What does it take to be a genius programmer? I want to be as knowledgeable as possible and go down the road of pure autism.
So other then "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" since it doesn't offer any practical real worls use [spoiler]The wiki says that[/spoiler] , what books do I read to achieve success? I don't know where to start
Enroll in a university if you can't guide yourself. That's what they're for.
Brody Nguyen
I don't have that much money and I was wondering what people here think I should do
Anthony Flores
We think you should enroll in a university
Wyatt Smith
that won't make you good
Angel Bailey
Reading books won't make you good
Gavin Perry
>What does it take to be a genius programmer? No social life/gf/family
Ayden Rogers
Read the books, start with small projects in the simpler languages, maybe find some project that interests you and see if you can join up and learn from the other programmers while doing something you like.
Adam Perry
op's image isnt complete. for instance: discrete math books (rosen, etc.)
Ryder Thompson
The same you do to become a genius in anything. A passion for what you're doing and dedicating a massive amount of time to it.
Connor Perez
I've worked with so many useless fucktards that turn to a book when they don't understand something and struggle hard for months.
Eli Torres
Move to Germany and live in three woods. They have free education. All you need to do is learn kindergarten level German.
You'd do it if you really cared, but you don't so you won't.
Levi Gomez
How do you read programmer books exactly? Do you copy paste scripts from the book or something? Are they helpful for starters learning python? yes im the new kid.
Robert Wilson
Yeah I guess working on small projects and having passion helps
Then where's the complete one?
James Edwards
go look at the mit ocw courseware for undergrad ee/cs and figure it out
There's uni courses free online you can enroll in. Edx regularly has one from Harvard, which stress logical thinking. Coursera also has a lot of programming/CS courses.
Josiah Adams
Is automatetheboringstuff good for beginners?
Gavin Powell
Derp, meant MIT.
Connor Evans
I've actually been thinking about doing this.
Grayson Reyes
Hmm, I wonder
Julian Hall
I mean is it ACTUALLY good
Jonathan Torres
so is that a maybe or what? I'm color-blind and half-dyslexic here, help me out
Jace Rogers
You need to have divine intellect, then you just kill cia nigger with your car and in the end you have to write a fucken compiler
Isaiah Cooper
Terry pls go
Angel Watson
Why is that algorithm book so hyped? It is the driest and most boring text I have ever attempted to read. Fucking clothes labels are more exciting. It's like rubbing toilet paper in your mouth. And its not even that good. Whats the appeal?
Asher Rogers
Well, yeah. You read the book and do the problems I em, user. >2017 and not knowing programming requires practice and implementation
Noah Parker
>learn programming to break free of standards >still have to follow standards in standards ew
Cameron Watson
Jaxson Barnes
Fork a commercial-quality opensource project, study it, and try to improve it.
Brody Lee
I would say that a great programmer has vast amount of knowledge in both the theoretical and practical space. They generally choose the right platform/tool/pattern/algorithm/optimization for the job, plus they can also explain the intricacies of whatever they choose based on technical, lexical, or mathematical ideas.
Andrew Robinson
How does one improve then? If I just try will I improve? Just would like to know if it is worth it to try to do something that may require more intelligence than I have or every will.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Just program a lot. A good source of programming projects is something that solves some small problem you have. Books help, but they alone aren't enough. If the book has exercises, do them.