>Xorg crashes all the time
>Wayland is still unfinished
>Games from GOG don't even run without crashing all the time
>Every production program like GIMP, Krita, KDEnlive etc is a steaming POS that pale in comparison to the original apps they were ripped off of

fuck this shit, I'm gonna spend 5 bux on a win 10 license now and call it a day. Shitty hobby tier OS

Other urls found in this thread:


cuz they dont have billions of dollars and exploited labor behind them

>Games from GOG don't even run without crashing all the time

what games

Last one I played was Dungeons 2, some shitty unity3d rts. always crashed at the cutscenes.

It's the
"My First Distro was Gentoo and i had a bad time" - Thread again

you should be playing unreal games

>Why is Linux so shit?
>proceeds to whin about software that has nothing to do with Linux

Cory and Wayland are essential

>xorg crashes all the time
what the fuck user, what were you running?

linux micro kernel design is for server not desktop. linux needs to be replaced.

dont get me wrong, Linux has its usage cases. But being a system that you can do stuff with other than programming and internet related things isnt it.

>get a high resolution display
>xfce cant handle it
>look up options for adjusting, get nothing but 'well its open source, fix it yourself!'

so this is power of linux on modern hardware...

>ubuntu gnome 17.04/16.04
periodic stutters in all browsers while scrolling, gnome overview menu stuttering like shit
forcing it to run on nvidia instead of intel hd 4600 results in mad unfixable tearing but eliminates stuttering
>kubuntu 17.04
random smaller stutters everywhere, looks like polished ass, taskbar clock has wrong font size and offsets, unfixable
>xubuntu 17.04
looks like ass, tearing like ass, stutter like ass with compton, at least it has a nice logo ( mice are cute )
>debian jessy with gnome
gnome 3.18 is old as mammoths shit, doesnt lag, just headache inducing tearing, and buggy multimonitor support
>debian testing with gnome
random freezes, no tearing, but periodic stutters like ubuntu gnome
>arch with gnome
same shit, periodic stutters, but rejoice, there was finally a fix for it on arch forums, which i applied, and wow, i finally get to wo... oh wait, now im running arch, so its only a matter of time untill everything breaks apart.

trying to fix issues in most of those cases, such as trying out other drivers, trying to apply random fixes found on the internet, resulted in breakage in 80% of cases, or simply did nothing in other 20%

>using xfce on anything but ancient hardware

It's the best we currently have
MacOS? Expensive and restricts users
BSD? old packages, even more server OS than Linux
Haiku? aesthetic but not yet "mature"
Windows? way too bloated, comes with telemetry and designed for consumers, not for programmers.
GNU/Hurd? eh, maybe. Debian Hurd might be good.
It was your mistake using a deprecated DE, GNOME and KDE supports HiDPI afaik, and MATE is on the way. Also this. Why would you have 2008 era computer AND HiDPI display?

but im running it on modern hardware, thats the entire point. i fucking hate how gnome looks and functions


stop it with the stale memes
arch is stable



it might be but for what all I know is that if I install windows and ubuntu on my crappy laptop the ui will be much snappier on windows.

>xorg crashes all the time
No it doesn't hahahahaha what the fuck are you running it on, a toaster? Try running it on a computer that wasn't made before the year 2003, poorfag.

alright, ill trust you and reinstall it back right this moment, since its the only one that actually worked for me.

Install Windows 7

If you want to a be a hipster that badly then use LXQT.

>Xorg crashes all the time
The other ones are probably accurate, but this one sounds like you broke your own OS. I've used multiple distros in the past few years and zero of them had that problem in any situation. I've also been using multiple hardware configurations.

Oh well, go use Windows and have even more of your data harvested.

install windows 10 enterprise

bullshit. It mops the floor with Windows when it comes to doing anything like web browsing, watching videos, or listening to music. It's even better for word processing, as LibreWriter does everything you need a word processor to do without the DRM or crack software.

Windows is only suitable for gaming. The rest of the time the OS just gets in your way.

XFCE is made for old hardware, that's the entire point. What's wrong with MATE or Cinnamon?
I hope you're talking about Windows 10, because if you're talking about Windows 7 you should compare it to Ubuntu 9.10 or something. Also Ubuntu gives choices for crappy laptops, like Ubuntu MATE or Lubuntu, while Windows simply recommends buying a new computer.

Because muh free OS is another way of saying that no one wants to pay programmers to fully develop the OS. so now you have the shitfest of unfinished forks that have good ideas but won't go anywhere.

add Arch

cinnamon apparently cant even do it correctly without having to deal with bullshit


You know what's the worst about linux? Battery life. I get, like, 40% more use on win10 compared to ubuntu. It's ridiculous.

please don't try MATE and waste your time, it's expected to be in Ubuntu 17.10 and still not implemented.
source: ubuntu mate patreon

wtf why

You're using KDE.

ACPI levels due the ignorance of driver writers or lack of documentation. On X220 it isn't dramatic, but with dual gpu it's a pain if the user don't set up it properly.

>Xorg crashes all the time
what..? bad memory maybe? I never have Xorg crashes, not even on Arch

This. I'm not even a programmer and I much prefer GNU/Linux

>fuck this shit, I'm gonna spend 5 bux on a win 10 license now and call it a day. Shitty hobby tier OS
It's defense from retards.

Because it's shit. This had told you for like seven years in a row

>you should be playing unreal games
Like games that doesn't exist?

It's always the user fault, isn't?

werks on my machine

>B part
>Linux is awesome

Welp, but none of those is being a usable desktop system. Don't get me wrong, linux has an uncanny amount of uses and applications, sadly none is focus on being usable as desktop

I don't know what you are up to aside baiting. Linux and if it's compatible, FreeBSD desktop is comfy as fuck. Literally can't stand how Windows works and how dumbed down just because ms wants to sell it to every idiot under the sun.

>5 dollars

I sincerely hope you are not buying it from a keystore

>Literally can't stand how Windows works and how dumbed down just because ms wants to sell it to every idiot under the sun.
So basically this? Perhaps it's a suitable desktop for autist that feel the need press every button, flip every switch and twist every knob to get the impression they're having a superior computing experience.

Ease of use pisses me off because it invites retards to use computers

That's what I thought you'll say. Stay triggered

>Xorg crashes all the time
What in the name of god are you doing?

>hiding everything from users, just for convenience
Yeah, that's worked well, and i'm the "autist" because i want to work with MY system. intel.malwaretech.com/WannaCrypt.html
You have to be autist, to defend this user abomination.

Probably trying to use other than the (m/v)esa drivers

Funny cause im a completely new person in this conversation there should be computer use licenses just like we have with drivers licenses

Yeah I read that article too

Sadly if you want technology to advance it has to be easy to use. You don't see people opening their cars to start their engines; mixing their of gas to use hob; or calibrating waves, signal and noise levels to watch something on TV or use the Internet.

The major problem is you think Linux desktop is that utter inconvenience you think, but it isn't. I set it up under few hours and it will do its job like charm with minimal maintenance, that don't get in my way or terrorise the disk io like WU do on 10.
That's it. Hopefully, editing regedit files is still fun on Windows for average joe. :^)

>with minimal maintenance
>used linux since 2002 until 2014
>was never the case
>everyone keeps spewing this meme
Linux is a psychedelic experience, with half of the user base hallucinating errors and the other hallucinating it works flawlessly. From this point this discussion will go down into the same shitwar it always have, so I'll just call it a day.

I wonder who can take you seriously after this post.
> From this point this discussion will go down into the same shitwar it always have

Nope. Use whatever you want. I don't give a shit.

>Nope. Use whatever you want. I don't give a shit.
Neither do I care about what you use, at least we can agree to that

When Linux will be finally "ready for the Dekstop", desktops will not be relevant anymore, LOL

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!


>Xorg crashes all the time
So, did you Google your problem?
>Wayland is still unfinished
Work-in-progress, user.
>Games from GOG don't even run without crashing all the time
I rather play Monster Hunter on PPSSPP
>>Every production program like GIMP, Krita, KDEnlive etc is a steaming POS that pale in comparison to the original apps they were ripped off of
If you're not going to compromise, then don't jump on the bandwagon in the first place.

Dude, you might want to try a window manager, not a desktop environment.

>there should be computer use licenses
>I want the government to have more control on computers
>I want more of the nanny state
The superiority complex of Linux Fags are astounding, and I don't even use Windows.

I'm terribly sorry for interjecting another moment, but what I just told you is GNU/Linux is, in fact, just Linux, or as I've just now taken to calling it, Just Linux. Linux apparently does happen to be a whole operating system unto itself and comprises a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Most computer users who run the entire Linux operating system every day already realize it. Through a peculiar turn of events, I was misled into calling the system "GNU/Linux", and until now, I was unaware that it is basically the Linux system, developed by the Linux project.

There really isn't a GNU/Linux, and I really wasn't using it; it is an extraneous misrepresentation of the system that's being used. Linux is the operating system: the entire system made useful by its included corelibs, shell utilities, and other vital system components. The kernel is already an integral part of the Linux operating system, never confined useless by itself; it functions coherently within the context of the complete Linux operating system. Linux is never used in combination with GNU accessories: the whole system is basically Linux without any GNU added, or Just Linux. All the so-called "GNU/Linux" distributions are really distributions of Linux.

>a full OS as defined by POSIX
POSIX certification when?

>"it has flaws"
>but you're not supposed to use it like this :^)

Honestly sounds like you have some bad RAM. You can't complain about the software when it is actually your hardware messing up.

He never said it was certified. (GNU/Linux isn't 100% POSIX compliant anyways)

All you have to do is look at a few screenshots of it to realize that it's designed for computers from another era. It looks like how the average desktop distro looked like in the year 2000.

I know user, I can read. I'm asking literally when is Lonix getting the POSIX certification.

And with certified systems failing to follow it, I wonder if being POSIX complaint matters at all.

Every DE looks like ancient design. Xfce is the only one that allows you to make it not look ancient without spending hours and tweaking config files.

considering none of them can candle high dpi displays they literally are all ancient

fucking windows handles it better than linux

Use KDE, it looks both modern and handles high dpi by default.

>Every production program like GIMP, Krita
Fuck off, buddy, Krita is great.

is that like cinnamon? where 'handles by default' just means some of it works and some of it doesnt?

the two biggest contributors to linux kernel are intel and redhat, two multibillion dollar companies. Thats for the kernel alone.

Ops points are shit though, krita in particluar is fine for actually doing stuff

Krita is weird user. Perhaps I'm too used to GIMP, which is actually kinda crappy

Krita is a digital art program. GIMP is a general image manipulation program.
Trying to use one for the other's purpose is going to be clunky as hell.

What's weird about it? I switched from Photoshop CS5 to Krita and haven't looked back since.
It's good for what it is, a painting program. Don't know what sort of editing you do

ahat are you comparing krita to? its closer to photoshop in terms of ui and actually runs better. I find i have errors with my tablets pressure under windows in photoshop but krita on fedora just works really.

The problem is that I'm now stuck in a limbo. I actually draw by hand and then do colouring digitally. But then I want to do some manipulation, like cutting the image into smaller chunks to prepare it for sprite animation but I found that's actually weird to do in Krita since the selection tools (like the bezier tool) doesn't work like the GIMP and some others (like colour selection) sometimes don't seem to work as expected.

So then why not do your drawing and coloring in Krita, then manipulate your images in GIMP? If you have good enough hardware, I don't see why you can't just run both applications at the same time, on two different workspaces?

Because fucking GIMP doesn't support working directly on ORA files. Only importing and exporting. If you want to save your changes, you either keep exporting or just use GIMP's default file format. And GIMP crashes from time to time when manipulating lots of layers. Like, what the fuck?

If you're using KDE apps or QT programs that have seen updates this year, I don't think you'll run into any issues. If you install some GTK bullshit that hasn't been updated since 2015, then it might not work as intending.

What version of GIMP are you using?

>like the bezier tool
I sort see what you mean, it kind of works like path tool did in Photoshop, but not exactly. I don't do cutting usually, so I'm not bothered really. When I do cut, I usually put alpha mask on a layer and do it that way.

2.8.20. AFAIK this is the latest.

Yeah, I need to start getting better at Krita, unfortunately this is not a good time for that. Gotta finish my shit.

>Yeah, I need to start getting better at Krita
Yeah, you do that.

I literally had no learning curve coming from Photoshop to it, it's a lot more similar to Photoshop than GIMP is.

So once you do finish your shit, try it out properly and be amazed

>I literally had no learning curve coming from Photoshop
Kek, I used photshop ages ago, I believe it was when CS3/4 were the latest and then had to jump ships to the GIMP. Seems like a bad joke desu.

>had to jump ships to the GIMP

That's the time when I used Photoshop the most as well, last version I used was CS5 and even that's quite dated now.

you need to stop pooing in the loo

same, except i never used anything over CS2
tried krita just last week and couldn't figure anything out, if it's like photoshop then it seems i've forgotten photoshop

Because licenses faggotry and offices being audited looking for pirated copies of any software. By the time I left I could already most of my shit in the GIMP, but only until recently I started drawing in digital. Before I just drew for fun.
Now shit got real.

I can relate to that feel

Possible, CS2 was ages ago.

I actually switched from GIMP to Photoshop in 2007 and it took me a day to get used to because the way things were organized made more sense.

Perhaps GIMP is better now, I don't know, haven't used it properly in 10 years.

>micro kernel
are you high? what the fuck

I tried krita out without knowing a thing about photoshop or anything

I kind of hamfisted my way through it's only a little harder to understand than mspaint

hes talking about systemd, the microkernel in linux

it's often harder to get into something when you're familiar with something similar, than if you aren't

There's actually a whole lot of people who's full-time job it is to develop GNU/Linux. It didn't get where it is today by a bunch of people doing it as a hobby for fun. It's not coordinated in any way so everyone hires people to work on their own little thing because it's benefits their own corporate interests.

Try the tool "powertop" and find out what you can tune to get (a lot) more battery life. Also look at htop and see what's running after a clean boot.

I agree that this is a weakness in most GNU/Linux distributions. I have no idea what Windows is like so I can't make the comparison but I know that GNU/Linux distributions by default run a whole lot fo background tasks. It also has runtime power-management for SATA and PCI-e devices disabled by default.

Another real weakness is that distributions like Fedora will update the package managers database over the network regularly by default (systemctl mask dnf-makecache.timer fixes it). This can be really annoying if you're in the middle of nowhere on a bad 3G connection. I personally discovered / noticed this when I was in a cabin in the woods.

Ye, but both Photoshop and Krita make more sense than GIMP is the thing.