The entire CS field is filled with cucks and SJW

We need to go back to real programmers.
We need a cleansing.

we need a right wing version of hacker news. it would just take setting up the software on a $5 VPS too.

>CS is programming
yeah, we need a cleansing of retards like you

Doing gods work, with pic related.

can somebody tell me how to avoid being a script kiddy and become a real programmer

pic not related

Why? The 99% of human race is braindead and so slow they watch 24 FPS movies with 16FPS cgi (transformers). Whats the point of giving them displays capable of 300 HZ, higher res? Whats the point of having a program written in assembly and every function optimized on full scope giving the games 500+ FPS? You can write the same shitty app in javascript and it will be 500x slower, but that 500x slower will turn out to be 50ms instead of 50 cycles. And the braindamaged monkey that wants to click buy now has a brain ticking every 1-2 seconds, plus he is exhausted from his hard work at the factory so thats like 3 seconds overhead inbetween each thought he has.

That leaves us with ~ 2950 ms of free space between user interaction and PC. Or you can fuck up every function in your code and make it 500x slower without user noticing.


iPhone is the most wanted phone in the world, look at their UX, every animation is at least 500 ms, that means to start an app in menu you lose at least 1500 ms of your life, for nothing, without animations you would live life 1500 ms faster. But the retards want animations because their brain lags. And you cant even turn them off without jailbreaking the device.

Don't worry you'll find most people I'm cs won't do anything with their degree

Yeah a cleansing of braindead cunts like you. Programming and I.T has always been progressive, you are the outlier and you will be dissolved from civilized society.


The most regressive people I know are programmers

>Delusional leftist
Your days are counted either "I" hang you or paco/mehemet does

>falling for the virtue signaling meme

Computer science is the study of computation. It has nothing to do with right or left.

You are confusing Comp Sci with "the industry", specifically San Francisco tech giants. The only reasons these companies are like this is because they are trying to keep out unions. They figure if they shill for every single SJW cause that exists (except fair wages of course) then that will help prevent employees from organizing.

The day that Google or Facebook's employees organize is the day those 2 companies stop shilling greeting card liberal platitudes.

No programming and IT has always been a trade like everything else.

Please elaborate how user is brain dead. Oh wait- the majority of leftists are incapable of argumentation and instead revert to standard procedures such as "shaming". Leave and never come back. Please~

suck up and deal with it memer retard

Heresy! Bowing to ANSI is where stuff went wrong.

Western society has become more and more liberal since it's inception dumbass. That's why now even "far right" are idolizing "based" niggers, faggots, and jews now. In a few decades, you'll all be where progressives are now.

OP have you ever considered that maybe it's you that is the problem?

Check out the first non-ANSI version of that book sometime, some interesting shit in there

The only based "nigger" that the far right admire is Sowell because he is one of the more ardent defensor of our civilization

Honestly, i experienced it to be either of the two extremes.
It's always either SJW or full on redpill, where i went. The more you go to the core, people start becoming right wing. And then there is the CCC, which is cringe by all measurements. I know some people, who got out of there because of that and now the german government just pumps money into this SJW drinking club.
They haven't done a single thing of significance in the last three years.

I'll run it if you post the shit on it

Never go full left/right.

Seems like you lost poltard

You know, you went too far, when the main case of your political thought process is the building of roads.

Fucking leave google, your delusional perfect world is falling already, even there is a new genre of comedy videos called SJW fails

Did you drop out or get fired from something?

> getting so triggered you forget basic english grammar

op you must go full low level c is easy game do assembler tcl vhdl or verilog build your own architecture !

I know all that shit. But I'm more into heavy math and Machine Learning right now. The picture I posted was created using Machine Learning.

Where we're going we don't need roads.

Time to open up my own turnpike.

mind sharing?

I do Computer Engineering and I'm extremely liberal. Checkmate alt-cucks.