Why do so many languages use indentation

I hate this so much. Because it's whitespace you need to eyeball exactly how much it constitutes. It constantly feels like you're handling something delicate and your program can break or do something unexpected because you didn't scan the page 5 times making sure the space is aligned right

And it doesn't even do it all the way, half of the languages use braces and brackets for if/else and then indentation for switch statements. This breaks some of the most fundamental rules of visual hierarchy and language conventions

Even assembly is based totally on indentation. WHY, who came up with this and liked it so much they decided to use it arbitrarily for half of the languages out there

I don't like it so much I'm willing to drop a language because of it but then I look up another one and it turns it it does it too

Because it's important for being able to identify scopes.

So identify scopes with braces

Assembly's structure was inherited from punch cards, which used columns to determine control flow. Also you are an actual brainlet if this is giving you trouble

It's not hard for me to manage, it's just stupid

That takes more effort than simply looking how far to the right it is.

I'm just stupid*

OP, why you're so retarded?
Single tab - 4 spaces.
4 spaces is 'standard'.
If you gonna say something like
>but tab doesn't equal to spaces, you moron!
Then you should fucking kill yourself...

The quality of recent threads on Sup Forums...

>Why do so many languages use indentation

That's like asking why are some people retarded.

You're retarded but python is also garbage because of the significant indentation meme.

I said literally nothing about that

>indentation for switch
switch (i) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:

works just fine, no indents needed
some people like to indent between case and break so they don't forget to add the break so control doesn't pass down to the next case label
also, if your editor doesn't suck, you can enable visible leading/trailing whitespace markers or indent markers so you can see exactly what lines up with what
and then you can run your code through an auto-formatter if you're too lazy to indent your code yourself

only thing I hate is python's use of indentation, because shit actually will break if mis-indented, rather than indents being a helpful tool to enhance readability, and you end up depending on various editor features to write python remotely comfortably

How stupid can you be

Why do I waste my time trying to converse with the fucking mongoloids that occupy this board.

Then what the fuck is your problem with whitespace?
Are you just that retarded that whitespaces triggers you?

A thread died for this nonsense post

The problem with whitespace is that you need to eyeball it and your brain is designed to take in the general picture. You can look at bracket and immediately realize it's a bracket, whether there's 8 or 10 spaces however you really need to stop and look at to evaluate. You risk causing errors or your program doing something you didn't want to because you indented something one level deeper and your brain doesn't have a built-in ruler to recognise it.

When dealing with something as deliberate as programming this is just stupid. No one competent would design a language like this

You are clearly retarded, and have probably only been programming for a couple of weeks tops.

You feel so strongly one would think you'd have an argument of some kind

ITT: butthurt Python fags.

It's much harder to visually scan your code for certain characters instead of indentation quickly.
if (condition)
if (condition)

You are free to write most languages without indentation, but you would have to be fucking retarded to do so.

You can still indent code. It just doesn't change the scope

IDEs should do this automatically and it actually can't be done otherwise

And the second one doesn't have braces

You wanna take the log out of your eye before you call me retarded?

I "can" hit myself in the head with the sharp end of a hammer, that doesn't mean it's a good idea

What is your rebuttal? Why is this a good thing?

What the fuck are you even arguing? There is a big difference between indentation and forced indentation.
Most languages are freeform, and indentation doesn't mean shit.

>scan the page 5 times making sure the space is aligned right
>aligned right

You programming in Hebrew or something?

B8 thread, nice 1 m8

>There is a big difference between indentation and forced indentation
Yeah, the second one is what I'm saying is idiotic

Is that what everyone is objecting to?

Allow me to clarify, I'm not saying indentation is bad. It doesn't even affect the code. Using blank space to delimit programming logic is what is retarded.

And your argument in the OP is clearly attacking the former.


If you don't like it, don't use it. Go be productive instead of complaining about something that you don't even have to use.

I personally don't mind it because it forces new programmers to at least dedicate a couple brain cells to whitespace. I say this as someone who spent a couple semesters turning away people looking for help in C until they decided to take the 5 minutes required to have have some semblance of what the intended control flow indicated in the whitespace.

Forced Hierarchical alignment/indentation has a gestalt feel to it as well. Makes the style more codified although it's also arguably slightly less programatically parseable.

It has its uses, if they don't apply to your use case, don't use it.

>If you don't like it, don't use it.
Yeah, that's how opinions work everyone. It's pointless to argue about things. Someone let all those film critics know they're wasting their lives.

Fuck off you musty old pseud, go platicize something else

I beleive in c/c++, you can write entire programs on one line without whitespace(not sure if headers need whitespace)

Why arent you using those?
