ITT cavemen technology

ITT cavemen technology


1080p or below monitors
SATA and SATA drives




Linux distros



I still use ps/2 for my keyboard


COM ports

No, but debian is literally ancient shit. Stable release is still on 3.X. What the fuck?
You don't even have live kernel patching on that one and still gotta reboot on updates that affect the kernel. Into le trash it goes.

Because It supports N-key roll over on most keyboards that have not this function using usb it makes sense.

t. poorshit with chink screen

>big computer box

Have fun compiling everything ever from source


There is literally no reason for this to be deprecated in favor of usb

stretch is on 4.9 nigger



Wtf is this ridiculous rounded edges?

Welcome to 2017 grandpa

delet this

do people legitimately keep any of these things on their win 10 start things, you can just get rid of all of the squares

Still my main machine, turning 9 yrs old this summer.
Still good enough for mechanical engineering software.

What's that pole thing?

desktop computers

Stable is for servers that need to be absolutely stable. Testing or unstable are for desktop dumbass.

Parking meter.


I can give you a reason right now, on devices where the form factors limit port count, having ports with greater capabilities such as USB and thunderbolt gives more functionality. It's a reason most people value reguarldess of whether or not you do.

4c/8t cpus