British Airways blames outsourced IT jobs in India for system failure and cancellations
This is what happens when you buy into the globalism and equality memes
As if that never happened with local admins.
What you really need a is a system that also gives a second and third set of eyes (not specialized on making IT work but maybe managing people or managing flight paths or whatever) an easy breakdown about the important changes made by staff.
what the fuck did they expect ?
that curry niggers would do a good job ?
there is a reason indians are so dirt cheap wannabe programmers.
[spoiler]it's because they're shit[/spoiler]
>t. man who lost his job to an Indian
Keep sucking dick at life
PS: If they see unlikely or problematic changes that would affect them, they of course should have a list of 3-5 phone numbers and emails they can write and call, top to bottom, to ask why changes were made.
It's how you get some insurance against human mistakes and deal with them to minimize impact.
Thinking you can hire superhumans that never make mistake will get you fucked.
Think about it, the people who made this decision were sold on the idea that we're all equal. So they ask themselves, "If we're all equal then why are we spending more on whites when we could just hire Indians who can do the same job for less?"
Then reality drops in and the business, in this case, the airline, is all of a sudden hemorrhaging cash.
why do pajeets have such punch-able appearance and demeanor?
>IT crash after outsourcing
must be pajeets
>IT crash no outsourcing
shit breaks lol
You mind that guy in the foreground's looks? I find it very inoffensive. Just some guy.
Some of the guys in the background aren't exactly good-looking, but even then those CRT screens bother me more. Plus that's about how every office's staff looks like, people aren't generally hired for looks.
>comparing hypothetical scenario to what's actually happening
No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force.
This is equally applicable to day to day life.
>has happened before to many firms
found the pajeet
What you really need is workers without papermill degrees, with long term memory, and actual understanding of the English language.
I'm pretty sure the best way of achieving that is sending all that info to be processed to fucking India.
> workers without papermill degrees
What's allowed to get an accredited standard academic degree in the US education system is just sad, so that's actually a reason to hire abroads.
> with long term memory
Nobody has "long term memory" if a mode of outsourcing is chosen where clients seek to absolutely minimize time spent on each incident.
Yes, you of course kinda want to spend little time and effort, but leave not enough time for workers to communicate properly and organize / file "paper"work (and maintain their mental context) and there will be fuck-ups all the time.
Can't fix that with US work force either. You try to get all sorts of complex work done by submitting a "ticket" to a guy who's supposed to spend only 5 minutes on fixing whatever thing that superficially appears to be a 5 minute task and you're completely asking for fuck-ups to happen.
We can fire workers for papermill degrees and still not remembering things they should have learned from day 1 over 2 years ago. But outsourcing contracts are garbage and we can't get them fired for blatant incompetence.
>British Airways blames its own poor decisions on its own poor business performance
Yeah? So? Stop fucking outsourcing then.
Actually never happened
> But outsourcing contracts are garbage
Many are, mainly because they almost actively TRY to be cheap garbage.
There is often no reason why the overall arrangement of humans you set up to work on a presumably complex problem COULD actually work in that constellation.
But since you maybe mainly are expected to achieve a quarterly savings attributable to you, what else do you do?
> we can't get them fired for blatant incompetence
You generally can, and you can even fire the whole unit easily.
It's actually super amazing how cheaply and "easily" you can do this and hire the next entity instead, heh. Muh capitalism perfection at work.
>we're all equal
We ARE all equal - At least Indo-europeans and East Asians.
White americans would do an equally shitty job if paid peanuts.
Well the whole point of outsourcing is that our peanuts turn into chocolate coated cashews when they cross borders.
Yea, happens.
Arguably almost no company wants to undertake software projects to do this really really well, but we did some of this and it worked to make cooperation between different sites and business units much easier.
>Yet no source was provided
>You generally can, and you can even fire the whole unit easily.
Nope, there contract is written so we don't have control over individual personnel decisions. As for getting the whole unit fired, management wants 24 hour coverage of emerging markets we don't even have a foothold in, and they look cheap on a spreadsheet. If you guys could go to war with China to thin out each other's numbers, that be just great.
Yea, what the various management people decided they'd do to coordinate all the on-and off site business units is not a matter of public record.
Presumably not least because it might lead to great business problems when you ACTUALLY find out how companies handle(d) their shit internally.
Anyhow, I worked for a company with many off-site business units and contractors, and they DID invest significantly into various automated and human maintained-dashboard things as well as in having communications methods for everyone, and it really really helped. [But it's not cheap or simple or successful on just one attempt for everything on all business units.]
None of this is a situation outside of your management's control, or at least THEIR bosses'. Take a guess why they *wanted* it this way.
Oh we know, there's actually one super rich guy in the U.S. that writes recommendations for big companies and then buys them and destroys those companies if they don't imement them. Don't think it's because you're even of the same quality, it's because some rich guy can't pull his head out of his ass. Once he's dead, a lot of Indian outsourcing will die with him.
From the comments
Spotted the pajeet.
>trusting a shitskin with anything critical
Sounds like a management failure
>Curry year
>Trusting pajeets to do any kind of job
As someone who lives in the west and has worked for an outsourcing company i can tell you the main reason why outsourcing never works:
The lowest bid always wins.
Fuck quality, fuck reading the contract, fuck checkin references.
"Hey we should do this"
"Nope, client isn't paying for that so we're not touching it"
"But it's a risk"
"Don't care"
Stop letting business monkeys make decisions about tech.
Some pajeet must have shitted in the wrong designated spot and poo got inside the servers
baka desu senpai
> Read the comments
> All those butthurt pejeets bitching about the colonization
> Despite the fact that every single nice thing they have is BECAUSE of the colonization
Fucking savages. The brits should have nuked the place rather than give it independence.
Are business majors the cancer killing America?
Yet they make the big bucks and fuck all the prime poon
Really gets the ole knoggn joggin