/fglt/ - Friendly GNU (with Linux added) Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU (with Linux added) Thread

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU (with Linux added) and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU (with Linux added)Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU (with Linux added) you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU (with Linux added) distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU (with Linux added) distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU (with Linux added) distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU (with Linux added).

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU (with Linux added):
wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU (with Linux added)

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU (with Linux added) Games: /t/'s GNU (with Linux added) Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Took me hours to get NFS working but it's working.

>be arch linux
>my operator installs Xfce as desktop environment
>installs MATE later
>xfce4-notifyd and mate-notifications-daemon are in conflict but pacman doesn't know this
>they both actually both provide notification-daemon and 'notify-send'
>notifications are fucked up and he has no idea why
>doesn't figure it out for the better part of a day
>D E V I L I S H

I'm thinking of legitmately installing gentoo. I used it about 12 years ago, and did a stage 1 install, but I was just following guides and didn't actually understand what I was doing. My main memory of the process was waiting days for the Athlon XP CPU to compile everything.

I'm wondering, how long should a typical installation take using a broadlel dual core? Someone wrote that it was shorter than a Windows 7 install, but I can't tell if they were being facetious.

When will it be the year og the Linux/GNU desktop

A long ass time and it would be frying. Personally I wouldn't use it unless it was on pretty good hardware. That's just me though, it can be very beneficial on lower specs.

GNU is the initial contribution so it's proper to call it GNU/Linux or GNU plus Linux or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU with Linux added.

I'm trying to install Arch and I'm getting an error when trying to install the base system files.

I know I've got an internet connection and I can ping out.

Error: gpgme error: no data
Error: gpgme error: no data
Error: gpgme error: no data

Error: failed to synchronize any databases
error: failed to install packages to new root


Why aren't you using Ubuntu Christian Edition?


To be the most correct, it is just Linux.

Most devices in the world that run Linux do not run GNU.

First of all this isn't a fucking smart phone thread and second you are actually mistaken. GNU is still the primary contribution and Android and you can not reliably compile it without gcc.

Because I'm Muslim

notify-send is provided by libnotify.
It shouldn't mess anything up if you have two notification daemons installed, it will only display one, but might not display the one you want.

Which ISO are you using to install it? Did you verify its hash to make sure it's not corrupted?
If it's not that, you're either following the guide wrong or using a shitty video guide or someone else's guide.

Post all the steps you did before that.

Got you covered, shaqiq.


So is openSUSE worth trying as a daily driver OS? I'm currently thinking about giving it a try after I finish my current project.
How's the driver support? With Debian I had problems with my trackpoint and bluetooth adapter in the past

Whats a good pdf viewer that supports stuff like annotations, bookmarks and such?

the stock one from linux mint xfce doesnt have these features

is there a distro (preferably Ubuntu based), that does not have horrible mouse acceleration out of the box or at least lets you disable it.

Using budgie currently and there are no settings for it.
Come to think of it, I can't remember ever seeing acceleration settings in any distro I used so far.

you wan't to change your desktop environment, not distro.
mate / xfce are good choices and do what you ask for

>daily driver
Kill yourself.


Evince does, others on that list too.

Mouse settings are distribution specific. Only an idiot would switch distributions because of it. The mere thought of doing that is so retarded that I have no words.


i-isn't that how you kids talk these days?

na, they say things like "Kill yourself."

Why does this work?
Since the whole statement is wrapped in single quotes, won't that interpret my variable ($KOMP) literally?

sh -c 'case "$HOSTNAME" in "masina") KOMP=;; "masina-l") KOMP=;; esac; xfce4-terminal --geometry 110x26 -x ncmpcpp -h "$KOMP"'

Wayland overheating my amd graphics card with 6-8 celsius degrees more then under X11, no matter the compositor, i tried weston 1.12 a few month ago without xwayland and now sway 1.13 with one, maybe problem with mpv?

How can I figure out which distro is the right choice for me?

install gentoo

I've ran it in the past but I don't feel that it's the right one for me.

Debian is optimal choice.

Recommend me some ppa's for debian like oibaf with daily mesa get builds.

how about just install mesa-git, fagit

Thank you kind man, you mother is beautiful woman, removing oibaf ppa right now.

Im using the current release that's posted on the website: 2017.05.01
And the kernel is: 4.10.13

Im following these guides to help with the install process:


I haven't checked the hash, I will have to find out how to do that. Im using Rufus to make an install USB.

just use arch-anywhere 2bh

I didn't know this was a thing. I appreciate the information. Im gonna load this onto a USB now.


Can someone explain why there is two threads? The other one was made first.

Meant to say this one was first

Good question. The other one just picked up more steam I guess.

I installed Debian 9 KDE a few days ago, being a MS Win user in job (software dev). Have been impressed about it, so, recreated my current Win 10 env based on Debian. Got Java and Eclipse Dev, CDT, Sublime, NVidia drivers and Steam, keepass, Renoise and even Reaper DAW (via wine) run smoothly, accessing projects and data on the other partitions. Now, switched boot manager to default to Debian and try to migrate to GNU Linux step by step. (Did not try out how my Adobe Master Suite CS 5 work in wine yet). Life is interesting...

help im drunk and dont understand whats going on

Tell me how it goes, friend! :-3

I have installed infinality from the aur, looks good, but I can't find the file where I can set the font smoothing. Following arch wiki didn't help

Well yeah, it doesn't get interpreted as a variable by the shell that runs this command, but by sh

>shorter than a windows 7 install
maybe if you count installing windows 7 without service pack and downloading 280+~500+180 updates, because this takes 2 days usually.
ofc not if you just install wayland and the wayland i3 version

If you look at how it has been growing and all the support it is receiving, I'd say
>years before 2016
>linux finally get attention, devs starts to use it
>people get tired of windows and start doing the switch, slowly
>2016 and 2017
>a lot of contributions to the OS coming from a lot of companies, more games are ported to it, wine receive DX11 compatibility
>people get even more tired of windows
>2018 steam OS is finally out of beta, valve creates its own steam machine and going to market it properly
>for the release of the OS and console, steam decide to have a few exclusives games to help its platform grow
>half life 3, portal 3 and left 4 dead 3 are linux exclusive games for a year.
>2019 the steam machines are here, people buy it or just dual boot with linux
>market share instantly grow and becomes as relevant as OS X
>seeing the impressive growth, devs finally have linux is mind when creating new games
>blizzard decide to port their games to linux
>people just ditch windows in favour to linux
>it is now 2025

if you go by contributions its probably more microsoft/linux than gnu(fsf)/linux at this point of time

For those who use gentoo, how long does it take to compile wayland? Is it faster than compiling X11?

During the compiling of the OS was recognizing all my network drivers, now it`s only one, and not the ethernet cable connected to the computer, do you guys know what could have I done wrong?

What distro.

why should I care what kernel version i am running?

Gentoo gnu+linux

It was working during the install CD and now doesn't work when you boot into the finished distro? Did you compile the correct drivers when doing the kernel step?

You have to reconfgure your kernel to include the proper drivers for the NIC in question

Getting a step back, how would I go about it?
You mean the driver that was present during the install is not anymore?

You guys can hint me where to go about it?

Read the gentoo handbook, what manufacturer made your NIC card. Intel?

What do you do for fun on GNU/Linux?

Yes, I just booted and the internet works by default, without the USB it doesn`t.

I don`t understand because before I finished it, I put the ethernet to run by default, yet still no cigar.

Shitpost on imageboards

Any reason to use a netinstall over a regular install except choosing what applications I want to initially install?

spare the world of your inexcusable existence and neck yourself

neck me daddy

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

I just recently found out truecolor is finally quite broadly supported on Linux.

Summary here:

This should finally make it easy to have a gentoo-themed terminal even if you prefer a solarized8 themed vim inside said terminal and other themes on other applications.

That and smaller download and/or storage medium. I personally prefer the full first dvd image.

How does the kernel have anything to do with terminal emulator color support?

add -a to it

He was most probably misusing the term "Linux".

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I mean the OS that might more specifically be designated to be systemd/Xorg/Linux but that normal people call just Linux.

Has to do with it since not enough pieces of software supported truecolor for it to be viable.

Now it's apparently quite feasible and you can rid yourself of anachronistic 256-or-less color palettes.

just shows location to zip file
how do i kill this process when the pid grows every fucking time i look at it

>normal people
The ill-informed, the dumb, careless and lazy and those who have an anti free software philosophy agenda.

deleting the file fixed it, though i'd like to know if there was another way to do it without:

but whatever

post the output of pgrep -a xfe

was just the pid, then /home/[user]/Downloads/latest.zip
i'm not sure what latest.zip was but i already unzipped it, so it's a nonproblem

something like
14082 /home/me/Downloads/latest.zip

err, xfe before /home

kill yourself you drunken waste of oxygen

i'm not drunk anymore dude, i took a nap, now it's just a massive hangover
chill, friend

people who drink their problems away instead of solving them should either rethink their life or commit suicide

also, people who drink due to peer pressure or because they wouldn't have fun otherwise should either find new friends or absolutely commit suicide

Thanks for your suggestion. I finally got Arch working. And that installer made it easy to install a DE and some other software I'd needed.

hope you enjoy u're experience
can you calm down friend
it's like you've never had amaretto before

also why is Sup Forums refusing to load, or load css

glad to hear someone fell for the Arch meme

you're retarded
and you're irresponsible (for enabling retards)


why doesnt this work with firefox 49?

>using such an outdated browser
enjoy your ransomware

>me trying to write a bash script

When echoing a filename in a script as input if it contains spaces then shit crashes because it thinks it's more than one file.
What's the solution for printing filenames with spaces with \ ?


>morons thinking they're safe on le secure thru obscure ganoo slash leenucks

post the script

Is there a way to have seperate inputs for microphone and line in so I can use both at the same time?

>has flash installed
>ran firefox as root

Wow, some moron gave his browser administrator privileges and was surprised when it was used against him.

It's simply a line like

> command $file

$file has spaces in it but command expects one file so it crashes.

echo "$file"

your browser doesn't need administrator provileges to fuck up your home directory (all the files you care about)
also, there are more ways to get infected without flash

command "$file"
