Why don't you buy a Sup Forums pass™?
Why don't you buy a Sup Forums pass™?
fucking wrong board.
It was supposed to be uploaded on Sup Forums.
I bought one using buttcoins back in 2012. It's not worth it.
Because it costs money.
Who is that guy whose face is on the mask?
Christein Pooleberg.
mark zuckerberg
Bill Gates
but if you buy a Sup Forums pass you can
jerk off to real CP
Who says I haven't?
Enjoy training the botnet's AI.
I'm not a pedo. No anime for me.
I want newfags to leave
Goy passes weren't released until 2012, you idiot.
With the google Captcha getting worse every weeks, I seriously consider buying it
I don't want to waste my money
Found the newfriend
>pay $20 a year for Hiro so I can shitpost
>work for Google FOR FREE
I'd rather give 20 bucks to Jackie Sup Forums
because captchas are literally cancer
why should I be giving money to google by training their algos when I really actually want to support this site
projecting much? homo
I don't support kikery.
>tfw you miss the days when Sup Forums was run by moot