This is all you need

This is all you need.

>MacBook of your choice
>iPhone of your choice
>Apple watch
>70" 4k tv with good sound bar
>Apple TV or other media device to plug into TV
>BOSE soundsport bluetooth headphones

And this is the exorbitant list, you'd be just fine with only a MacBook and an iPhone and the earbuds.

So why do you all spend ridiculous amounts of money on Le epic PCmasterrace Wangblows gaymen Le LEDs XD fag machines?

>Inb4 but muh gaymen!
>Inb4 hurr I can't afford!

Get a fucking job and a life you fat neckbeard piece of shit. Also if you can afford all that gay ass degenerate gaming bullshit then you can afford Apple products too.

Gayming is for dumb, lazy, unfit obese people who don't go outside and are too dumb to spend their time doing something like going to college, making money in their chosen career, making new contacts, hanging out with friends or working out and being a healthy human being.

You people just sit inside all day fapping to 3d images of little girls because you're sad lonely borderline pedophile neckbeard pieces of shit condensing your hatred towards "Macfags" because they have a life and are fit, whereas you're all fat, useless, ugly nerds.

So what's your excuse, NEETs?

>be wageslave
>spend most of my waking day making someone else rich and receive minimum wage
>go home, too tired to do anything
>in this weakened state, turn on the electric jew and laugh at stupid shit on TV until it's time for bed

this is how they get you

shit bait fuck off


My $200 Chromebook pixel literally can do more than a MacBook.

Lolwut? That's bullshit and you know it. You don't even have a real OS on your little Pajeet shitbook MacBook ripoff made from the shittiest recycled Indian trash scrap metal. Stay mad and stay poor pajeet

>implying sane people don't run GNU/Linux or even Windows on their Chromebooks
>being proud of wasting money
also sage because this is shit bait

You've got it figured out OP. Tech should be a tool, not a time sink. No need to waste time and money on tech

>MacBook of your choice
>iPhone of your choice
>Apple watch
>70" 4k tv with good sound bar
>Apple TV or other media device to plug into TV
>BOSE soundsport bluetooth headphones

So, I have a MacBook, iPhone, Apple Watch, 70" Sony TV with 5.1(Towers,Dipole Rear) with xbone as media hub, and Apple AirPods.

iPad is pretty pointless.

>Hurr I run Le Lincucks you've probably never heard of it because I'm such a wizard and above you in all ways lol

I'll bet you talk down to your friends and family about how they don't know anything about tech, whilst you fondle your man tits and fill the room with the smell if your fatboy musk. All the while your family shake their heads at what an autistic useless piece of nerd hit you are kek

That's just about the perfect setup m8, congrats. And yeah the iPad has a pretty specific use case. Still a good product though.

Actually agree with OP but you can pull this off without being a raging apple fag.

>Surface Pro 3 - 5 with dock.(Dual boot linux and winduus)
>Ultrawide monitor.
>Studio quality JBL speakers
>Mechanical keyboard + bluetooth mouse.
>43" 4k tv
>Pixel Phone
>Bose soundsport bluetooth headphones

Literally don't need anything else.

Ah yes the rebellious anarchist phase of teenage adolescence

and here I thought I blocked ads on this site

Guess Sup Forums is getting creative with ads disguised as """content"""

>willingly entering into apples concentration camp eco system

oh look it's the 17381731th thread on why gurgling apple's cum is good for you

>eco system

Ecosystem is one word sweetie :)

Typical illiterate Wangblows/Lincucks Pajeet user lol

>bothering with anything beside a gaming desktop and dumbphone
autism is nothing to be ashamed of user, stop torturing yourself and seek council from a mental health professional asap

>This is all you need.

where are the dongles?

This is all you need:

-Custom Build PC for serious work or gaymen
-Laptop for traveling or school
-Android Phone

This except I don't have the quality speakers and headphones cause I'm not rich.

You put too much work into this shit bait

I'm using computers with linux, DIY sound systems with raspberry pi and home entertainment systems built with a raspberry pi, too

I would argue laptop for school if you're a full time student. Tablet for traveling.

>BOSE soundsport bluetooth headphones

Why not Beats? We're already waist deep in shit, might as well take the dive.


This is the exact setup I have. Anyone who wastes time and money on shitty Apple products is a fucking retard.

Yeah no

because i have a job and can afford quality, i don't buy apple.

the only reason people buy apple products are to show off wealth which they actually don't have in most cases, spending thousands of dollars on a overpriced twatter and fagbook machine, trying to impress people they don't know or don't like. status symbols are for plebs

nice bait though

>this is all you need
>lists a bunch of redundant items
Get bent

tablets are worthless redundant hybrids of a phone and laptop that can't perform the full functionality of either

they're good for media consumption

Tell me where iphone SE better than some 200$ xiaomi or iphone 8 than galaxy s8

Are sales of the New™ Apple® MacBook® Pro™ with MemeBar™ so bad that you have to shill it to random neckbeards on a vietnamese woodcarvings exchange?

I sold all my gaming stuff and movie collection in order to buy a macbook. From looking at the battlestation thread it seemed to me like people who buy mac products live a simple and elegant life. Unfortunately I still am not social or feel good about myself. The apple lifestyle promises a lot but delivers on nothing when you need it the most.

This is some real shit bait user. You're not even trying.
I'm doing just fine with my
>thinkpad T430
>blackberry passport
>egpu rig with a 1060
>24 inch 1080p display
>nice keyboard mouse combo

>inb4 thinkfag, dead phone, screenlet only 1080 etc etc
I can play AAA games
My phone is comfy af
My laptop is comfy af
And my setup didn't cost endless hours of work

>he fell for the apple meme
top kek

>Real OS
>Mac OS

>taking the time to write such tryhard shit tier bait
lmao'ing @ (You)'re life rite nao desu

>Tech should be a tool not a time sink
>Working months to be able to afford premium shit

lol they grew pupils

>seemed to me like people who buy mac products live a simple and elegant life

Society of the spectacle claims another victim

>Dell XPS15, Thinkpad & Surface Pro 4
>Huawei P10 Plus & iPhone SE (Company phone)
>Nvidia Tablet that doesn't work
>65" LG 4K TV
>Chromecast & Xbone
>Also have Amazon Echo & dots

Am I winning botnet bingo?

Are you fucking retarded?

you fell for the materialism meme

>custom built gaymen pc
>dumb phone for emergencies
I don't need a laptop, smartphone or tablet because when I go out it isn't to do a shittier version of what I do at home.

Seems expensive. I'd rather buy the cheapest shit that is good enough and invest the rest in order to free myself from wagecuck lifestyle.

You're free to waste your own money of course and you may already be financially independent but you're doing a disservice to others by advertising that kind of lifestyle.

Even the cheap version you present is $1000 too expensive and sets a precedent for wasting money on expensive upgrades as you're set to upgrade too often.

You're right about gaming and 2D>3D though.



Hi Sup Forums, greedy fag here.

I have a fully loaded XPS 15 9560 but Im thinking of returning it for a Gigabyte Aero 15 instead. Reasons include"

-Better GPU
-1080p instead of 4k for performance reasons
-XPS screen looks good for still images but ghosts like fuck
-Keyboard is kind of 'off'. Feels mushy and slippery kind of... Hard to explain. Sometimes you'll press the space bar and it wont activate, as it needs to be pressed slightly past the actuation point

QUESTION: Is going back to 1080p going to suck dick for a 15.6" laptop?

And are there any possible issues I'm overlooking?

That's all overpriced shit. Every. Single. Thing.

Sage this shit, people.

fuck, wrong thread...


>laptop keyboard

Oh look, a paid shill. I'm not buying throttling pieces of shit that are only useful for browsing Facebook and that hide the filesystem. Fuck off, iToddler. Saged.

>using a slightly misspelled word to try to justify your shit tastes
face it user, you wasted thousands of dollars on a shitty, closed ecosystem and now you're trying to redeem all that wasted wagie cash with a bait thread
literally the only reason to buy a macbook is for the design tools or to make it a dedicated gentoo machine

>everyone falls for the same apple bait every time
this is why i bought my macbook, to trigger you fags

t. contrarian fag

>Buying overpriced apple trash

>replying to copypasta

MODS please kill this retarded Macfag shill thread already. I'm tired of tech illiterate faggots ruining our board.

Wagecuck detected.

Surface Pro 2017 (i7 at least)
iPhone 7 Plus (SE if you're a manlet)
White Box Desktop
A cheap $100 Thinkpad for fucking around with Linux

The ultimate combination for computing.

Got them all senpai

>Surface pro
It's only better than a MacBook because it doesn't use literal shit as hardware

>I'm tired of tech illiterate faggots
start by killing yourself bitch

But most Apple users are teenage girls being thots or Jerry's from Rick and Morty

Now try to render a photorealistic 3D scene in less than 24hs in 3D Max

>being a CAD cuck