Why can't Millennials into print screen/screenshot browser extensions/snipping tool?

Why can't Millennials into print screen/screenshot browser extensions/snipping tool?

They seem to do alright with taking screenshots of their phone.

There's no screenshot app.

Millennials can, it's gen Y or Z or whatever the fuck they're called that can't because the were raised by the mobile jew.


>They seem to do alright with taking screenshots of their phone.
that's because their phones are their cameras

Why are you using this as an insult when probably 90% of Sup Forums are millenials?

We're not all bad, just the vast majority of millenials are.


Even my wife knows about the snippng tool

Millennials have zero issues taking screenshots. They take phone screenshots all the time, some to the point of using it as a sort of reminder system.

The reason they take photos of their computer screens is because 99.9% of the time they're posting/sending something, it's being posted/sent from a smartphone and they can't be arsed to transfer their laptop screenshot to their phone. It's way faster to just hit the camera button in their messaging app/twitter/facebook/snapchat/whatever and quickly snap a photo of their laptop screen.

then they should use something like syncthing

also, why are they sending things from their phone if they're on their desktop?

>then they should use something like syncthing
too technically involved for too little immediate payoff

>also, why are they sending things from their phone if they're on their desktop?
It's pretty rare that screenshots get posted to the same platform they're from, e.g. embarrassing facebook comment gets photo'd and sent to friends on snapchat

mobile apps also tend to be more streamlined, meaning less friction between beginning of task and final post

>embarrassing facebook comment gets photo'd and sent to friends on snapchat
can't you do both on a desktop browser?

Because Vivaldi does it without extensions

>take screenshot of picture on their phone instead of just saving the image

WTF ?!?!?

Believe me, they would take a picture of their phone screen if they could.

You can't screenshot something from your computer on your phone.

not for mobile-exclusive services, which are becoming more populous by the day

there are also services that have apps that are vastly better than their web counterparts

They're technologically illiterate. This is why CS is still a safe bet

>mobile-exclusive services
sounds very restricting

to be honest taking a screenshot isn't intuitive.

1. press print screen on keyboard (which doesn't give any feedback)
2. paste into graphics editor (which most normies never install)
3. save as the proper filetype (which normies never bother to learn the difference between)

Gen Y == Millenials

>2. paste into graphics editor (which most normies never install)
ms paint

i have met normies who genuinely did not know that was a thing

Millennials are like 20-35 years old actually

desu, phone screenshots offer a different value than regular screenshots. They can be easily showed when moving around the office/lab/school.
Takes 3 seconds to snap a picture of some piece of information from a workmate PC that can be useful later without the hassle of sharing a screenshot.

>what is win+printscreen
>what is snipping tool
>what is printscreen+paste into paint

It's not the fact that they don't have an app, they're just retarded.

Better question: when will the definition of Millennial be altered to better reflect the generation? Born between 1982 and 2004 is far, far too fucking broad. There is no way someone born in the early 80's shares values, morals, and ideas with the current high school-aged children.

At the most I'd shrink the birth years of the Millennial definition to 1980 - 1995. 1996 was the year the Internet was becoming more and more mainstream. It is ridiculous to ignore the impact that the internet had on people that were born into it and with it growing up, versus those who did not.

What's the best screen capture tool? I'm using ShareX.

well at least they understand it when someone makes a joke


Because the dominant messaging platforms are now exclusive to mobile devices rather than platform-agnostic the way they were 10 years ago.

Blame everyone who makes excuses for WhatsApp, iMessage, generic SMS, and the rest. We were better off with AIM, MSN, and ICQ.

1. Open gimp
2. Create from screenshot
3. Save

My boss recommended I install a dedicated screenshot app, and Lightshot is breddy gud, however I would have no need for it in personal use...

Because they want to post with their phone and getting files from your computer to your phone takes steps.

Millenials were born in 1982 or later, grandpa

Whatsapp have a web client you dipshit

>type gimp

It's just a relay/remote access to the phone.

>he doesn't know about ctrl-shift-v
cute attempt though

>we can
>I'm 20

Neither of these are necessary. Ctrl+v after opening gimp automatically pastes whatever is in your clipboard as a new image.

Except if you already have a gimp session open you're going to paste it in the existing image, retard. Just use ctrl-shift-v and don't be a fucking autist.


We now know your tripcode, thanks.

Good now I'll have more recruits

Kinda off and on topic, but the reason why the new generation is less perceptive is because technology has made it easy for them.

Our generation had to troubleshoot and find loopholes about pretty much everything.

Same reason a lot of Pajeets are good with computers.

Now the new generation has found everything ready from us.

>Same reason a lot of Pajeets are good with computers.

Is this a joke? Pajeets are terrible with computers.

Not like he was using a secure tripcode or anything dude

I can't believe I didn't know about this thanks

You need to go out a little bit.

You're talking about 1st line Pajeets from Philipines, I'm talking about the real Paki Pajeets.

>secure tripcode
is this a thing?


It's actually a bit of both. There are 1.2 BILLION Pajeets. Consequently there are a massive quantity of all groups of people there.

A thing for jerks.

Anyone else /Gyazo/ here?