Previous thread: >>60616130

Previous thread: Not sure what private trackers are all about?
>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

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Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

first for lasereyess legs

>no news
Fuck you too.

whatever albino

Shit OP

what a disappointing OP
look at the time and effort that went into the previous OP

bleh, it's alright
not every OP can be as good as the last one

>no subject
>no news

Did private trackers help you to lose your virginity?

I think the wide array of 'bohemian' and 'counter-culture' and 'avant-garde' etc music, film and books I have read thanks to private trackers did. I was able to advertise them on online dating sites. Got to meet some really interesting girls

OP, if i saw you, i'd spit in your mouth

>meeting girls

Sarek that you boi

How many times has this OP image been used?

Someone make a proper thread please.

>tfw was about to fill Y********y's request
>tfw now i wont

Is TCH a meme?

I'd be willing to bet you've never actually encoded with XviD. You've probably never even encoded with x264.


After asking Blutopia if they use MD5 hashes directly, I've been told they use a different codebase entirely since the beginning of the new site, called "UNIT3D".
"XBTIT Blu-Edition" being an old project for the "coder" who made the site. Further clarifying if this were actually used, insecurities like this would have been fixed, implying there was never any intention to use MD5 for password hashing.

Stop with le OT hidden meme. It's not funny and will never be. You're just making an ass of yourself.

Maybe share your point instead of insinuation something useless like that?

OP deserves ebola edition.

>The thread that was promised, wew lads
>The origin of the anti-Kyle revealed
>Captain Jean-Luc Van Der Beek declares jihad on /ptg/
>sarek alpha as fuck
>albino is a cuck
>Inspector Sherlock user press release on Lasereyess secrets


Who cares if he is an idiot, user? A buffer is buffer.

Is hdb worth it if you only dl remuxes?


XviD does not equal bad quality. It's just not as efficient in space to quality ratio as x264. It's not a bad codec, just worse than x264 / H.264.
What is the real name of that user?

Yes because HDB internals look just as good as remuxes. It's also good for epeen and getting into chink trackers.

>Yes because HDB internals look just as good as remuxes. It's also good for epeen and getting into chink trackers.
But I dont dl encodes just remuxes

Is Blutopia worth it? Or is it curry shit?

Join AHD.

There's no reason keep employing that practice if you're on HDB.
It's a shitty /ptg/ meme that everyone will forget about by the end of next month

It's the best new tracker I've joined in a long time. Other than that, might want to wait a year or so.

That's the worst advice you can give him. AHD encoders are not nearly as experienced as HDB ones. Their releases are bloated as fuck.

you're bloated
AHD encodes are great

redpill me on bluetopia

it's born from the ashes of BluRG and Blu-Bits
BluRG had good internals for full BDs

kill me

They do a lot of remuxes though.

HDBits has some of the best encoders, but also some that are absolute shit (CtrlHD). All in all I'd still say HDBits > Awesome-HD

met a girl at a bar and told her i was on hdbits she instantly put on "fuck me" eyes and we went back to my place, it was only then that she decided to grill me on the rules and "do not upload" list on hdbits. surprise surprise, im not on hdbits, and when i couldnt answer her questions she spit in my face, stormed out and threw rocks at my house and wife's car

The new HDBits.

>That's the worst advice you can give him. AHD encoders are not nearly as experienced as HDB ones
I dont download encodes.... reeeeeeee

You faggots will regret shilling for Cucktopia once it dies in a month.

get on BeyondHD and PrivateHD if you're after everything new, don't expect to find old shit though
otherwise AHD

What's the point of Awesome-HD? There are so many better movie trackers.

>get on BeyondHD and PrivateHD if you're after everything new, don't expect to find old shit though
>otherwise AHD
Im already on AHD and can get on HDB anytime I want. I dont need these curry ass trackers. I just want to know if HDB is worth it if I only download remuxes ffs

how are the ratio rules on there? is it easy? should I sign up?

Then no. HDBits has no proper remuxes, they have this retarded rule that all audio on remuxes must be FLAC.

>movie trackers
>not HD only
name them, there's only HDT and HDB
like everybody fucking said nigger, there's not as much remuxes on HDB as AHD
curry trackers that are fast to release remuxes can be useful

t. not on HDB
that has changed

That's been changed, and also how is that not a "proper" remux? It's lossless audio straight from the disc. Are you a retard who thinks DTS HD and FLAC are different?

My mistake. Thanks for the correction.

I will not forget this slight, ever.

>not HD only
Does that mattter? It's 2017. Every movie tracker does HD.

AHD is pointless and should die.

not every tracker has internals that are actually good

>AHD is pointless and should die.
tehlarsie is not pointless.

>tehlarsie is not pointless.
True. When AHD dies we can re-home that sexy kitten very easily though.

>Are you a retard who thinks DTS HD and FLAC are different?
t. delusional freetard

DTS is a fully featured codec including metadata for advanced sound profiles and even has object audio extensions like DTS:X. FLAC can't recreate any of that, and "just" transcoding DTS to FLAC using your gay freetard tools would lose all of that information.

It would NOT sound the same but of course you probably listen with a 500 line ALSA config for your 5000 line mpv config that you use with your 15 year old thinkpad.

Could I pay my way into Biblotik?

I have money, but I don't have time.

how do i be you

buy books then

Rare books are relatively expensive compared to paying your way into a tracker I would have thought?

Perhaps I am wrong? tracker came back online at the EXACT same time as tracker!


~ Inspector Sherlock user

>Rare books are relatively expensive
What rare book are you looking for? Bet you its on libgen and not on bib


>seeding 400+ torrents
>uploaded 200MB in a fucking MONTH
fuck RED fuck zed fuck all of this

>ratiocucks will defend this


Are you one of the people that was never on WCD?
There were just as many ratiocucks complaining about WCD and no upload.

no, fuck you lyle

I will find you.

Let me guess: the moment an AHD encode is even one megabyte smaller than an HDB one, it's "bitrate starved shit"?

None of this is true, they're both lossless codecs and decode to .wav. Audiophiles are truly gullible


You can't transcode Dolby Atmos or DTS:X to FLAC without losing the object based metadata.

fill requests my pajeet friend
you need to spend money to get buffer on RED
I suggest either buying WEB releases or buying secondhand CDs off discogs or ebay to fill those 1GB requests
I'm at 50+GB and /setforlife/

The guy was originally talking about remuxes on HDB, which require DTS:X and Atmos to be left alone. Only DTS-HD MA and TrueHD were converted to FLAC. Both of those don't have "advanced sound profiles" that require the original codec. They decode to .wav, and they are lossless. FLAC is the same exact information at a smaller filesize.


lmfao, I've got 2 TB on pedro's and i wouldn't even call that /setforlife/

Sure thing, buddy. None of my requests are realistically fillable. You most likely found a fake.

That's because it doesn't have content.

>A 2 TB buffer that you don't use it
>look at me guys!
good job ratiocuck

Is it true that HDT > AHD?

if you're after TV and full BDs then yes

Wasn't AHD used as a stepping stone to HDB in the past?

The only thing that AHD does better than HDT are their invite forums. Literally nothing else.

perhaps, that's not the point though
HDT does shit encodes

HDT and AHD are on par of each other if we judge by using PTP's GPs as a standard.


>check bakabt
>0 uploading
>check server
>it hasn't restarted
>rtorrent didn't stop
>check bakabt again
>5 uploading

>random user's judgment
>any good
What a laugh

>HDT and AHD are on par of each other if we judge by using PTP's GPs as a standard.
HDMaNiAcS is the most curry group name ive ever seen

pooping is a privilege not a right :)

Doesn't matter, their encodes are still on par with AHD's.

Can someone post that list of good quality encode groups that's on PTP?

>uploading things on a public tracker that isn't public anymore
At least use RUT like a man

>tehlarsie|afk is now known as tehlarsie
/ourlarsie/ is in ptg irc boys

and stay there

i guess i'll have to remind you that all the HDMaNiAcS encodes use the same settings

Not sure about the source but spectrals are legit. Thanks for proving my point, you're an ass.

>Doesn't matter, their encodes are still on par with AHD's.
ya thats just not true