Are there any cheap (~$20) wireless controllers for PC?
$50 for a DualShock 3 is a fucking scam
Are there any cheap (~$20) wireless controllers for PC?
$50 for a DualShock 3 is a fucking scam
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Wired Xbox 360 controller. Wireless is a meme.
Buy a used one for 20 bucks? Search Craigslist or something else. For wireless use you also need a bluetooth dongle like the ASUS BT400.
this but playstation controller is better to me
If they're that cheap you can pretty much guarantee they are sub-madcatz tier garbage with terrible analog inputs and buttons that will die after a week of use.
What's nice is Steam now has built in DirectInput to Xinput so you can literally use any controller now.
Speaking honestly, the best value controller is going to be either a PS4 controller or an Xbone controller. PS4 controller has DS4Windows and is comfy as fuck, while the Xbone controller just werks and doesn't have the shitty dpad issues that the 360 controller had. If you go PS4, buy some analog stick caps because that rubber will tear up quick.
I like the Switch Pro Controller but the major flaw is that the triggers are not analog and no one has written a proper xinput program for it (such as Motionjoy, DS4Windows, etc.) and the fucking bluetooth connection lights never stop cycling even after it's paired.
While I prefer the layout of Sony's controller, the Xbox one just werks without having to fuck with layouts.
Just get a logitech xinput controller , cheap and compatible with everything. Wired is easy to find for 20 bucks , add 10 more for wireless.
wired is shit, get wireless. don't listen to this poor fag with regrets.
If you're going to pay for a DS3 I would suggest going a little further for a DS4. Much better support for it and access to functionality in windows. I'm not sure how well supported it is on linux. You do lose analog buttons, but unless you really like MGS2/3 it's not much of a loss.
Cheap tend to be quite poor though. Get what you pay for and all that.
I picked up a fake DS3 on eBay for $7 and it's great, shaped just like it and even has an accelerometer and gyroscope
I had a wireless, sent it back and bought the wired one. It's by far better. No batteries, less weight, and a crazy long cord. The wireless dongle is meh at best.
Old ps2 controller and a Chinese USB converter box
But as others have said, xbox with its xinput thing works better in most games
I have a DS3 and recently tried to get it working with Windows and it was too much of a pain in the ass that I just gave up.
I've got two old xbxo 360 controllers?
they are wireless, how do I use them with my pc?
Xiaomi has bluetooth controller which is $30 on aliexpress. I don't have one but everything Xiaomi I have owned has been quality, and it's probably going to be the case with this one as well.
What is a good one? Would you recommend it over a 360 controller?
I paid 55€ for a Dual Shock 4.
Why not get that? I think it's amazing and without doubt superior to DS3 or Sixaxis.
fuck a wireless controller
logitech fs310 is cheap and perfect, no sweating batteries or input lag the way you would with a wireless
Get the wireless USB adapter
Just get a 360 pad if you don't mind the horrible dpad.
Logitech F310 isn't wireless but it's all you'll ever need.
Also you could get a Steam controller on sale for $35. I have both and the Steam controller is a perfect replacement for a kb/mouse, if you want to use it as a media controller.
Gaming with the SC has a steep learning curve, but using it to browse Sup Forums from bed or control Netflix it's awesome.
SCP driver is ezpz
Buy gamepad or used dualshock 4. Dualshock 3 is too smol, even for my 10 year old nephew
You're holding it wrong
t. someone who never used a more expensive controller
Wireless definitely is meme.
360 for shooters, PS3 for platforming.
Find the /vg/ emulation thread. Sup Forums is not very knowledgeable about anything. Narrow interests are necessarily shallow.
I'm using Wii U pro controller...
No regrets.
They're good controllers, no shaming.
Different user, I'm using the predecessor to it (Logitech Dual Action) and it 'just werks'.
Stop playing videogames
Yeah it works, I used to have $20 generic controllers when I didn't have a job.
But there is just no going back when you try a quality controller.
>$50 for a DualShock 3 is a fucking scam
Honestly I can sell you one for cheap if you can fit shipping from EU within your budget.
I don't need it anymore. Used it for 50h tops
What's a "quality controller".
And you better not say an Elite controller
You're not wrong, planning on picking up a PS4 controller for my PC using DS4 Windows and a bluetooth adapter.
Not that user but I picked up an "A1" branded tourney 360 controller, clearance bin for $24 after sales tax. Built well, fits my hands and controls are on point. That's quality in my book.
No thanks, I'm worried you'll ship me a box full of Somali migrants instead.
Didn't try the Elite
Duke (absolute perfection)
Original PS1 and PS2 controllers were very high quality as well.
>SCP driver
Now I remember, I got xinput to work but not direct input and the software I cared about at the time required driectinput.
Thanks, user.
I just wanted to use my controller with Anki to make my reps more comfy.
If anki can be controlled with a keyboard, there's always joy2key.
You don't like to have fun at home after 8 hours of works ?
What a shitty joke you could've spared everyone's time if you did not make it
Don't you have some migrant charity to donate to? How can you afford Internet access? You're not some bigot are you?
This might be the easiest solution -- I'll have to try it tonight. Thank you!
I can't believe that didn't come up in my initial search months ago. I think all I found was shit like motionjoy and better ds3.
I personally didn't like the newer versions so if you end up not liking it either, here's an older 3.74 version.
Thanks again.
The change history on their website doesn't even go back to 3.74. I wonder what happened from 3.74 to 4.5.
I got drunk and purchased a steam controller on Amazon did I fuck up?
The few wried controllers I've bought have WAY TOO MUCH wire to them and just clutter up my behind-the-desk space. I prefer the wireless ones that you can just plug in with a normal USB.
It's not a great controller but I keep it around because the d-pad is absolutely godlike
Nope, it's pretty nice, for shooters at least