/cyb/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity

/cyb/ general is for discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk and cybersecurity.

>what is cyberpunk?

>cyberpunk directory

>nothing to hide? please.

>cybersecurity essentials

>cybersecurity resources

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Cyberpunk is life. Now more so than ever before.

does the cyberpunk mantra has any goal for society or is it just for the underground techie dudes that want to be 'low life high tech'?

there isn't any unified force moving it forward with an agenda

i disagree, the agenda seems to be privacy and anti-surveillance, not sure what else

Eh, that's more of a derivative community of a cyperpunk society

I think cyperpunk is larger than the representation of a single goal oriented group. Imo, it better represents the current state of society and all the groups that encompass it

making things with the arduino i got in my mail yesterday. this thing is so much fun. i can already program but i'm a csci major so i know nothing about circuits, and using them is fun. i just look at the schematics and try to build it without looking at the picture bc i roleplay

Resistance against the march towards dystopia.

that's not cyberpunk unless you think some random libertarian on cspan's a cyberpunk

cyberpunk is ultimately nihilistic, the whole point is that we live in a dystopia where all social and political goals have been distilled down into psychological dog food, and technological progress only serves to make it so we can fit more into our gaping mouths at once


good answer
everyone else rekt

this is the correct answer

Hey /cyber/ bro's. What have you been up to?

machine learning and arduino. pretty comfy summer gig research internship at my university but i'm running out of cash bc the secretary isn't sending out our money until july. idk how i'm gonna pay rent

Building a BASH script to configure security in an automated manner; so that I can deploy Centos to my servers and build an openstack configuration. Then automating tasking with foreman and ansible

security through obfuscation

security through proper monitoring


Are traps cyb or biopunk?


For those of you who care about the net neutrality issue, regardless of what side your on, you need to be aware of the fucked up shit the FCC is up to. you need to read this story and understand how your freedom, your data, and your futures are being subverted by people who's only interest is lining their pockets at your expense.


also there's a big thread about the issue in the catalog. it up to nearly 200 posts.

feels like fighting a big scam, I wonder how many uninformed people are out there who presume this has nothing to do with them

you'd be surprised, user- or not! I personally don't know a single person that cares about the corporate spying, government spying, or even their own personal digital security.

is there any good tool to map an url directories? i was using dirs3arch but is pretty limited, there is another tool around?

shitty situation tbhfam

here's a comment I pulled out of the net neutrality thread that sums it up in ways that should matter to /cyb/:

>NN is basically that all internet information is treated equally, kinda like a telephone service. You get the same quality connection, regardless of who you call.
In practice, it protects freedom of speech. Government is bound by the chains of the constution and censorship is difficult for them. If the control is left to ISP's, they can censor anything they want.
>Add to this the fact that he government uses NGO's to do things it's not allowed to, and the danger to free speech becomes apparent.
>Comcast/Verison Shills will tell you it's about government control and bandwidth, but it's really about the control of information. Control the info, and you control the people.
Society used to be controlled by the MSM. With the rise of the internet, they've lost that control and want it back. The very companies that have misinformed the people through MSM are the ones that would benefit from a loss of NN.
>The ISP shills will also tell you that there was never net neutrality so nothing will change anyway. This is a lie. There used to be lots of competition, so ISP's had to treat people right or they would just move to another ISP. That's not true anymore, ISP's have become large and few like the MSM. We don't have the choices we used to.
Without NN, there would be nothing stopping Comcast from blocking comcastsucks.net, Sup Forums or anything they don't approve of. They'll tell you "we wouldn't do that", and they wouldnt at first. It'll start slow like censoring pedo sites, and who would object to that? >Next, extremest content, then who knows. NN is a line to prevent the boiling frog effect that will lead to a loss of dissenting voices.

>cyberpunk mantra
I never knew that existed.

Mostly it is about people wanting to be left alone, trying to survive in a word where tech moves far faster tan society is able to regulate or even handle development.

Which is to say quite close to where we are now.

>Resistance against the march towards dystopia.
That is a bit too late, isn't it?

Given the enormous number of FB users it is clear an ever increasing number of people do not care and will feed the system all possible information about themselves and everyone around them.

What is strange to me in this info feeding frenzy is the reaction when ordinary people wanted to take some of these opportunities back with things like Google Glass. All of a sudden even the sheep started bleating about surveillance as if that train hadn't already left the station.

Latest is this:
>AA calls for crackdown on sharing dashcam video
>Motorists who persistently share dashcam video could be accused of voyeurism, according to the motoring organisation.
They say they don't want to ban it and next they say they do. I guess they are shaky behind the steering wheels themselves.

How is cyberpunk and cybersecurity even related? What's the whole point of this general? Cyberpunk isn't even Sup Forums.

meshnet when?

if biopunk worked traps would be actual girls.

I'm both so here's your answer

sadly, we don't have enough people with the requisite skills willing to contribute to the rapid development of meshnet, so it's got some usability and deployment issues.

Have you read Johnny Mnemonic, Neuromancer, Shockwave Rider or Snow Crash?

What version of Windows or GNU/Linux distribution is mostly used in the security field?

That would depend on the purpose: to demonstrate the horrors of an insecure platform or the superiority of a nailed down system.

Good answer, we use the right tools for the task. In my company we mainly work with CentOS and RHEL for any GNU/Linux systems and the majority of Windows systems we deal with are still XP. Our analysts tend to run MacOS or Fedora primarily on their personal machines.

Also webhtt

It's not a March against anything. You fucks always have to politicize everything.

Some ambient music set to a large collection of animated GIFs. All with a CYB feel.

Light autist checking in. It's been a while since I have been in one of these threads. Looks like they have really taken off now that /sec/ is merged.

I've had time to work on my sign and I'm getting close to being done. Still need to do wire management, splice in power to 2 other locations, glue down the strips, and then program the Arduino. However, the physical printing and assembly of the sign is 95% complete.

Pic is it with the test strand code running. You can still see some of the LEDs, but that's because the strips come with shitty glue that don't keep them adheared to the backers. That should be fixed in the next week or so.

fellow lighting autist here. if your going to show of your work, put some effort into it! animated gif! also, what is it going to look like when finished?

I'll get some pictures of it off and some video. It's going to be the FM-84 cover art when I actually program it.

I have some code from my infinity mirror I'm going to use which will same me tons of time.


nice! thanks for sharing.

One more gif. I'll upload the sign in its off position as well.

Still have some work to do in cleaning up those wires and gluing down the LEDs as well.


>Brilliant! By using EICAR in your password, if company is storing passwords in plain text, their password file would be quarantined!

>change your outlook signature to X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* and watch chaos ensue

Think of /cyb/ as a skill, like learning first aid or how to shoot a rifle. It might simply be a hobby, it might be for some political goal, or you might just want to be prepared in case future you finds something worth giving a shit about.

Take a look at pic related, crops up in cringe threads all the time. Why? Because he has something he cares about, but you can tell just by looking at him that he's completely useless. Guy doesn't belong within 100 miles of a revolution. Don't be that guy.


What kind of stuff would you like to see in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk game?

that's awesome, man. it looks good. if you have any pics of the electronic without the coverings, if love to see them. do you keep a build blog somewhere? an 'Instructible' maybe?

Thanks man.

I don't have any build blog but I'll get some pics tomorrow of all the electronics. It's not overly complicated in the over all electronics department, but certain parts were a pain in the ass to solder because it's all cheap Chinese shit.

depends on the type of game. graphical, or text-based. in either case, what really works for me is strong character development, and a compelling story.

Weev has broght this cilture into politics, but regardless, I live cyberpumks in anime.

it's an mmo

I enjoy working with those power supplies like your using.
I've had good luck pulling similar supplies out of old equipment, and finding people who have hacked them so they can be used in stand alone projects.
for example, a PlayStation 3 PSU is rated for 12 volts @ 30 amps or something close. the supply has it's main output terminals, then a small 5pin header that control its output via an 'enable' line and a 5v standby line.

someone with your skill while be able to control this beast programmatically by tying a micro's gpio line to the ENABLE pin of the supply. I can only dream of doing stuff like this.

that really changes the dynamic. personally, I could never get into MMOs. it will be interesting to see what the devs that are creating Cyberpunk 2077 do with that game.

it's supposedly a single player RPG so it's gonna be different from my idea

I think if your really serious you might want to create a thread on Sup Forums.
I'd outline what you have in mind, ideas you might already have, and see if anyone eagle has developed something similar. I was just watching a game play trailer for CP2077, and they have some really novel ideas.

A cyberpunk mmo is pretty ambitious. I'm trying to think of what that might be like, and what might make it engaging to play. I'd definitely create a thread on Sup Forums , then link the thread here. this way, you should get way more feedback. remember though- we have short attention spans around here, so if you create a thread, make it enticing. if possible, post any concept art, possible names, anything you've got to get people interested.

my two cents: draw on what's happening in the real world today.
if you do, you'll have more than enough material.

lel, what are you talking about?
That's clearly a cheap chink psu fresh off the shitbay shelf. The only thing he pulled that PSU out of is the box he ordered it in

i cant really reveal too much about my game but yes ill head over to Sup Forums soon

but i just want to know what people would expect from a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk/sci-fi mmorpgfps

i say cyberpunk/sci-fi because while i started working on this project with purely cyberpunk in mind, there are some elements that deviate from it for game design purpose

Set it in a failed outworld site, like "Misplaced Optimism"; a brilliant name. Keep much of the settings from that game, a kind of frontier mentality set in stasis. And stasis is what you have to defeat in the game.
>my two cents: draw on what's happening in the real world today.
This guy gets it. All good art is about today in a different perspective, and /cyb/ was origonally the 80's in the perspective of the Movement.
>what people would expect from a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk
A lot of inertia, the most dangerous thing that is. It killed off the momentum of the Industrial Revolution in England in a short time. have you been to Newcastle? That is where it started. It is also where it pretty much ended.

guys i followed the about:config regarding firefox modify
now it seems like my login and shit wont appear when try to login to some website
the login details is still there but now its such hassle, i have to go to option>privacy in order to obtain it, any fix?
also any bookmark addon? firefox bookmark is such a cancer

In what way are you biopunk?

Experimenting on yourself?

This is devilish

I don't get to meet any cyberpunk on my third world country

Drop a couple db's and sell the lists. Easy.

is that the tp link 842 ND? or just 841 (non usb version)

841, got it for 10€ new

implying the Internet isn't just a service provided by private companies so you are not bounded by your countries rights but rather the rights contractually agreed upon
>but but but muh freedum of speech!
Yes, it is a freedom on public platforms, the Internet is private, access is controlled by companies and you have to follow their rules. They choose to be generous with their Internet access. You signed a contract.
>what if $UNETHICAL_THING happen!
Then stop buying that service from that company and opt for a competitor with a better contract. Unless you live in bumfuck nowhere you will have healthy ISP competition.

Quit trying to socialize everything.

hello ajit. I like the program your team used to spam the FCC.
can we borrow the source code?


So am I the last person to realize how easy it is to spoof a company domain using office 365 SMTP traffic?

Fucking M$ allows external SMTP traffic to be sent from its 365 SMTP server using the server's domain address in the FROM field. This is the DEFAULT setting.

Any cybergoths there instead?

you are joking, right?

That PSU is a standard one you can buy that is cheap chink shit. I have power supplies that I have pulled form systems to use in other projects. At my job they throw out electronics PSUs all the time.

True, I didn't have a 5V 20A power supply handy. Nothing wrong with ordering shit if you need/use it.