Gnome devs are already preparing for GTK 4 while XFCE and MATE still aren't done porting everything to GTK 3
GTK 3.9X is the beta version of 4.0
Gnome devs are already preparing for GTK 4 while XFCE and MATE still aren't done porting everything to GTK 3
Xfce is stuck in 2002
I can wait
Gtk 4.0? What's new? Did they replace the concept of windows with dbus-connected systemd services?
Why is Xfce4 even bothering? I'd happily stick with GTK-2.
Fucking mint.
>Meanwhile, Gtk 4.0 will not be the final stable API of what we would call “Gtk 4”.
>Each 6 months, the new release (Gtk 4.2, Gtk 4.4, Gtk 4.6) will break API and ABI vs. the release that came before it.
xfce and mate are best DE's and that you mention it in thread about gnome is another proof
I don't care. I'm not an incompetent imbecile, and as such don't rely on any "desktop environment". Xfce is fine, and will be for years to come.
hey me too
I like LXDE
>I'm not an incompetent imbecile
The fact that you can't tell a DE from a toolkit says otherwise
Qt is superior in literally everything and GTK has no reasons to exist in 2017. Prove me wrong, protip: you can't.
GNOME """""devs""""" lol
>he thinks you can write an innovative DE without having control over the GUI toolkit
Good luckerino
GTK is a dead end technology anyway.
>being a gtk cuck
>Using a desktop environment that depends on a graphical toolkit tuned for the needs of a company (Red Hat) instead of the users.
Linux users are truly the biggest cucks.
... and Windows... and MacOS... and iOS... and Android
>being this autistic
No you fucking imbecile, All those make their user interfaces thinking primarily on the needs of their users not the employees at Microsoft, Google, etc. Meanwhile if you use Fedora or GNOME you are beta tester for Red Hat.
Red Hat damage control team spotted.
This, sadly.
When I read about the news of Canonical ditching Unity and adopting GNOME I was very sad. I had planned using Ubuntu for many years to come, but finally saw myself obligated to switch back to Windows because GNOME is a nightmare to use and they have a history on fucking up with their users and people who had build around their technology.
It pleases me to know you exist.
Have a good day, anonymous.
Needs a GNOME3 interface with right click menu for my Refracta build...
literally why
I'm getting real close to just giving up and installing gnome along with systemd
>muh wayland meme
Wouldn't be surprised if it's a passive-aggressive move to kill other GTK environments by making GNOME look like the only "modern" option.
>tfw I still use the old gtk2 and glib2 patch for thumbnails in the file picker
You can't stop me.
It's not "GNOME 4" in the sense that they've revamped stuff and added a lot of features. It's "GNOME 4" in the sense that they will break every API.
No, that's literally it. GNOME 3 was a clusterfuck. Every six goddamn months they releases a new version that added almost nothing (in fact, it removed several things) and broke every single API they had, so GTK themes and GNOME add-ons broke until the makers updated their add-on/GTK theme with whatever new bullshit the GNOME devs wanted to add.
So, the GNOME devs got tired of people calling them out on their bullshit and decided to use a new numbering system: "stable" non-changing APIs will get a .0 release, everything else is .X. Sounds nice, right? NO.
The GNOME devs, in another display of how shitty they are, decided to release a new "stable" version every one year or so and to make every version not compatible with each other. So prepare yourselves to install GTK 4, 4.1, 4.2, etc.; 5, 5.1, 5.2... Because every dev is going to use a different version, or get stuck trying to port to a newer version that will be old by the time they finish.
Basically they managed to make GTK a moving target. Not even Microsoft is this incompetent.
Fuck GNOME and their developers. Ever wonder why the other Linux companies (Canonical and SUSE) wanted so much to use QT DEs (Unity 8 and KDE)? To be free from the Red Hat developers that break GNOME every time a new Fedora is about to be releases.
I'm drunk, I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say here. Basically GNOME devs are idiots and adopted the Chrome numbering system.
at least I'm not dependent on CancerD
Is there any nice white/bright theme for gnome? All I can find is shitty, edgy, muh dark themes, or if they hare partially white, they're still partially shit colored.
inb4 muh eyes
Arc's light version is pretty okay
Can't you just switch to KDE or XFCE or MATE?
Arch light is half blue with a dark blue task bar
Well it's probably the best you're gunna get
Even Adwaita has dark elements
I like Arc. It's nice. There's also the Numix theme.
>Did they replace the concept of windows with dbus-connected systemd services?
Pls sir delet this its not funny.
It appears the major change is simply the versioning scheme and what version numbers mean for API stability, however, not any major technical change:
>We are going to increase the speed at which we do releases of new major versions of Gtk (ie: Gtk 4, Gtk 5, Gtk 6…). We want to target a new major release every two years.
>Meanwhile, Gtk 4.0 will not be the final stable API of what we would call “Gtk 4”. [...] Each successive minor version will be growing toward a new stable API. Before each new “dot 0” release, the last minor release on the previous major version will be designated as this “API stable” release. For Gtk 4, for example, we will aim for this to be 4.6 (and so on for future major releases). Past this point there will not be disruptions; this “stable API” will be very stable. There will certainly not be the kind of breaks that we have seen between recent Gtk minor releases.
>In this way, “Gtk 4.0” is not “Gtk 4”. “Gtk 4.0” is the first raw version of what will eventually grow into “Gtk 4”, sometime around Gtk 4.6 (18 months later).
Why is there so much hate against bright themes?
I remember watching numix a couple weeks ago and it was half dark.
>Prove me wrong
The title bar is black, but I wouldn't call it a dark theme at all.
...but Unity also uses GTK.
Didn't they port most of it to QT though?
Not the same user, but for me, nothing works as well as Unity.
>Gtk 4.0 is not Gtk 4
linux users, everyone
Yeah, but I didn't either. I said it was half black, because the title bar and the gnome shell bar are black, and those are things you see all the time and it bugs me.
>tiny portion of the window is dark
>half black
Also just don't use GNOME if you don't like the bar.
Yeah I figured. Then you better hope they make Unity a secondary flavor or that someone in the community forks it.
Going back to Windows sounds really harsh.
Have you tried finding a Window Manager you like and building your own DE?
What would you suggest instead, user?
It's two of the main panels, to me it's half black.
Also it's pointless to argue my wording. Even if we say that is partially black (which you cannot deny) the problem still remains: it's enough to ruin the rest.
>not using MATE
I'm sorry you're this autistic user. You could just different window manager and disable title bars if it bothers you this much.
It's ocd, not autism.
aren't the gnome devs all mentally ill pre-op transsexuals?
Gnome shill here gnome 4 is gonna be the year of the Linux desktop
>Have you tried finding a Window Manager you like and building your own DE?
Well about that, I have good memories of using Calm Window Manager cwm(1) on Slackware. Gonna give it a try again on OpenBSD.
I wanted to like Qt, I really did, but in functionality, it's ass.
glib just reimplements C++ features shittily anyway
Gtk3 is finally have stable api, so now is the best time for other DE and application to port their code
can we stop using gtk forever or just settle back on gtk2
causing breaking changes without a major version number increase is fucking bullshit
That's the whole fucking point.
i'm still on gtk2 waiting for 3.x to stabilize
What's the point of developing anything in GTK 4.0?
as far as gnome is concerned gtk is something only gnome uses, they don't give a fuck who else uses it
It's kinda sad. Even though I like GTK3 style programs like in pic related, I hate the "flagship" GTK3 desktop enviroment. It seems like almost any other GTK3 based DE or Gnome fork has better usability than gnome itself.
Are they even aware that GTK is the most common GUI toolkit on GNU/Linux? Or do they just like to act like arrogant niggers on a power trip?
MATE already ported everything to GTK3 on 1.18 release
>Or do they just like to act like arrogant niggers on a power trip?
Look at the entirety of GNOME 3's development history, you'll find the answer.
>Tfw KDE master race
>GNOME is a nightmare to use
i disagree its great to use but is a mem hog
>and they have a history on fucking up with their users and people
yep and forum/bug cencoring and such
I like at in everything except the way it looks and feels. No DE shipping Qt has sand default theme and settings. Compared to that DEs shipping GTK+ have really good default configs, but good luck if you want to change stuff without digging through gconf...
>Every six goddamn months they releases a new version that added almost nothing (in fact, it removed several things) and broke every single API they had
Why do people bother posting things they know are patently false and can easily be disproved?
How can you spot someone who has never written a GTK+ app, but will complain about GTK+ APIs as if they are familiar with them? They complain about themes. That's the only issue they know. Protip: themes were never a stable interface.
For anyone who likes facts, and not alternative facts, you can check GTK+'s API/ABI history here:
Will the major versions at least coincide with Ubuntu LTE releases now?
No, but it didn't matter anyway.
LTS should ship stable applications.
Applications developer need time to update to newer gtk version. For ubuntu 18.04 application developer should target gtk 3.22.
But I'm afraid first party gnome applications will follow next gen gtk version. Which is gtk 4.2
Do people still use this crap?
You fucking cuck, you could just switch to Debian/Gentoo/Arch/Trisquel/Guix and install i3/openbox/xfce.
cat .gtkrc-2.0 .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
wow that was hard
I'm not proud, but it's the only thing that is retarded/black boxed enough that bistros can't fuck up the default config.
I swear bistributors are the source of half the cancer in the linux world.
Is this accurate?
Isn't KDE basically the only Qt based DE? LXQt is not quite ready for consumer use yet from what I heard.
>says I'm lying
>proceeds to prove I'm not lying
Are (you) autistic or something? I already said they broke GTK themes and addons all the time, then you proceed to show how they actually broke GTK themes and addons all the time. It's a known issue with GNOME 3.
What is the point of your post? I can't even.
Still doesn't force you into a specific language.
The article explicitly says that most projects won't want to do that, but that only those who are interested in following the development of GTK and use its latest features will want to. Such as Gnome.
>We want to target a new major release every two years. This period of time was chosen to line up well with the cadence of many popular Linux distributions.
>using gtk
>any point in time
use Qt, faggots.
Mostly have nothing to do with gtk. It's all gnome and mutter magic, but yes it all looks sweet.
The change-over from GTK2 to GTK3 went about as well as the change over from python 2 to python 3. and now we get to do it all over again!
Gtk 4 doesn't introduce new theming syntax so wouldn't be as noticable to theme writer.
Pretty much. Budgie is moving to Qt though.
for now
you're wrongly assuming that they're using the same versioning scheme
does this mean canonical decided to actually communicate with gnome devs and asked them to release one stable release every time an LTS will come out? That would be nice desu, but i guess it will be few months off and ubuntu will continue the general fuckery with gnome versions in releases
XFCE is enough for me, it's way more minimalist, and arc theme makes it beautiful.
Stop being gtcucks.
gtk2 or modern Qt is the way to go (if you have to use a GUI that is. ncurses / CLI is the superior choice for many tasks)
We all want to, but kde is shit and lxqt is basically alpha. Its weird to see so many great qt programs but zero usable DE's
While it's not for everyone - I'd recommend trying out a tiling WM
Yeah GNOME devs are just retarded.
The GNOME devs seemingly have no idea what they're doing.
i used i3 for some time but fortunatly i was able to push linux on all my home pcs and need to use something easy to use, and frankly gnome 3 with minor tweaks does the trick. KDE would be ok too but i literally hate it since the 5.X version, also its unstable on nvidia drivers or something, hangs often.