Name one comfier OS

name one comfier OS.

Ubuntu + GNU


>slackware will cease to exist in your lifetime




my mintOS is comfy as fuck, even tho i dont know how to use it and i installed it just to brag bout being out of the botnet10

Microsoft™ Windows 10™ Home Edition

Give it back, Jakevin

Why would it?

edgy as fuck :D

So long as someone in the world still has a copy of it on some hard disk, it will still exist. Digital media does not work like any other media the world has seen so far.

OpenBSD is pretty comfy.

>means there is a lot of bloated preinstalled shit

bloat doesn't mean anything anymore.
you retards killed it because if the OS is even functional all you niggers cry bloat.

>4.4 kernel
yah sure buddy

I agree with you and personally has more than 600 packages
but what kind of functionals you'll get with some networkmanager compared to wpa supplicant?
how you gonna use amd support utility in your kernel if you're using intel processor
there is much useless shit in ubuntu/mint/any-based-on-something distro
this meaning of "comfy" distro just have no sense

there's no such thing as a comfy distro, just a comfy rice.

I'm p comfy rn


>which is slackware based but intended to be comfy

>it cant even join active directory
>is a botnet
>is shit compared to ganoo loonix

how is this comfy

>slackware based

what? it isnt


Comfy is a dead meme and this thread should be purged. Fuck you OP

Shut up. There's a thread for you dorks elsewhere


bet you've got lots of m8s irl, pal
Never-de'less I enjoyed reading your post.



This. Though Slackware is the best option if you need Linux

9front, seriously.

the fucking subject of the thread is "name one comfier OS"

>clearly has never used Slackware

No it isn't. That is a rhetorical device, not a literal topic.

ehem... Source Linux, mate, have you tried it?
Can't get any comfier.

Someone stole my "Mage" from "Source Mage"
Install Source Mage