WTF is he doing at (((Google))) ?

WTF is he doing at (((Google))) ?

Of what use he could possibly be to them ?

Probably trying to trick people into working for google for no monetary remuneration

Making coffee and washing the dishes. He is allowed to screw up youtube while he pretends working.

Probably copyrighting memes.

Do you think we'll see north and south korea unified in the next 25 years?

Shitposting on Sup Forums.

>an advocate for anonymity ends up working for Google
What did moot mean by this?

No. China will step in because DPRK is their buffer state. Then something something world war 3

yeah under communist rule, those discount samsung tanks won't hold their ground

>What did moot mean by this?
He meant that money/career is more important to him than principles.


he's still running Sup Forums. google acquired it in secret. hiro doesn't actually exist.

you didn't hear this from me.

Sup Forums backend is sending events data to Google Analytics

against what exactly?
seoul was engineered to be a tanktrap in the event of an invasion, so your post literally doesnt make sense

wtf is hiro

against all the heavy artillery piled up behind the DMZ

They pay him out of compassion. Keeps the culture a bit more lively.

Google wants to know how to build a successful social media website because they clearly have no idea.

Maybe he's an entertainer for the programmers at Google ? they have lunch break and he's there to entertain...
>hey chris... do the DAD MEME again
>poole makes stupid face and utters "SON I AM DISAPPOINT"
>Google engineers "huehuehuehue "
>"Chris, do the lazer!"
>Chris makes girly voice "OH HAI! MAI NAME IS BAWKSI.... "
>Google engineers "ahahahhaha"
>OK guys it's time to go back to work, thanks Chris!

Some Gundam Wing shit losers can't leave on Sup Forums

We'll find out when he appears in drag at one of Google's I/O conferences.

>A modern day joker/fool
Sounds plausible...

He has donated his body to science. He is becoming the little girl as we speak

there's absolutely no way that south korea would get conquered, that's like asking for ww3.


Yes the malnourished norks can conquer the south


>Thousands of American military personal in SK
>SK is construed to repeal a invasion of the north
>Japan is the fourth expender in defense
Sue thing bro

The Samsung tanks may be crap but are better than anything that the north as

i thought Japan is only capable of defense?

Yes, but article 9 likely will be repelled if NK invades SK.

>i thought Japan is only capable of defense?
That's what they want you to think.
For example: their new "helicopter destroyer" is an aircraft carrier in all but name.

and so they hired moot who also has no idea which is probably why they fail at everything outside of math

He is pushing for Randy Travis's music to be the accepted elevator music in all Google buildings.

He guides their SJW's around here and helps them spread their lefist propaganda. Every time someone tells you to go back to Sup Forums because you express that you don't love minorities unconditionally, remember Moot guided them him.


Wasn't he suppose to be working on google+ or something? google+ is ded though

Being here forever is a lie

He chills with the dude from Digg (who also works there). They talk of old times.

kinda, yes. Google does now surveys here every now and then. (aka datamining threads)

Chris """ works""" for Google in the way, that this established website now works as the perfect datagathering testground, as users feel """ Anonymous""" without consequences.
also Sup Forums pass is just another way to link a profile together to strengthen their accuracy when comparing (You)r results with your actual posts.
This is done by an algorythm ofc.


it's just a meme job, aka something usually reserved for women. he's a "social media correspondent" or something of the like. just taking an easy pay check while he feigns an expertise on worthless shit.

Helping (((alphabet))) to do a soft takeover of the world

We will see North Korea under allied control, but unification with the South wholesale would absolutely tank the korean economy for generations. The DPRK makes the GDR look like Japan.

Made me giggle.

Helping them devise strategies to foil Operation ReNIGGER


>South wholesale would absolutely tank the korean economy for generations
Cheap labor tanking the economy?

Say Moot that we miss him

The problem isn't cheap labor. That's about the only good thing the South would get in this deal.

We'll see fuck all but the media will give them what they want, attention.

He was working on google+ when he started. Apparently they liked his TED talk about how anonymity could still play a role in social media. I don't know how much google really supports google plus anymore so I bet he's just some highly paid cubicle jockey.


I-Is there any place left to be anonymous?

>WTF is he doing at (((Google))) ?
I heard he was supposed to be helping them with their failed attempt to get people to use Google+

No idea why they would hire the guy who couldn't figure out how to make any money through owning one of the most visited websites in the world.

>its been more than 2 years

i miss moot. ;_;

The "hover hands"


His main worth for google is probably having an analyst who knows memes and Anonymous well. Seriously.

He goes on snickers runs for the office.

Maybe you meant to say "makes workplace smalltalk and pleasantries without obsessively offending anyone who isnt a fascist white teenager"?

Fucking KEK. Imagine he's itt right now reading this

>being offended by anything
back to rebbit

IRL kind of depends on people sometimes getting offended by stuff you know

>expecting a jew to turn down a 100k cushy job

k den

>100k at google
lol what is he, the janitor?