Unfriendly Linux Thread

We all know that Linux (any distro) is the superior one of these.
Don't install Gentoo.

Fuck you. I already installed gentoo.
no, I didn't do it because of the installation process and no it's not a meme
I hate nu-Sup Forums

I agree on "Don't install Gentoo".
People should start installing Source Mage.

Carly and Ariana should switch places.

Lubuntu is pretty nice. Thanks, guys!

Katy perry's this look is so hot.


No part of that picture makes any sense

Everyone hates the windows chicks, the Mac looks like a man and nobody knows who the Linux chick is.

>everyone hates the windows chicks
someone hasn't listened to pic related yet

Cher should be Windows 8. A thousand surgeries just to appeal to younger people leaving her a Frankenstein like abomination. Reminds me of what Microsoft did with Win 8. Crippled metro GUI, no start menu etc

But gay guys love the shit out of the women who are by the Windows OSes, but fags only love OSX. No sense is made.

the 95 one is Cher, right?
don't recognise the rest

The 98 is maria curry, xp is madonna, 7 is lady lada, 8 is grande bombe, 10, me, homosex and linux is literally who

Install Windows, play gaymes and become a fat ameritard.

Who's 10? Seems very familiar

Superior for specific things, but not what probably 99% of Sup Forums uses it for (watching anime, setting up their favourite text editor to not actually do anything with it, "ricing", or running muh freedom software for no reason other than to say they comply with arbritary FOSS bullshit.) -- linux is a great server OS, to be ran headless and left alone until a maintenence window rolls around, it's pretty much like a write your own adventure book with the sheer amount of options you have to achieve your desired results, and for that reason I like it, but as a desktop OS I just can't see any true benefit over other consumer tier options.

7 and XP are looking good.

I'd fuck Xp

Win98 is the elusive Gentoo~euse...


>you can't therefore everybody can't
Just an another logical fallacy.

Eat pootterring ass you shitskin poojeet

who's the win7 girl?

Korora is bae

where the fuck is 8.1 you retarded inbred imbecil monglet


>nobody knows who the Linux chick is.
dude, everyone knows it's that wikileaks person

8.1 is Frankie Grande.

I'm with you pal. I think Ubuntu using Gnome again might really get the ball rolling again. I will probably stick with Windows till I actually see real improvements in use and stability.

> Not using Debian.
> Using cuck botnet software, voluntarily.

>Using an outdated Kernel for main OS because muh "stability."

lol. pleeze post that together with the image to microsoft's hr as a job application. call them and record their autistic screaming and their tears for us.

Running kali in vm in debian is the most secure way to browse the world wide web. You're just a tehcnology nightly cuck. Have fun with zero day exploits cucking your arch os x.

> he fell for the "muhh kali == security" meme

thank you user

kali > debian > arch > ubuntu > gentoo > windoze > mac os