Are they trying to kill American tourism and business?

>A laptop ban could extend to all international flights, US Homeland Security chief says

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What exactly is this ban trying to prevent?

Whatever, I have a phone.

ISIS stole an airport x-ray scanner a few months ago or something and I guess they think they're trying to build bombs into laptops or some shit


laptop bombs, presumably

Guess I'll have to build my bomb into a PS4

This wouldn't have to happen if you had accepted Allah as your one true god

This is why the oversea bridges need to be built.

Build some synthetic islands travel sites, hotels and travel camps, boom instant innovation.

its not a ban from traveling with them, you just cant bring them as a carry on you fucking moron

That is a horrible idea in every possible way.

Why the fuck is he always touching his daughter like this? It's fucking weird, man.

That's pretty lame. How are you supposed to watch your movies now.

a tablet

People already get anxious when driving over that one bridge across the ocean that's like 2km long.
Most people would go insane if they'd drive for a day or two with nothing to see but the deep ocean on either side.

Yes, don't make better scanners, ban laptops.

Tablets double as laptops nowadays

they could just ban all muslims

on the plus side, you don't need to build a bomb into one to make it explode

Use an XBOX 360 instead. You can even skip the building a bomb part since that thing is gonna explode or catch fire on its own if you just leave it running for a while.

Stupid muriclaps.
Let's ban all devices using 18650s because FUCK YOU.

> This is why the oversea bridges need to be built.
Does not sound like a solution to whatever terrorism risk there might be on ships and airplanes.


tablet can also explode if you replace some liion cells with semtex

>Why the fuck is he always touching his daughter like this? It's fucking weird, man.
It isn't weird. They have a modern relationship. They are more like friends than father daughter.


This wouldn't have to happen if your country isn't divided by sects and fighting each other for literally no reason.

Sup Forums doesn't leave its basement

Also banned.

everything can explode when you replace it with semtex.

should we ban everything?
really makes you think, huh

Why not require a laptop to be functional. If youexchange the battery for a bomb, it won't turn on. If you want to transport a broken laptop, you don't need it in your carry-on.

Well it's about time

If a bomb the size of a laptop battery can bring down a plane, then so can a bomb the size of a (large) power bank. Ban power banks?

>land of the free

So what's a decent laptop buy for $600? She plans to use it for school and I plan to use it to get in her panties.

and then somebody just bombs the bridge.

why not just ban muslims instead?

For 600 bucks you can get more than just a decent laptop.
Also that's way too much money just to get some.

what would it matter if the bomb was in the carry on or stowed?
it's still taking the aircraft down.

Anyone who gives this more than 5 seconds of thought would realize you can't make a laptop function and show up normally on a xray. Just another fucking excuse to infringe on our rights. "REEE"

there really needs to be some ivanka x don rule 34

This wouldn't have to happen if the Jewnited States of America weren't so intent on creating false flags and funding terrorists them.fucking.selves to destroy a region and eliminate personal freedoms.

But I can bring my PS4 bomb as a carry on, rite?

I didn't say I was paying for it. I was asked for an opinion and I don't have one because the last thing I'd buy for myself is a laptop.

How is TSA supposed to check if all cells inside a sealed battery are real batteries?
You can always replace 6 out of 9 cells with explosives and keep 3 18650s with proper voltage to just present working laptop.

you fucking racist, how dare you

if it is in the carry it would be less catastrophic if it were a small bomb since they are stowed in the cargo compartment which is more resistant to explosives since it is not pressurized and likely has more structure for support. So a small detonation would be contained.

In carry it would be more devastating in the pressurized compartment were the passengers are seated.

>waaah now I can't work on spreadsheets while mid-flight
Let's be real here, business travel as we know it is dying. Teleconferencing is so fucking easy and cheap these days. Even a consultation can be done over Skype or Hangouts. Soon clients won't even want to meet in person because its a big fucking hassle and video conferences are cheaper, easier, and more efficient especially when working with international clients.

What? So, it's not about religion after all but derived from hate?

>you can't make a laptop function and show up normally
not sure what you mean, you dont sneed to turn the laptop on, just just slide it thru the scanner, you mean the wires, components and shit? it would still be missing large blocks of solid/clay/liquid explosive material.

Oh no anti-social yuroneets will have to talk to the other passengers instead of watching anime on their chinktops when flying over to use their civilization hallpass.

America: No fun allowed

are you sure someone did not hit you on the head with a magnet?

Why it took so long to figure out that you could use a laptop to hide a bomb.

The terrorists won.

That's basically a ban. Nobody is going to check a laptop in, luggage gets lost all the time

Look, if you people are scared of being blown to bits, the only logical answer here is to avoid air travel entirely.
Drive or take a bus/shuttle. Now to think about it, private plane flights are possible... White pilots only of course.....

Ban all laptops with Cylindrical cells.

lol didn't read



It is a garbage story. I have been told it is from Israeli intelligence. It is complete bullshit, they are just pushing it to annoy people who travel regularly

Imagine fucking Ivanka while she makes that face.

Unlikely, you know Lithium batteries are already banned in checked baggage, right?

Devices that use lithium batteries MUST be brought into the cabin.

My Android is stronger than the average laptop and can do pretty much all the same things as one. What the fug

This is only gonna start up an arms race to stuff explosives into tablets and phones. Idiotic decision.

ban muslims on flights
here, everything fixed you retarded joke of a president


>People falling for this shit thinking it has anything to do with terrorists

Yes you dumb fucks, they're totally trying to stop bombs, that's why the laptops are banned from CARRY ON, they still go in the hold.

Guess where a bomb is more effective? The fucking cargo hold, down there even a low yield that can't damage structure can tear apart the barely protected nearby hydraulic lines and fuel interlinks.

So you can run x86 programs in your android device, huh?
How about the latest taiwanese pornographic powerpoint presentations? I don't think so.

>Can't take laptop in carry-on
>You can still check it in

It's still on the fucking plane though? What's the point?

Alright then, underwater tunnels.


what the fuck I have so many movies on my laptop in case i ever have to take a long trip... last time I was on an airplane the movie they played was the movie where Tim Allen turned into a dog

not complaining about that movie, it was great but I might be in a mood for something different like gokkun

actually you can....especially with the new surface shit ms released... half of the laptop is empty

That pic is hot

>implying any thought goes into regulations like this

Actually, Note 7 is banned by most airlines

Maybe we should ban white people instead from malls and school since they're always the ones starting mass shootings.

>tfw have the original 360 elite and it still works perfectly

Good idea. Schools are centers of indoctrination anyway.

Isn't the reason why they want you to put laptops in carry-on luggage because they can catch fire unintentionally, and in the cabin they can seal your laptop in a fire-proof bag, while in the luggage compartment they can't really do anything about it?

found the mudshit

if this was the case then they would have been banned ages ago because this isn't really anything inherent to newer laptops

thanks trumpcucks

Yes, it's not unheard of to have a plane downed by lithium-ion battery fires.

Oh god. The rumors are true. Look at Invanka's face trying to laugh it off. Its a face of nervous guilt.

Good fucking God, Melania is just a side chick.

They keep referring to this as a laptop ban, but didn't the original ban include anything larger than a large cell phone such as tablets and ereaders? If this does go through, then how much longer until this applies inside the US as well?

So "bomb" could still explode on plane, only in different place. And your laptop is going to be turned into crashed plate due to way airlines handle the luggage.

And what would stop people from flying to Canada for example and by land from there?

If you are against this, you are a traitor. Our God Emperor knows what's best for us, you cucks.

>Voting for Republicans & Drumpf
>any year

Fucking hell. I bet this is just a ploy to sell more in flight movies.

if you are worried about laptops, it makes sense that you ban them from all international flights.
If you ban them on all flights except for flights to Sweeden, terrorists would just go to Sweeden first.

As to why they are worried about laptops, I assume trump is watching the fake news about terrorism they broadcast in America.
Soon he will do something drastic to fix the "cyber problems" in America.

Jesus Christ let's just all lock ourselves in our houses and never come out. If you see your neighbors outside their house better call 911 because only bad people go outside.

There already baggage checks on the Eurostar trains not just because one could kill a few people on board but because of the economic damage a bomb could do by cutting the single tunnel connection

Unironically really fucking inconvenient
I'm arab and legally muslim on my passport despite not being religious at all, so it would block me too for example

>People already get anxious when driving over that one bridge across the ocean that's like 2km long.
That sounds like a nice place to drive actually.

this is what happens when you import shitskin pets

repent and convert to the one true religion