Ok Sup Forums,
Redpill me on Stallman. Is he really that bad?
Redpill me: Stallman
he is actually Stalin
>all he did in the past 40 years was one appearance on RT wearing a moomoo
he's worthless
He a merchant
I like the part where he picks and eats shit off his exposed feet during a talk at a University. Real class right there mates.
Stallman is a great man who helped free us all. Use GNU+hurd or one of these GNU+linux distribution:
BLAG Linux and GNU
Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre
Guix System Distribution
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
Ututo XS
Or for embeded devices:
All those distros suck and have miniscule communities and support.
Trisquel, Guix SD and Parabola have rather large communitys and gnew sense is slightly outdated but still nice software.
>large community
your mom and who?
He is great actually, my personal hero. Unsure why would anyone call him bad.
Trisquel has the entire ubunut community and parabola has the arch community. They are both libre forks.
He only smells bad.
Guix specifically, I installed it a few days ago and I feel so comfortable with it.
Guix is pretty comfy. It still has a lot of rough points and need more packages, but it means there is a lot for you to contribute to.
I know he's considered a meme, but sadly he is right about a lot of things, even though he sound like a lunatic.
>"I do not eat breakfast. Please do not ask me any questions about what I will do breakfast. Please just do not bring it up."
>"A supply of tea with milk and sugar would be nice. If it is tea I really like, I like it without milk and sugar. With milk and sugar, any kind of tea is fine. I always bring tea bags with me, so if we use my tea bags, I will certainly like that tea without milk or sugar. "
You can't make this up
never heard of any of those
are they any good?
Don't use them, they prevent you from installing the software you want
They're like any other distro, except they have measures to prevent you from installing "non-free" software. So unless you're deeply committed to the freedom meme, no.
Stallman is 70% advocate for sensible individual freedom principles, 20% radical software license extremist for saying you should drop an entire platform because some chip has a little bit of bootstrap code that you can't find the source for, and 10% insane autist eating dead skin from his foot, using a laptop from the 90's, saying child porn is not that bad and that he's glad Steve Jobs is dead (I'm sorry, "gone").
Kinda hard to take him seriously even though he's right about proprietary software being a load of bullshit.
Trisquel is ubunutu without non-free shit. Parabola is arch without non-free shit.
Everything else on the list is dead.
Trisquel is fine if you want an ubuntu-like experience.
Parabola is nice if you want an Arch-like experience.
Guix is nice if you want a Nix-like experience.
You probably won't care about the rest.
Why are you lying?
>20% radical software license extremist for saying you should drop an entire platform because some chip has a little bit of bootstrap code that you can't find the source for
He is correct about that. See what happened with the ME thing for example.
>using a laptop from the 90's, saying child porn is not that bad and that he's glad Steve Jobs is dead (I'm sorry, "gone").
What is wrong with that exactly?
Guix is alive.
An happy one
I am part of Trisquel community. It is quite big.
>10% insane autist eating dead skin from his foot, using a laptop from the 90's, saying child porn is not that bad and that he's glad Steve Jobs is dead (I'm sorry, "gone").
Dude, sounds like one of us.
Wouldn't be surprised if he went to Sup Forums on a daily basis.
Sup Forums uses js, he probably would use infinite.
You can use it without JS. Also that laptop he uses is really nice. I use it myself.
>be stallman
>hate js
>love Sup Forums
>what do?.jpg
>"Fuck it, Sup Forums is worth it."
>Opposes owning "club cards" or services which document his identity and habits
>Has no problem using other people's cards/memberships/etc. because it's not HIS identity being documented
I didn't take his words too seriously before then, but finding that out on his own site was the point at which my view of him soured. If he truly cared about freedom, he wouldn't be taking advantage of other people. I'm not even someone who particularly cares about that sort of stuff - I just hate hypocrites more.
They choose to voluntarily give him that their card.
Pretty accurate
t. fan of freedom
People linked him to Sup Forums, he ran a bash script that wget'd the page and mailed it to him so he could view it. He then concluded it was full of inane comments.
He's insane but he's not wrong. The only people who dislike him are government shills trying to make privacy and software freedom seem frivolous and tryhard cucks who don't realize what they're throwing away.
dude has nose sex with flowers
good post, but he's not insane, just eccentric
He litterally means he smells dead flowers. And a flower Is a plants sex organ.
>but he's not wrong
this. People laugh at him when he goes full tinfoil, but when the gubment rapes every piece of one's privacy to (((combat terrorism))) (then label future terrorists and "not dangerous", see London) and when media companies shit up everything with their "copyright protection" shitfest (like copy protection, HDCP, "you can play this only on THAT ONE device", HTML5 DRM) you know that he was so fucking right all along.
Can I get a quick rundown on his philosophy and way of lifestyle?
>Please just do not bring it up
what the fuck
>but he's not wrong
the gpl is literally a virus. its shit.
GPL is better than whatever propietary/cuck license you use.
He has never even installed any OS ever
He means he hasn't even installed it manually. I'm sure he knows how to do something like install gentoo or use a graphical installer.
He never did it tho
You talking about the "I've never install GNU+linux video?" he meant manually.
He graduated from Harvard tho
Just because it's better doesn't mean it's good.
>tfw I realized that I wear GNU/Stallman coloured t-shirt while using 3 computers GNU/Linux
Eh wrote us a letter about it
>Maximum Freedom
I'd like to interject for a moment. If you meant GNU/Linux instead of GNU/Linux-libre, your kernel has closed source binary blobs on it. If you use any computer after 2010, your CPU has Intel ME, which you cannot disable, which is on for all time, can turn your computer even if it's shut down, and works in every fucking distro. And you cannot monitor its activities too, it has access to EVERYTHING in your PC. Not just that, there isn't any computer that comes with libre/open BIOS.
If you have X60 or X200 you can install Libre BIOS, and they don't have intel ME either
He was interviewed on a radio show byt the very established media here
I'm happy the host guy took him entirely seriously
Found the Microsoft shill.
>he's quite a nice guy and everything he says is right
He's Sup Forums's version of SJWs. He takes an idea that makes sense, but acts like such a dick autist about it that everyone hates him anyway.
Except that SJWs don't have any ideas that even remotely makes any sense
>but acts like such a dick autist about it
Have you ever tried to advocate some good idea? It's very hard and almost always you look in such way.
>Japan Puns
>At dinner at a Japanese restaurant, the person next to me said she wanted to work with abused children. Since we had not yet received the tempura, I responded, "If battered shrimps are your interest, we should have some soon."
>Bento box: a shoe that isn't long enough.
>The cooks that make negimaki are rapscallions.
>In a Japanese restaurant, the waiter offered me sake. I declined the sake, saying, "No thanks, I'm going to eat cold soba tonight."
>Did you know Senator Joe McCarthy was a Shintoist? He thought there were kamis everywhere.
Stallman isn't bad. If you hear him talk you realize he's actually a brilliant lad.
He's also one of the very few people on the industry that cares about consumer's rights and we have GNU, the FSF and the GPL thanks to him.
People will always remember Jobs, Gates and Succerberg more than him, but he's done far more for computing as a whole than they.
People like to say he's a communist or that the GPL is not really "free" because it puts some restrictions, but that's far from the truth.
He recommends people to sell their free as in freedom software (whether or not this would lead to more piracy is debatable. Windows and the Adobe suite are the most pirates pieces of software, after all. If anything, it would mean Adobe wouldn't have exclusive code since the GIMP would use it), he respects copyright and the GPL is free like the Constitution is: both the Constitution and the GPL put some restrictions in place to guarantee people's freedom (for instance, it restricts your freedom to use guns or influence to steal land, in order to guarantee everyone has land.)
>tl;dr, Stallman is a genious and basically you're fucking stupid
>and that he's glad Steve Jobs is dead
As much as I hate Stallkike I actually agree with him on that one.
>In the Greek myth of sysfs, every time the programmers thought it was working, they discovered they needed to rewrite it from scratch.
Stallman is a national treasure.
How? I always tried and never could, just now I tried, and It didn't work well.
literal autism
thats what happens when you min/max INT
and take points from every other stat
on 2007 I thought he was an extremist. With the years most of the stuff he warned us about have become a reality. I can help but think that he was sensitive all along.
His webcomic is pretty good
Did he ever actually attend classes at MIT, or did he just fuck around in the computer lab?
wow who knew Ben Garrison would do such a thing.
Stallman only refuses to run non-free javascript
He's pretty cool
> He pursued a doctorate in physics for one year, but left that program to focus on his programming at the MIT AI Laboratory.
only gnufags like him
guixsd is quite cool. it's like nixos without systemd
You have to use no script and 4chanx but you have to make sure that you also use the noscript captcha and don't block 4chanx.
Is that real?
Yeah. It was tough getting him to hold the paper, though
> Not having children is an important contribution to humanity. My decision probably reduced the 2050 population by 5 to 10 people.
lmao like anyone would fuck this fat retard.
lmao are you 12?
women are fucking fat retards every day. every minute of every day.
There was this one cute girl that wanted to Netflix and chill with him but he was too much of a sperg to just say yes. He had to go on "muh non-free software" rant instead.
In 1998 when a United Airlines plane was waiting in the queue at Washington Dulles International Airport for take-off to New Orleans (where a Usenix conference was taking place), one man stood up from his seat, demanded that they stop waiting in the queue and be permitted to deplane. Even after orders from the crew and a pilot from the cockpit he refused to sit down. The plane exited the queue and returned to the airport gangway. Security personnel ran onto the plane and removed this man, Richard Stallman, from the plane. After Richard was removed from the plane, everyone else stayed onboard and continued their journey to New Orleans. A few OpenBSD developers were on that same plane, seated very closeby, so we have an accurate story of the events.
This is the man who presumes that he should preach to us about morality, freedom, and what is best for us. He believes it is his God-given role to tell us what is best for us, when he has shown that he takes actions which are not best for everyone. He prefers actions which he thinks are best for him -- and him alone -- and then lies to the public. Richard Stallman is no Spock.
We release our software in ways that are maximally free. We remove all restrictions on use and distribution, but leave a requirement to be known as the authors. We follow a pattern of free source code distribution that started in the mid-1980's in Berkeley, from before Richard Stallman had any powerful influence which he could use so falsely.
Part 2:
We have a development sub-tree called "ports". Our "ports" tree builds software that is 'found on the net' into packages that OpenBSD users can use more easily. A scaffold of Makefiles and scripts automatically fetch these pieces of software, apply patches as required by OpenBSD, and then build them into nice neat little tarballs. This is provided as a convenience for users. The ports tree is maintained by OpenBSD entirely separately from our main source tree. Some of the software which is fetched and compiled is not as free as we would like, but what can we do. All the other operating system projects make exactly the same decision, and provide these same conveniences to their users.
Richard felt that this "ports tree" of ours made OpenBSD non-free. He came to our mailing lists and lectured to us specifically, yet he said nothing to the many other vendors who do the same; many of them donate to the FSF and perhaps that has something to do with it. Meanwhile, Richard has personally made sure that all the official GNU software -- including Emacs -- compiles and runs on Windows.
That man is a false leader. He is a hypocrite. There may be some people who listen to him. But we don't listen to people who do not follow their own stupid rules.
The man advocates consensual pedophillia
I'd like to interject for a minute.
What you are refering to as Stalin is actually Hit/er.
Make the rest up yourselves
Stalman is the last bastion of technological freedom.
In a world filled with computer illiteracy and complacency, the googles the microsofts, the amazons, all data mining your hardware usage, stored in an NSA server that then gets pushed out in to reports of potential terrorism for the FBI to read and investigate.
These comoanies have access to when you are logged in, what you are doing, where you are going. Every google search about dick lengthening, futanari porno, and transsexual fucking you have ever searched for is on record. Enjoy your dystopian future where everyone isnthe enemy. And all privacy concerns are boiled down to child porn and terrorism.
Stalman in death will be laughing from देवलोक and enjoying his paradise as his legacy is being that annoying fat hippie who was always fucking right.
You mean like the constitution?
Don't try to argue. BSD fags are physically unable to understand what free as in freedom software means, or why it's ridiculous to attack the movement for whatever Stillman said or did IRL.
They are in a constant state of butthurt because their license allows companies to take their code and use it and are still completely irrelevant to the world; essentially being assraped by companies and users alike.
Let them compile and use GNU software in their BSD machines, because it's the only way they have to run something other than a text editor and a compiler.
Let them mock GNU and the FSF because they "impose ways to do things", while claiming that the UNIX™ way it's the correct way to do software.
Let them blabber about the UNIX® way, while using Firefox.
Let them boast about their "non-bloated" core packages that are only 2 KB lighter than the GNU coreutils.
But whatever you do, don't try to take a BSD fag seriously. They're the laughing stock of the entire software community, yet they don't get it because they're too busy trying to get hardware from 2011 to work properly.
Wait- what's wrong with firefox??
stallman is right about everything
people just hate him for saying it
>Did you know Senator Joe McCarthy was a Shintoist? He thought there were kamis everywhere.