Do you use any of the normie social networks

Do you use any of the normie social networks

Can't help it. Don't like botnet but you gotta get on with the times so you won't get left behind.

I use Sup Forums and Whatsapp, nothing else

Kys dumbass

Only normalfags says 'Normie'

Yes Sup Forums/g and kkkluster.
People here pretend how unique snowflakes they are,ending up exactly the same as facebook users.

Use relay for reddit
Dont use fb app ..use it in browser
WhatsApp?ur the worst kind of human being
True that

WhatsApp because my friends, family and cats are on it

I used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and all that shit, but I completely lost interest in them

I use Facebook messenger and not a lot else. Occasionally get sent dumb shit through snapchat

What's wrong with WApp? Isn't encrypted?

Devs dont give a shit about improving the app
Cant send high quality images
Cant send videos above limited size
Lots of fake whatsapp spam messages claiming they are whatsapp ceo and shit..whatsapp doesnt give a shit about stopping those spams..
Its slower than messenger
Grp size is limited to just 256
Once image is downloaded and deleted u can't download it again
Old WhatsApp messages dont show if u dont use it for more 2-3 weeks

i use facebook/messenger sparingly to keep in touch with family members and close friends
i use hangouts for calls over internet
I use twitter for fgc and gaming in general
i use instagram the most probably
telegram for chats
youtube like everybody else

it's ok. the more i use them, the less i care. i prefer to go outside and live or go back home to study.and chill.

well user, all my friends use it and I don't want to have a Facebook account. And if messenger is like Facebook i really don't think it's faster than whatsapp

I know WhatsApp is the worst thing I've ever used

But everyone uses it here in germany. Literally EVERY SINGLE ONE. I don't know anyone who doesn't use WhatsApp.

So it's extremely difficult to convince people to switch to another messaging app

Whatsapp for highschool friends, Facebook to use Course study groups, Sup Forums to laugh at retards.

Reddit :)

Twitter is good for following artists, subgroups, scanlators, etc. Tumblr too yo a lesser extent.

It's not like i browse these sites regularly though

Whatsapp because every single living thing uses it here.

From the ones you mentioned in the screencap, only reddit.

Still have fb, have not logged in since last year

I use snapchat with some of my friends

I use telgram to chat with friends.

I'm more interested in which phone you're using, OP. That's an interesting OEM skin.

Facebook, Facebook Msg, IG and Snapchat

Face Slim, Messenger Lite

>friends are complaining that i don't respond to them on snapchat anymore
>explain to them how snapchat violates your privacy and rights, is nonfree, and if they want to talk to me they should install IRC
>they don't know what IRC is, give me weird looks and leave

This desu. Whatsapp is at least decently encrypted and your messages aren't stored on any servers for long enough to cause any harm. It's not ideal but it's something normies use that is at least tolerable to hackerman

i use Add.

No, I don't need them.

There were a few People switching to Telegram.I convinced my Friends too, but they all just went back because there are always friends of friends that use Whatsapp.

>Thinking Normies know what IRC is

>Having Friends that use Snapchat

Well gee, I'm sorry for having sex.

twitter used to be fun before they shadow banned half their users

>calls others Normies

Yes but everyone uses Whatsapp so it's still the best communications app, deal with it nerd.

s-sauce pls

no - id rather to let Jewtter and Facejew or JewedIn look at my last 30 days worth of cookies

thanks though

Twitter for following security people
Telegram for basic CS friends
Signal for security aware friends
Clover for Sup Forums
Discord for Sup Forums channel


facememe for contacting the other normies

reddit for news/hardware shit

bout it

Sup Forums and Reddit. Like YouTube, Reddit is good if you avoid the comments section

I may be the only one on this board who seriously likes the iOS look

Yes, Sup Forums

I am forced to use Whatsapp
and I use Twitter to follow people, but that's it.

Steam is pretty good for finding interesting people.
what artists do you follow user?
Gum from Jet Set Radio

>Forced to use Whatsapp

Just use SMS?

Huawei p8 lite

Not him but my friends prefer whatsapp over anything, we use sms only when there's not an internet connection between us.

I use Twitter and Discord, I left Facebook though.

only twitter and instagram for my k-pop content

Just say "Nah, what'sapp steals your pictures man".
That's all you need.

no i like it too. but iOS 10 is a shitshow.

just messenger, steam and text.


WhatsApp for some Sup Forums/Reddit groups so that I don't feel lonely.
Reddit for porn and time pass
Sup Forums
Instagram for stalking models
YouTube and a podcast app
That's all I use.

Gotta use Twitter to stay in touch with my homies.
Still have a Facebook account tho, but haven't been on it for like 2 years because everyone on that site is so full of themselves.

>reddit for news/hardware shit
Any examples?



sounds like Sup Forums came up with its own social network

> Having friends

i use telegram, cause i liek the name
then again i has 0 friendo

Telegram is the superior messaging app, but still not wide-spread enough is where it's at

[spoiler] reddit [/spoiler]

Facebook, Insta, Reddit, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Skype, Youtube, Twitter.

Gotta pay the bills and business doesn't just market itself.

No. The most normie programs I have installed are Kik and Discord. I mostly hang around on image boards and in IRC.

Just pick better friends that aren't social media obsessed tards and that will actually spend time with you. Family can get over the fact that you aren't able to see your aunt's political shitposts or like grandma's yearly family photo.

Fuck off, normie.

>install IRC
It's a protocol, you fucking normie.

>normies that enter something other than their email address in their email programs name field

all phone posters should be banned pls