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>intel investor's faces when
Why do they have to be so shit at branding

>non-soldered HEDT chips

>165w TDP
Shit stock clocks and overclocking it will turn it into a housefire beyond anything seen before. Their current 18c chips are 2.2ghz stock with a 3ghz turbo, and god help you if you use AVX512.

Hahaha watching the Intel damage control over the internet is hilarious.

> M-muh 28 Intel cores is b-better than AMD 32 cores!
> AMD lying about TDP! Intel is actually more power efficient goy
> AMD is NUMA garbage we swear!
> P-please buy our house fires ;_;

Also pricing leaked in Thailand:

INTEL i9-7920X - 12c/24t @ 2.90GHz (No turbo listed) - 160W.
L2 CACHE -12 x 256KB
L3 CACHE - 16.5MB
£1300 + VAT / $1671

INTEL i9-7900X - 10c/20t @ 3.30/4.50GHz - 160W
L2 CACHE - 10 x 256KB
L3 CACHE - 13.75MB
£855 + VAT / $1099

INTEL i9-7820X - 8c/16t @ 3.60/4.20GHz - 140w
L2 CACHE - 8 x 256KB
£515 + VAT / $659

INTEL i9-7800X - 6c/12t @ 3.50/4.00GHz - 140W
L2 CACHE - 6 x 256KB
L3 CACHE - 8.25MB
£345 + VAT / $439

> gameolo.com/product-category/คอมประกอบ/cpu/cpu-intel?orderby=price-desc

18c CPU gonna be ~$2.2k I think, maybe more as the flagship.

Their architecture scales terribly. I don't know why anyone thought this would turn out differently other than fanboys and retards.

>12c 2.9ghz
>18c 2.7ghz

Intel wouldn't do this.

>those prices for chips with such limited I/O

If they slashed £100 off each one then we'd be talking about a real zen competitor.

>intelposting on an LGBTGAYMD board


We need these poor suckers to buy the AMD stuff so we can keep Intel/nVidia prices low.

Ryzen has fucking great scaling. Isn't it something like ~98-100%? I think I remember reading somewhere that their SMT is actually >100% scaling with cores in some use cases. I want to see these MCM benchmarks.
Infinity fabric is looking to be AMDs holy grail for the next while. I wonder what improvements they can do to it in the future.

Cache sizes are wrong.

yeah, intel buffed L2 caches a lot for memeX512

1:1 with ram speeds unlike half rate it runs on the ryzen chips. Infinity fabric running at 2133mhz (or potentially higher depending on if anyone makes a superfast ECC kit) would give shitloads of bandwidth which makes MOAR COARS even better.

Nothing uses it.

100 off each of the 6c and 8c would worry me as AMD, but Intel is going to have to cut much more off their 10c/12c/18c if they want to sell them at all. I'm expecting the cheapest 16c Threadripper around the price of that i9-7900x (~$1000), with the flagship 16c around $1400. Witch how well Zen scales and how Intel chips scale comparatively, at those prices 10c/12c/18c SKLX is DOA.

>L3 CACHE - 16.5MB
That's all?!

It has 1mb L2@core for meme512.

>100 off each of the 6c and 8c would worry me as AMD

AMD should be fucking worried about that possibility. It is one thing to pick a fight in the desktop space where Intel doesn't give a fuck but it is another to go starting a war in the data centre- Intel will play really nasty there. Given Intel can afford to make monster monolithic dies for the big boys that AMD has no answer to and give hte cut down scraps to everyone else AMD sure as fuck better be out for blood - now everyone is playing for keeps.

>AMD should be fucking worried about that possibility
Why? X299 mobos still start at $200.

we should all be happy. we're finally going to get competitive processors now

These are rebranded 1S Xeons, in no way they can compete against higher clocked Threadrippers.

At this sort of level motherboard cost is basically irrelevant - its all about I/O and performance.

Then Threadripper wins, no contest.

there is zero competition here user, Intel is releasing super expensive nuclear holocausts while amd is releasing good processors for a sensible price

i'm talking about the lower end 4c/6c/8c ones. looks like they'll all come with hyperthreading

Why the fuck would you buy overpriced HEDT platform to use 4c/6c/8c shit? 4c abortions have no lanes, and 6c/8c is limited to 28 lanes only. Its shit.

I don't think Intel can compete in Data center until they pull out a new arch or unless they change their pricing/segmentation/performance drastically.
People have been getting fucked over my Intels segmentation for a long time. 1/3 of 2S Intel servers are only populated by 1 CPU because of how Intel segments their chips. These companies just need I/O, not a 2S solution. Epyc provides a shit ton of I/O/power efficiency/compute power, on a single socket.
Also, to the monolithic die argument, Intel CAN make fuck huge dies, but they are not cheap to make, yields on those get worse and worse. Epyc is made up of 4 8c Zepplin dies. The yields are >80% for those things. AMD can mix and match the binned chips so you can have 32c Epyc chips that sip power or ones that clock up to 4GHz all core at a decent voltage+temp. All while being cheaper to produce, and probably better than what ever monolithic die Intel comes up with.

Pathetic lineup and pricing if it's real. Can't wait to see Intel get btfo on price-performance ratio.

>inb4 all reviewers forget to include price to performance ratio in all of their reviews

>inb4 reviewers compare those things with consumer ryzens while omitting price

>monster monolithic dies
Are obsolete garbage.

>inb4 all reviewers forget to include threadrippers in all of their reviews
This looks cute.


>Those specs for DOAlake-X
>Those prices for DOAlake-X

Yes, AMD should be very worries about Intel selling CPUs at a loss at prices where AMD still makes a profit because of their 80% yields.

Gas yourself.

hmm that's i9-7820X seems like a good upgrade from 4790k

>INTEL i9-7820X - 8c/16t @ 3.60/4.20GHz - 140w
>L3 CACHE - 11MB

that's half the cache of 5960x/6900k

Threadripper, more like bedshitter.

they increased L2 cache for memex512 while destroying the L3

It has 4 times L2@core.

>18 cores


You gotta sell these 1S Xeons to someone. EPYC made them irrelevant.

AVX512 has recently been added to X264

What about 99% of the other software?

AVX512 is still limited to ONLY Xeon Phi's, so I really doubt that.

Skylake-X/EP has AVX512 support, fuck me, they even changed the cache hierarchy for that.

Isn't this it?

Different thread... Same sequence of responses with identical posts. I think we're stuck in a timeline bo-yohs.

That is because Intel are now being fucked on both fronts - AMD is rapidly closing in and GPUs (i.e Nvidia in this case) are fucking annihilating cpus in a lot of very lucrative markets right now. I'm convinced AVX2 exists because Intel can't build a gpu for shit and have nothing else they can do to answer the massive threat they represent.

Which isn't even out yet..?

Looks like only preliminary support.

AMDrones BTFO!

Timeloop thread

>good upgrade from 4790k
If you are looking for something htat doubles as a space heater, that is

Brilliant, adding more cores!
Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?



>12 core
>2.90 Ghz
dead on arrival, only good one here is the 8 core processor at 4.2 ghz.

> 8 core processor at 4.2 ghz.
That's singlecore turbo.


then what do the other 7 cores run at?

if it isnt all 8 cores at 4.2 then its garbage.

>Paying $659 for 8c/16t 3.60/4.20ghz
>Instead of $489 for 8c/16t 3.60/4.0ghz
Why don't you just donate money to Intel directly at that point?

>then what do the other 7 cores run at?
Hidden all core turbo clock, which is probably 200mhz higher than base.

Because intel is times better an single threaded performance
plus $200 is nothing at least for me considering I'll have to buy new ram and mobo too

>MFW kiketel shekelchasers can't even speak English.

All these kiketel tears and damage control attempts.

you're pretty mad amdead


play tuxcart faggots.

oh god, how many watts is this one going to be?

500W TDP here we come?

As temporal solution until expensive cpu? Like people buing g4560 with z270 board until 7700k.

Sounds motherfucking retarded.

Yes. Doesn't change the fact that there are people like that.

>new socket
>le based xD
go FUCK yourself intel

I don't think my thinkpad can run that smoothly

Have you tried though? It doesn't take much to run, and it's completely worth it.

The only Linux game I ever had issues on was flightgear.

Well, alright I'll install it. Then what?


>Then what?

Report in this thread if it runs, and play it forever.

Why would I need to be mad? Intel just BTFO'd themselves totally and completely from the HEDT market with this complete joke of a release.

I'm just here for the shekelchaser tears :^)


T61 with X3100 werks at lowest settings 30fps with native (1280x800) resolution
Bretty gud and ebin game :D
Do people play this online?

I'll allow you to deduce for yourself the implications for the single threaded performance of a 3.6ghz base clock 4.2ghz single core turbo Intel CPU vs a 3.6ghz base clock and 4.0ghz all core turbo Ryzen CPU.

Oh I'm not that user I was just pointing out that your post was stupid.

I'm not shilling for either intel or amd myself, and I'm not really interested in random benchmark screenshots when each side has an equally large collection of ones that prove their superiority and always accuse the other of doctoring and rigging.

That's right! Since evidence doesn't prove anything you can choose to believe whatever you want!

>Bretty gud and ebin game :D

Very nice

>Do people play this online?

I haven't tried online myself, so I really can't say. SP is fun though, and it's 100% free. There's also a 2d shooter that's insanely satisfying to play, but I forgot the name. Sauerbraten maybe?

Post hardware configuration, and software settings with benchmarks then.

The single threaded on all those HEDT abominations is going to blow compared to their 4 cores. You're delusional if you think otherwise. And it's not $200, more like $400 once you add in the cost difference between the CPU and motherboard combined.

Sauerbraten is goat
Red Eclipse was pretty fun as well, what with the whole freerun thing

>Because intel is times better an single threaded performance
I assume you meant "several times" or maybe "a million billion times" there, which is laughable because in real world benchmarks they are at most 25% ahead with their 4 cores compared to Ryzen 8 cores. With 8 cores you're looking at maybe 12.5% ahead.

thats not an oven, its your average amd build

2011 wants their memes back.

>CPU market finally has competition
>Sup Forums decides to fanboy it up


>damage control
I already said I'm not shilling either way, what damage would I have to control?

Anyway I keep seeing "evidence" that proves that AMD is completely BTFO and ryzen is an utter meme compared to intel's cpus. Since according to you random benchmarks are irrefutable evidence, that clearly means that AYYYMD WILL NEVER RECOVER, BTFO!!!!.

When I actually want to upgrade my CPU I will do some research and find actually trustworthy evidence. One thing these shill threads did was make me doubt Intel, so I'll definitely be considering AMD when that time comes. Until then, I can't be bothered to form an opinion.


Wcctech "leaked" benches were already proven to be false on release date.

There's a much more accurate real-world IPC comparison on here. wccftech.com/amd-ryzen-4-core-benchmarks-intel-core-i7-7700k/