More Net Neutrality Bullshit

Anti Net Neutrality bots that flooded the FCC used information from dead Comcast Customers.

So let's sum up how fucking blatant this is

>120,000+ completely identical posts made to the FCC comment system in one day
>Names and addresses of commenters publically available by law
>All these comments were posted in alphabetical order by name
>When news sites called those people to ask if they had posted those comments 100% that responded said absolutely not
>Turns out the names were from a list of Comcast customer information, we know this because a similar list was leaked in 2013
>Turns out one of the reasons so few answered when called is because they're fucking dead
and finally
>Ajit Pai, former Verizon lawyer and Verizon lobbyist now head of the FCC, says he has no choice but to consider all the blatant spam bots opinions

So what you have is a list of alphabetically ordered dead Comcast customers speaking out in favor of handing the internet over to corporate monopolies like Comcast and a former Verizon lobbyist headed FCC saying that's totally cool and he's going to consider their opinions.

Is it time for /not your personal army/ to intervene yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is it time for /not your personal army/ to intervene yet?

I happen to be working on a counter-spam bot right now. It assembles messages out of randomly selected "beginning", "middle", and "end" sections if anyone has a few sentences they want to throw in.

No racist shit, please. Ajit Pai has gone all in on trying to deflect off his blatant corruption by cherry picking the few racist people calling him out already. We don't need to turn all of this into one more example of that to be thrown away.

Come the fuck on people we are talking about the END OF THE INTERNET.

Bump this shit all day every single day.

OP, you realize there are fake name libraries right? No need to do most of this fake information shit your self, besides maybe the addresses.

All the people who have given the valid points against NN are too blue in the face to continue fighting your mindless bootlicking, so expect no resistance in this thread.

Is it time for /not your personal army/ to intervene yet?
You should've prepared for this.
Now it's time to watch the world burn and the normalfags go down. While everything you have is still working.
Time to hit up those /cyb/ + /sec/ theads.

Lurker here. Can someone explain what net neutrality is?

fuck you net neutrality is bullshit you libtard

The only argument is "muh free market all hail the invisible hand" Even if we grant you every single free market theory you want STILL those arguments fail because we are talking about existing monopolies. There is no free market solution to Net Neutrality because there is no free market among ISPs. Period.

Who cares. Net neutrality is full commie and only reddit supports it.

serious question:

Why shill if you're not getting paid for it?

Your ISP has to sell you your internet service "as is" and isn't allowed to micromanage your speeds to different websites. Basically, they can't say "pay $5 extra and get 20% faster speed on youtube!". It's almost universally seen as a good thing outside of Sup Forums, but Ajit Pai is a corporate shill so he wants to ditch it.

Well when the name and address match up to dead people who had accounts with Comcast it's kind of a different thing isn't it?


Sounds like a false flag to me.

I'm a little confused. If net neutrality is/was a thing, you'll get the same speed regardless of website, right?

If so, why would people support it? Is it a way for big companies like google and facebook to generate more income? What's the idea behind charging money for specific sites?

The internet is owned by giant cyberpunk nightmare mega-corporations called ISPs and the majority of the people in the US have access to only one ISP from which to purchase internet access.

The only thing protecting us from them charging $150 a month for 200MB capped 56k is that they are regulated like a public utility. In the same way that the government needs to have clean water laws because people can't just go get "the other water," right now we have some minimum level of consumer protections in place for the internet.

Corporations like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T are fighting to remove those consumer protections for very obvious reasons and the current head of the FCC, the governing body of those regulations, is a former Verizon lobbyist who is going along with their wishes in the face of millions of people explicitly demanding otherwise.

Yes goyim, let us throttle your connection to antisemite websites like this one. Good goyim

Its even worse here, we are cucked by Brussels so that everyone has to be cucked into net neutrality

>Batman Slappybummer
>Bald Knob AR


So its just an issue for Americans? If so, as a 3rd worlder, that's a relief.

If those big companies do get their way, wont some other company like google fiber step in with better rates since its almost guaranteed that people will opt for it?

Why are they doing it in the first place? Are they not making profits from the current price plans?

Net neutrality STOPS them from charging you for different sites. Right now they have to give a flat rate which they promise to provide regardless. The government wants to repeal this and make it so you have to pay money on a per-service basis much like you do with cable televison. And yes, it is a way for big companies to generate more money. Although it'll be the ISP's making the cash, not websites like Google and Facebook.

Setting up a new ISP in America is pretty much impossible, even Google is really struggling with it. It'd be like trying to make your own alternative road system, the investment cost is massive.

Comcast has already successfully sued to keep Google Fiber out of some cities so they can maintain their regional monopolies.

It's interesting you mention Google because that raises the point that the cost of competing in the ISP market is so astronomically high that only another giant corporation could even do it. In fact the only reason the existing monopolies were able to get going was with huge subsidies from the US and state governments in the 90's to build their infrastructure.

Trump would never let them throttle the place that got him elected. You're just mad plebbit and tumblr are going down.


personally i welcome this with open arms

the idiot right wing trump dumpsters only exist because they found a platform where they can beat their chests and fuck up the world for everyone without consequence

once this finally gets through, they will be the first ones flushed down the toilet by the dem-controlled media and telecoms

this really cant happen fast enough tbqh


You think these corporations would let something as minor as a president stop them from maintaining power? Who exactly do you think answers to who in this country?

>Sup Forums is actually this delusional

>So retarded that you think Trumpenstein decides who gets throttled after net neutrality is gone

this is what Sup Forums actually believes

Clearest /quick rundown/ of this issue I've heard yet.

>implying the USA isn't a third world country that just isn't self-aware

NN is basically that all internet information is treated equally, kinda like a telephone service. You get the same quality connection, regardless of who you call.

In practice, it protects freedom of speech. Government is bound by the chains of the constution and censorship is difficult for them. If the control is left to ISP's, they can censor anything they want.
Add to this the fact that he government uses NGO's to do things it's not allowed to, and the danger to free speech becomes apparent.

Comcast/Verison Shills will tell you it's about government control and bandwidth, but it's really about the control of information. Control the info, and you control the people.
Society used to be controlled by the MSM. With the rise of the internet, they've lost that control and want it back. The very companies that have misinformed the people through MSM are the ones that would benefit from a loss of NN.

The ISP shills will also tell you that there was never net neutrality so nothing will change anyway. This is a lie. There used to be lots of competition, so ISP's had to treat people right or they would just move to another ISP. That's not true anymore, ISP's have become large and few like the MSM. We don't have the choices we used to.

Without NN, there would be nothing stopping Comcast from blocking, Sup Forums or anything they don't approve of. They'll tell you "we wouldn't do that", and they wouldnt at first. It'll start slow like censoring pedo sites, and who would object to that? Next, extremest content, then who knows. NN is a line to prevent the boiling frog effect that will lead to a loss of dissenting voices.

>Without NN, there would be nothing stopping Comcast from blocking, Sup Forums or anything they don't approve of. They'll tell you "we wouldn't do that", and they wouldnt at first. It'll start slow like censoring pedo sites, and who would object to that? Next, extremest content, then who knows. NN is a line to prevent the boiling frog effect that will lead to a loss of dissenting voices.
TWC was actually caught doing this, they were purposely throttling Leage of Legends servers and trying to strong arm Riot into paying TWC to unfuck it

>Silence those that I disagree with
Did you think through the implications of that?
This comment is as shallow and closed-minded as typical Sup Forums.

Companies like google and facebook can use cucknet to lock out competition, ie by paying ISP's to charge less for their premium services(remember google and facebook get revenue from advertisement, the more people who use their service the more they earn, it's in their best interest to bolster users whatever the cost)

Imagine a world where access to google was $5 a month, bing $8 and duckduckgo, who couldn't afford to pay for the racket, $15.

Because of the way the internet market works, isps providing access and content providers making money off add revenue, allowing ISPs to shape bandwidth per paying content creator will completely break any kind of sustainable economic model.

Basically a non net neutrality internet is a dream come true for big megacorps on both sides and shit for the rest of us.

But with cable tv, isn't it the channels themselves that charge you for viewing them (fox, bein whatever)? If the same shit was to apply to the internet, wont facebook, google etc. have a case to make if ISP's start making money off of users visiting those sites? Cause it might result in lower traffic to those sites, which they certainly wouldn't want.

So its like what happened in Australia and why their internet is so shit.

You can sorta relate this to United, American and Delta bitching to the US government about Middle Eastern airlines taking their customers.

Does this also somehow tie in to NSA/CIA spying, in that it makes it easier for them to gather information if theres only 2-3 ISP's in the whole country as opposed to a lot more?

And letting public forum have direct sway over policy is a stupid fucking idea anyways. Wheeler did it and got away with it because it was just reddit and imgur communities screeching OMG HOW AWWWWWFUL WE ALL NEED TO GO COMMENT ON IT RIIIGHT NOOOW, but now that the opposite flooding is happening it's ebil ebil ebil! nasty ebil gop! its all a ploy goy!

>but now that the opposite flooding
It's bots, innit? That seems morally dubious honestly.

>its just as bad to have real people talk about their opinion as rando bots spamming the same message over and over

found the libtard

This isn't even a political issue. This is pretty much just people vs corporations like usual. What about this makes you think it's a liberal thing?

butr hillary ated babies at pizzaland u guys come on dont be stupid MAGA all the same xcpet ur fired man come on libtard commie sjw jews dont fall for net-nutral its a jew scam geez hannity told me this and they said it other website

>If you can't dispute the facts, use ad hom attacks

should I be reporting these things? This is not a Sup Forums thread just because a government is involved. This isn't even a political issue.

>net neutrality

Into the trash.

Absolutely nobody cares about your mentally ill crybully SJW shit. Get over it before the day of the rope comes.

but god commander put fcc man in job so only mad libs dont like net nutral be gone dont fall for jwe scam duhhhhhhhh

Are we being raided by r/the_donald?
I don't even think Sup Forums is dumb enough to still suck trumps dick


trump, yes, but even they are pretty universally against this bald faced corporate power grab. Just remind them Ajit Pai was appointed to the FCC by Obama first and they turn pretty quick.

He was appointed by Obama.

>muh 4 dimensional chess
fuck off

Why do so many people conflate a neutral internet(pre 2015) to Net Neutrality™?

Do all of you honestly believe that government control of the internet is in anyone's best interest?

I don't think it should be up to the ISP monopolies either, but I don't think FCC control is the magical fix like all of you seem to believe.

not to position he has now, he was recommended to be on commision by mcconalds and oboma agreed but put wheeler in place who was commie dummy that only want net nutrals but trump person said NO no more net nutral here pajit man you boss now

are you ok?

Comcast throttled netflix until they paid a ransom.

> America is owned by corporations
> They voted for a corporate plutocrat that dodged taxes
> Surprised this is happening
At least we got all those liberals butthurt right?

i feel like this is a ruse
good samefagging my friend

I don't understand your use of the word "control" here. Nobody is arguing for handing the government absolute control over internet traffic. Others are arguing, however, that we hand absolute control of internet traffic over to Comcast and AT&T. So it's not exactly one or the other.

shill while you still can, normies

jungle jesus can't save you now

>implying i voted for a corporatist nut job

What the fuck are we supposed to do about it? The telecom companies have congress and the white house in their pockets.

Once you give the FCC regulatory powers over ISP, you've given control of the internet to the government.
They abused and continue to abuse the shit out of "decency laws" to keep a tight stranglehold over what you can and can't say on TV, radio, and printed media. Give them regulatory power over ISPs and you'll end up with a similar situation like the UK and SK.

here's your (you)

Well friend, if it doesn't matter what we do then we can do whatever we want.

No they don't.

The tech companies have way more power and money.

You are simply repeating the same troll bullshit that is always parroted in these threads. The FCC will not have the ability to censor the internet, just like they don't have the ability to censor HBO. Net neutrality was FCC policy right up until Verizon/Comcast sued them and started this whole shitstorm.

>Give them regulatory power over ISPs and you'll end up with a similar situation like the UK and SK
We can already see that hasn't happened. Given control over internet regulations and all they want to do is give it back to their corporate handlers. That's exactly how we got here in the first place.

the neet tears in this thread are delicious

what're you going to do when they take away your chinese cartoons and your freetard os?

are you going to cry?

>supporing your """argument""" with ad hominems
>meanwhile websites are actually being throttled today, in an attempt by the ISPs to squeeze cash out of both ends of their line

4D bait right there. Bravo reddit.

the best part is, people have actually been having issues commenting meanwhile comcast magically is able to make 120,000+ posts in one day

its almost like someone is affecting their connections, it's almost like this is why we need net neutrality

really makes you think

>wants internet freedom
>wants the (((fcc))) running the internet


>The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them

Some congressmen even own stock in ISP's
-30 own Comcast shares
-42 own ATT shares
-40 own Verison shares
>pic related

I really don't see how you retards don't get it.

Less regulation = more freedom.

Point blank.

Speta agrees that a future FCC could impose an Internet tax in the future, but he says it’s doubtful in a contested political environment.

“Commissioner Pai is right—if the FCC wins the D.C. Circuit case, and wins reclassification of the Internet under Title II, that gives the FCC the legal authority to do things it couldn’t do, such as rate regulations and universal services taxes,” Speta said.

“The FCC has tried to impose a light form of Title II, but if they win the reclassification case, a next FCC could do even more.” said James Speta, a telecommunications and Internet policy expert at Northwestern University.

sub-mediocre bait

>Members of congress aren't allowed to play the stock market

Isn't that the solution? Opening the ISP market?

Freedom for corporations to squeeze you for every penny you're worth maybe

How do you propose doing that when it costs billions of dollars to even get your foot into the industry?

Except that isn't bullshit. They've done it before and they'll do it again. I pay for cable that isn't "basic access" or "OTA" and they still stick their greasy thumbs into it and say AAAAAA THATS INDECENT STOP IT STOP IT

>We can already see that hasn't happened.
Sure fucking happened in the UK and SK where they gave government bodies the ability to regulate ISP activity.

>ad hominems
Don't use logical fallacies you don't know the definitions of.

Okay, how do you propose we do that? Because revoking Net Neutrality would only stand to give more power and money to the existing monopolies and nothing else.

No. It would allow the free market to settle the issue.

Didn't existing ISPs specifically go out of their way to fuck over Google when they tried Google Fiber?
I recall it was a shitton of red tape and dealing with existing ISPs what killed it. ISPs in particular had a huge hand since they lobby for that red tape anyways

Funny that this wouldn't be an issue at all if Verizon didn't sue the FCC in the first place. I'd rather pay a tax than have to pay $5 every time I want to use Netflix.

>more freedom
Yea, for the corporate ISP's to screw the people.

The government says my call to a politically disagreeable organization must be connected the same as any other.
>This takes away from the carriers freedom.
Yes it does, and for good reason. Communication infrastructure is vital and should not be controlled by corporations whose only value is profit.

>Sure fucking happened in the UK and SK
And in Canada and Australia it's $150/month for 8GB capped landline from their deregulated internet monopolies. Which is exactly what we're talking about now, not some hypothetical future problem that you could imagine someone having someday maybe. We can talk about that if it's ever not imaginary.

We was shadowruns n shit

No you have to actually say how, you can't just appeal to magic like that.

>Except that isn't bullshit.
It is.

>they still stick their greasy thumbs into it and say AAAAAA THATS INDECENT STOP IT STOP IT
Nope. That would be the Christian fundamentalists that own Clear Channel. The FCC has no authority to regulate content on private cable networks.

i knew Sup Forums was full of freetard communist bullshit, but not to this degree

when are you going to wake up and realize that you lost

That happened in Colorado. We were next on the fiber block but we have laws that prevent companies not already here from starting an ISP

It's kanker

They aren't monopolies. Comcast and CenturyLink compete.

>if Verizon didn't sue the FCC in the first place.

Which came after "Title II lite" was put into place

>I'd rather pay a tax than have to pay $5 every time I want to use Netflix.

Had netflix before 2015. Don't remember having to do that.

Sure they can, but they're not allowed to have a conflict of interests when it comes to their positions.

>regulating the internet will make the internet free
>this is what liberals actually believe

you have to go back