if standards change again or they're not compatible with mobos in the near future.

wow intel is embarrassing

Really makes you think

>all those people that are still buying i5s

>works out of the box
>don't have to babysit updates and workarounds
>games are literally built for your chipset
>literal intel shills have sponsored almost every big twitch streamers rigs

AMD really needs to work on their marketing game for the masses.

>all those people that are still buying i5s
are now buying the 1600

>amazon is the single market for cpus

might as well buy a console then

>games are literally built for your chipset
what did he mean by this

Is it just shit?

Damn intel cant even sell a flagship

Show me a bigger supplier who also posts their stats

Except, you know, they aren't

Here are the top selling CPUs on new egg

Fucking FX CPUs are selling better than Rypoo

>tfw yuropoor
>tfw bought a i5-6500 literally a year
>tfw netflix 4k drm doesn't work here
>tfw too poor to buy a i7
>tfw ryzen was a year away from release

I really wanted Ryzen, but the situation didn't let me buy it.

nice samefagging you cuck

Really makes you think

>FX selling better
great indication that amazon isnt a good metric img_xxxx

>what is paint

Oh really, then New Egg is better?

Here are the top 8 selling CPUs on New Egg

Notice anything?

>had money to buy LGA 1150 i5 to replace my g1840
>bought from ebay, seller never sent it, got refunded
>ended up spending all the money on video games
>1 year later Ryzen comes out at the very moment i have money again
got really lucky there

does this fit in your budget?

Why does Nvidia & AMD both use blower-style coolers with original design cards?

Aren't they beaten in both cooling and noise by even a single top-down fan?

blower style has significantly more cooling power but the noise levels are shit

any reason for going with that mobo? you don't need ATX and biostar isn't the best pick nowadays.
go with PCI network adapter. they perform better and you don't want to have your usb slot taken all the time.
if you can then go with one of the samsung freesync monitors like S24E370DL. they have panels with MUCH better colors (PLS is literally samsung's name for IPS).
DO NOT pay for windows. you're already going to give them all of your privacy. just pirate it. it only doesn't let you to change some of the personalization settings but there are workarounds. with saved money you could go for a better gpu/monitor

that its updated in the same way amazon is and isnt representative? get lost img_xxxx, you, aren't subtle

>Aren't they beaten in both cooling and noise by even a single top-down fan?
Not in every situation. They could make aftermarket-style coolers, but then they'd be competing with aftermarket brands (EVGA/Gigabyte/Asus/MSI/etc etc etc) which would make them really unhappy.

>blower style has significantly more cooling power

False, blower GPUs actually run hotter in 99% of cases

Yes clearly it's just a giant conspiracy, all of the best selling lists are wrong

Bullshit, blower style does not have more cooling performance.

The reason blower style is the reference design is because it is not dependent on good case airflow, so it will work in (almost) any possible case. Which makes sense for a reference design, you don't want it to not work well in certain situations.

Get lost img_xxxx, you, aren't subtle

Fuck off AMD shill

We should add a guide of "Software to install in new builds"
which should start with things as drivers and go on to general
programs that are required to run software people often run and
end up with a list of recommendations for good browsers/torrenting
software/media players etc.

>seller never sent it
This still happens wtf?

>everyone that thinks my shitposting is annoying is a shill

Get lost img_xxxx, you, aren't subtle

are you trying to claim google searches = more sales? it's a known fact amd products sell like shit compared to the competitors. there is nothing shocking with any of these numbers being provided.

>facts are shitposting

Sorry you can't handle reality AMD shill

>anonymous people are still lazy/untrustworthy?
Did you just come out of stasis or something m8?
That shit's never going to change.

Let's just say that I want the RX580 to combine with R5 1600, but it's out of stock, plus, the GTX1060 is now cheaper. What do?

>1060 - Generally outperformed by the RX 580 and GSync costs more; consider only if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA)
Why all the tests online say that's not true even in DX12 games?


because you are looking at shill shit

>Why all the tests online say that's not true even in DX12 games?
The outperforming part? Not sure what benchmarks you've been looking at, but the RX 580 getting much better performance gains in Vulkan & DX12 has been around since the RX 480 release and is a known fact at this point

1060 is generally the better choice

After Nvidia updated their drivers it now beats the same priced AMD offering

I thought they just stopped selling on ebay.. .

Either consider getting rx 570 which is better value for money otherwise
if you're willing to have to pay +200$ for g-sync monitors in the future
consider the 1070 at least which is a pretty good card.

>After Nvidia updated their drivers it now beats the same priced AMD offering
It catched up but is still behind, and Freesync makes the RX 580 more appealing.

>every game nvidia is better in is shit
wow, nice sponsorship, how did AMD grab up all the good sponsorship

nice try shill. see . note that it's the 9gbps version of 1060. not to mention rx580 has more vram and supports freesync.

If you are going FreeSync then yeah you will save some money going 580

But 1060 has other advantages too like way less power usage and heat

Wait™ or get the 1060.
It's up to you.

the 1060 at stock matches the 580. that says a lot about how much better it is. if it's matching a heavily oc aftermarket 1400mhz 580 at only 1700 mhz boost, imagine how much it rapes the 580 when it's oc to 2.1ghz.

dont listen to that cuck hes just massive shill


fuck off marketer. nobody wants your shitty panels. we know it's not selling well but that doesn't mean you have to shill it here.

don't forget
>gaming is the only use for cpus

>but what if the oc 1060
gets beaten by a oc 580, Get lost img_xxxx, you, aren't subtle


>shitty panels
what is samsung monitors

Get lost img_xxxx, you, aren't subtle

b-bb-ut it d-do-sent fit my n-n-narrative

nope. here is just one example of the 1060 beating the 580 oc even in an amd sponsored game and a generally very well optimized game as of now. no shady business going on.


no nvidia pajeet shill approved

Jesus christ you are insane

>some random loser on jewtube
lol no see

>ill use a ad hominem that will work

oh wow yeah i really wanna pay £300 for a shitty 24" TN 1080p garbage tier panel when i can get a £220 32"inch samsung LED screen with much better colors and bigger screen size. only a fucking colossal retard will buy a freesync monitor for muh 75hz and shitty colors and size over a superior bigger LED/IPS screen.

Here's the power usage (which also means heat output)

Huge difference between the 1060 and 580

still cheaper than g-sync LOL

also all lcds have garbage color LOL

can't tell if you're retarded or trolling. i didn't say that was wrong ():

>the 1060 at stock matches the 580
unless you think 2% difference isn't within the definition of "matching". i'm talking OC vs OC and it's clear from many videos that even a 580 at 1500mhz loses out to a 1060 at 2.1 ghz.

my freesync monitor is ips 144hz nice strawman

That's the problem I have

Can't find a fucking gsync or freesync good IPS monitor that isn't like $1000

Would much rather have a good IPS panel than that BS

Actually a 75Hz 1080p TN with freesync is only $180

>70 watts
a light bulb sure is a lot for a pajeet like you

>he fell for the 1440p meme

Have fun with your shitty 1080p scaling

Samsung S24E370DL is 150$ you fucking retard.

link me to that superior screen you're talking about autist

who's talking about g-sync? and LED's do not have better colors, especially vs shitty freesync TN panels. fuck off.

did it cost less than my 32" samsung LED screen at $220 ($250)?