How to deal with Russian "white lies"?

Hi Sup Forums

I have a problematic colleague. I work at a research institute, and we have many foreigners doing their PhD and post-docs here, and in general, working in an international environment like this works great (about 2/3 of employees are Norwegian, the rest are from all around the world).

I share an office with a russian guy that's doing his PhD here. He got his master's degree and stuff from Russia, so I guess he's not really accustomed to other cultures and stuff... Anyway, he's skilled and knowledgeable and friendly (although extremely ""chummy"", which isn't really a problem). He usually delivers what he's supposed to and it's usually on time, the problem is, however, that he constantly exaggerates the process he's made and never lets anyone see his work until his part is complete and finished.

I'm working together with him on a project right now, and I was under the impression that he had made significant process. Therefore, when he said he had to go back to Russia for a family emergency, I figured it wouldn't be a problem since I trusted him when he said the project was almost done. As it turns out, he hadn't even begun on the project at all and has spent the time allotted for this project on other projects, that perhaps are more pressing -- or, more likely, simply more fun. I get that these are also important, but we really have to do the one we're assigned on together.

I've read that these kind of lies are common and frequently used in Russian culture**. Apparently, it's very common, but it's also expected that you are able to tell what's a lie and what's the truth. However, Norwegian culture is vastly different, and we rely on honesty and people not exploiting other's trust.

tl;dr How to deal with Russian dishonesty at work?

** Interesting read about lying in Russian culture:

Other urls found in this thread:, Management&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1 capita gdp russia

Cultures don't mix. There's nothing you can do, the guy has to either adapt or suffer the consequences. Thanks globalists.

I'm Russian and I've never experienced this problem inside or outside my country.

Actually, he's not suffering the consequences other than me (and potentially others) loosing my trust in him.

I've experienced it with other cultures too (we have some Indian guys here as well). They keep their progress to themselves and will refuse to report any problems or issues along the way until it's almost too late. They usually adapt though, when they realise that Norwegian managers don't fire them and prefer that their employees actually report on problems as well as progress.

Oh yeah, indians are huge liars and scammers. I don't work with them anymore.

>t. Russian liar

>I'm russian and you can totally trust me, russians never lie

how do we know you're not lying?

His sounds Latvian

that is a lie

He is very much a Russian

Stopped reading here. This is either bait or you're some brainwashed leftist chump.

it could just be that he is lazy and procrastinating until the last moment and just wants you to think that he is working on the project. not because of culture but because he is lazy.

What if you are lying right now!

But nobody cares about your trust user.
Your in particular.

Well, he is lazy too. But seeing how I've experienced similar things with other cultures (and all the interesting articles that come up when I search for "russian lying"), I kind of suspect it is a cultural thing.

How about reading more than four words, you stupid fuck?

That's exactly my point, the consequences for him behaving in this way is minimal.

>i want him to share credit with me instead of him doing project that give credit to him alone
Sounds like he is beating you at Capitalism yo.

Well since he is smarter than you and you are a faggot, we will all root for him in this thread.

>tl;dr How to deal with Russian dishonesty at work?
Try, there will be great interest in your question there.

Well, if we don't deliver on this, he will not get his PhD approved. I've already bitched to his adviser, but I'll guess I'll bitch some more.

South Slav user here
'White lies' are a known cultural mechanism in Slavic countries, although they're never used in serious work enviroments. If a work/study colleague of mine pulled that trick, I'd confront him, because its not about cultures its about personalities. Ive met shitty Norwegians and nice Russians, and the other way around.

>endorsing nigger behavior
Found the lying russian

>'White lies' are a known cultural mechanism in Slavic countries, although they're never used in serious work enviroments.
Thanks, I see then. I'll just confront him about it when he gets back then.

Also Id like to put a bet on the 'family emergency' being a nice way of saying 'i cant make the project in due time'

He will get his PhD approved whether you like it or not. Just not on your terms.

>nigger behavior
All behavior that goes against your interests is nigger behavior from your point of view, and civilized behavior from my point of view.

>He will get his PhD approved whether you like it or not
He literally will not, so no.

I'm not OP, I'm just saying that he sounds like a nigger and so do you tbqh.

I am russian and most of our governors are behaving this way.
I am not sure in that this is a national problem but I can see how domestic slavery and communism could cause increased chance of this happening in Russia.

I did experience this on few occasions personally but I cannot blame it on national character completely.

Anyways, try for an advanced advice.


I've never posted on stackexchange before, but maybe I will. Thanks user(s).

You can't deal with Russians because you are an emasculated Westerner.
Your only job is to keep quiet and pay reparations to all races.

>You can't deal with Russians because you are an emasculated Westerner.
According to Sup Forums, Russians are /ourguys/

I guess that's just a ruse, and Russians are thieving niggers after all?

Why are Norwegians such passive-aggressive pussies? You're catty as shit.

>thieving niggers
Russians aren't the ones who colonized half the world and are now being cucked for it.
That's you sunny jim.

When did Norway colonise anything?

So now I'm passive-aggressive for not wanting to do work on his behalf?

pol is overrun by russian psyops

>When did Norway colonize anything?
Your people went to North America and killed a bunch of natives there.
You are also white, which makes you genetic thieves.

>Your people went to North America and killed a bunch of natives there.
Pretty sure we didn't. Pretty sure that the North Americans murdered us, which is why the viking settlements there only lasted a couple of years and never became a huge civilisation.

Russians have very counter-productive national habits but I wonder if it all comes from not being able to continiously self-organize and living poorly. Maybe if there was some trigger for changing the principles we govern the country with we could stop major part of alcoholism and crimes.

It's really complex problem to judge it in a few words.

t. russian

Your settlements there lasted a couple of years because you were thieving murdering faggots who had to be evicted.
The extent of your thieving murdering faggotry was well felt when your kind operated under the protection of Brits, French, and later Americans, when the natives couldn't do anything against you anymore.

Also you are the biggest economic thieves in the world.

Did you get recently cucked by a Norwegian or something?

Nah. I just like raping your women and getting 5 star Hotel treatment for it in your country.

>internet fantasies

Cucked confirmed.

It's not an Internet fantasy.
Your jails are just more pleasant than most hotels, with free TV and Internet access, good food, and all of that for raping a few of your snowhoes.

Yeah, except that we deport foreign criminals back to their home countries.


Cucked on top of being a mudshark, that's rough.

Those posts were made by me. Use word "russia" in your question so that I can find it, interested in following it.

t. butthurt (and lying) russian

Thanks again user. Yeah, I will, but most likely later. I apparently have shitloads of work to do now.

I am not the one making butthurt threads about Russians user.

90% of threads on this board are about people being butthurt about Pajeets, but you're saying I can't complain about Russians?

Lmao, imagine being so insecure you have to come to the defense of a random faceless liar on an anonymous azerbaijani ticket booking forum

>However, Norwegian culture is vastly different, and we rely on honesty and people not exploiting other's trust.

Riiiight, I'm sure Norwegians are incapable of telling little white lies. You guys are like automatons, always saying 100% only the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God.

Clearly you are VERY butthurt about Russians when you use such excuses.
Don't fret user. Russians are not the only ones taking advantage of you, they are just the easiest target to attack.

Are you and he equals at work OP?

aside from confronting him I don't know what you can do

if you are his boss you can tell him this shit is not tolerable and make him give you updates several times a week

can you go to your boss and explain the guy has not started the project and it's on you now?

Our system relies on honesty, yes. Why the else would we have prisons like this:

>butthurt lying russroaches

>Are you and he equals at work OP?

>can you go to your boss and explain the guy has not started the project and it's on you now?
Yes, I will most likely do that.

Russians are always full of shit and lie all the fucking time OP

it's definitely a culture thing

He can't do any of that because-
and get this,
>he's lying about the Russian and his boss would easily figure it out

This thread is basically about an OP who is a scammer trying to pin blame on the easiest target to shift attention from himself.
That's how Norwegians work.

t. butthurt russian

>>can you go to your boss and explain the guy has not started the project and it's on you now?
>Yes, I will most likely do that.

there is nothing wrong with doing this

nice temper tantrum, racist piece of shit

>>he's lying about the Russian and his boss would easily figure it out
>This thread is basically about an OP who is a scammer trying to pin blame on the easiest target to shift attention from himself.
>That's how Norwegians work.

If there's anything i have learned in life,
it's that the people who are the most adamant in appearing civilized and honest outwardly are always the ones who are the dirtiest inside.

OP is an example.

The more someone is desperate to appear good in your eyes, the more you should suspect them.

There is a reason US companies basically can't do business with Russia

they are dishonest as hell, always looking for a way to steal or fuck you and the country is run by the mob

stay away

>nice temper tantrum, racist piece of shit
>Russian nationality is a race

Not OP, but according to this thread there is.

user is just butthurt and projecting that his inferior species is being called out.

>Our system relies on honesty, yes

Is that why your government is letting in entire armies of military aged niggers while telling the population they're all schoolgirls?

>Not OP, but according to this thread there is.
and why would that be

I don't really think OP getting left to do a whole project by himself by some guy who lied to him falls into this category

I know this is what Breitbart is telling you, but seeing how less than 20% of immigrants are from countries outside EU, then no. Also, the party with the most hostile attitude towards immigration is currently in government btw.

He's a whiny little bitch and should just shut up about being fucked over by the superior russian intellect

I don't think the OP is telling the truth at all, otherwise he wouldn't be making threads on a Chinese basket-weaving forum and would be consulting with management instead.

>I didn't do shit but I will just complain instead.

You can't possibly be this fucking stupid...
This has to be a troll.

>research institute
Pick one. My bosses are a bunch of post-docs and professors who doesn't give a fuck about anything but applying for more research money in order to ensure that they remain employed, and they're also not very interested in work related conflicts.

Also add to this Norwegian employment laws, which makes it very difficult to fire anyone.

tell him that if he tries to fuck you, you cut him.
only way to deal with it. no consequences = no problems

>He's a whiny little bitch and should just shut up about being fucked over by the superior russian intellect

>Russian lies and does not do his work
>superior intellect

>research institute
>no management Management&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1

Here. Educate yourself on how the world works user before you start making lies in the future.

>believes he knows more about Norway than an actual Norwegian because he read stormfront propaganda on the Internet

>he's not suffering the consequences other than the consequences he's suffering

>no us russians aren't lying, you are lying!!!!1111
Projection - the post

>getting triggered by words out of context
That's problematic user.

does the guy drink a lot OP?

Uhm, what?

Btw, all of the search results are about research on management, not about management in research institutes.

All research up to date, whether in neurosciences or psychology, has shown that the act of lying is an act of cognitive progress and a sign of intelligence. All the top rich people in the world lie. Steve Jobs was an excellent example of lying and deception. The only people who argue against this are people who are victims of lying, or in other words the cucked people.
If lying was not a sign of intelligence, Norway would have been the first country to send someone into space and not Russia.

>Btw, all of the search results are about research on management, not about management in research institutes.

>does the guy drink a lot OP?
The few times we drink in a social setting, yes. I obviously don't know what he does when he goes home, but at work he does not drink, no. He usually does what he's supposed to do, it's just that you never know if something is currently being done or not until the deadline.

If lying is a sign of intelligence, then why are niggers and arabs and indians and average russkies so dumb?

>He usually does what he's supposed to do
I don't see any problem with that.

The Management of Innovation pretty much covers management in research institutes.
Your reading skills are bad. It's also a classic book.

Absolutely not, I'm just saying that it's shit the few times he pulls stuff like this and leaves others with all the work.

Saying you did your work when you didn't is not exactly a genius move user

Because niggers and arabs and indians are taught not to lie and lying is punished, which means a barrier towards cognitive progress is set up.

Meanwhile, if we compare the artistic and scientific inventions and creations of Russians and Norwegians,
we will find out that Norwegians have invented and created less than African niggers have.

Yes, it's about the philosophy of management, but that has nothing to do with the situation at our research institute, you fucking moron.

It's well known that in academia, post-docs are mostly concerned with applying for projects in order to secure their own funding. It's also well-known that PhDs are mostly left to their own, and whether they fuck up or not isn't of anyone's concern but their own.

We have a skeleton administration here, and each group's are supposed to be managed by the group leaders -- who are researchers themselves, not fucking HR employees.

It is when the other party can't do anything about it except go whine on Sup Forums?

Professors in academia also have a management to answer towards. Above that management, there are also levels towards the Ministry of Education where one can also file for discontent as a student.
Your sin is being too stupid to know this, or to utilize it.

The genius of the professors is convincing you that you are smart when you are actually stupid.

>I am Russian
> I don't lie

Nice one Putin.

>Meanwhile, if we compare the artistic and scientific inventions and creations of Russians and Norwegians,

Be careful not to look up the per capita GDP of Russia or the average male life expectancy..... capita gdp russia